Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Katherine Update

Well, it's been a while. Sorry about that. And I know I've said this before, but this time I really mean it - I'm ready to start writing again. I NEED to start writing again. I'm just so bored and lazy lately. I feel like I'm barely in school because I only have three classes: one which meets once a week and no classes on Friday. So like I said, sometimes it doesn't even feel like I'm in school. Nonetheless, I'm totally ready to graduate. 2 more months and then I'm done with school!!!! Yay!!! Well, then I have to come back to stupid Miami for student teaching, but hopefully that'll go by quick. And at least I get the whole summer off before having to come back here. I'm really pumped about this summer. Crossing my fingers that it turns out as great as I hope it will be, but all that depends. We'll see, but either way I'm still super excited to graduate and super excited about summer.

So here's what I want to talk about - ME! I was reading my last blog entry and realized that I am hopeless when it comes to setting goals for myself. The only goal I've ever had that managed to get accomplished was graduating top ten in high school. And now looking back that seems so completely insignificant. Every new year I make a list of goals, of resolutions to follow, and I never do. It's really sad. So I know it's March already and I'm two months behind, but I'm going to set some goals for myself and I swear I'm going to do whatever I can to follow them! So here they are - goals that are going to help me become Katherine again!

Start praying again - even if it's not every night
Go to church as often as I can - so long as I'm not out of town
Keep up with my journal
Read more - at least put a dent in my HUGE list of books to read
Stop cussing - MUST STOP! MUST STOP!
Get in shape - and by this I mean start going to the rec at least a few times a week
Write in my blog more - I miss writing and sharing my life with people
Save money - yeah...I'm totally broke and in debt...
Be more honest and assertive - I don't want to stop being nice and polite, I just want to work on putting myself and my feelings first sometimes. I don't do it very often.

So, here's hoping that the goals are realistic enough that I can stick to them. Notice how I left out to stop procrastinating? Yeah...that one just isn't plausible. lol.


Thursday, January 08, 2009

Here's to 2009!

For me, 2008 was a roller coaster ride. There were ups and downs, sudden drops and quick turns. Sometimes I had to close my eyes wanting to cry. Sometimes I couldn't help to smile and laugh. And sometimes I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. But most of all, it just went so fast that before I could blink it was over. Overall though, it was a great year. I experienced some new things, learned some lessons, and just had a great time living life. I wouldn't trade a single moment of 2008 for any reason - no regrets, no what ifs, no if onlys. So now I'm going into 2009 with the same state of mind. It's going to be another roller coaster ride, but it's going to be a blast. So here are some things that I hope will make it even better - my new year resolutions. I know there are a lot, but this way I can at least manage to accomplish a few of them!

New Year resolutions
  1. Pray every night
  2. Go to church every Sunday
  3. Keep up with my journal
  4. Read more
  5. Stop cussing
  6. Get in shape
  7. Write in my blog more
  8. Save money
  9. Stop procrastinating
  10. Work on old and new friendships
  11. Work on my study abroad scrapbook
  12. Listen to more music (more variety too)
  13. Be more social
  14. Be more honest and assertive (pretty much just stand up for myself and not let people walk all over me)
  15. Start writing again
  16. Work on my "things to do before I die" list
  17. Try not to depend on men so much
  18. Live for me
I think it's a pretty good list. We'll see how it goes. Thank you everyone who was apart of my 2008. It wouldn't have been the same without you! I hope you can be there to experience 2009 with me!

With love,
