Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Top Six

Marissa asked me the other day what my top five favorite c.d.s were. So I looked carefully through my lap top music selection and finally narrowed it down to six c.d.s (I don't like odd numbers...). Then she said that I couldn't count greatest hits because they weren't the real c.d.s from that artist...just a mixture of their songs...but if I didn't count greatest hits than I would only have two top favorite c.d.s...so I said screw that!

So here are my top six favorite c.d.s (in alphabetical order) that I could listen to over and over again and never get tired of.

1. Billy Joel - The Essential Billy Joel
2. James Taylor - James Taylor
3. Jim Croce - Classic Hits

4. Queen - Greatest Hits Volume I
5. The Eagles - Greatest Hits Volume II
6. The Killers - Hot Fuss

(Correctly alphabetized thanks to Dad) :)

Of course, I discluded movie soundtracks because they're not just one artist, but a mixture of artists. However, if I were to include soundtracks then obviously my favorites are the Love Actually soundtrack and My Best Friend's Wedding soundtrack. Although I'm digging the latter more now because it's more about losing love or not having love as opposed to being in love like the Love Actually soundtrack.

Sidenote: Don't you just love how music can express your very thoughts and emotions in simple lyrics?! I freaking love music! It rocks my world!

Peace out.


Response to Marissa's comment because blogger is still being stupid and not letting me comment on any other blogs:
I decided no Beatles because 1.) There are too many great Beatles c.d.s and I wouldn't be able to choose and 2.) I admit that although I love Beatles with all my heart, there is not just one c.d. of theirs that I love every song and could listen to over and over again no matter what mood I'm in...

Monday, February 26, 2007

Temporarily Out of Order

I have pulled more all nighters this semester of college than I ever have in my entire school career. In the early years of high school I would only stay up all night for huge projects such as the Cytology project in Biology. Then of course came a series of all nighters for the research project in 11th grade. And eventually it came to the point where I'd study non-stop with practically no sleep for two days prior to every Government test. Last year for college it began...pulling all nighters for almost every single exam AND major paper. But now...it's not just the exams and papers...it's homework too.

I don't get much sleep. Really it's my fault, but I won't get into a big procrastination spiel again (Happy Marissa?). The fact of the matter is...I have never minded pulling all nighters before. In fact, it's always made me feel a little more studious, like I'm just a hard worker. Really...that's not it. I never minded all nighters because I always had someone to talk to on AIM to keep me company. Really...I've always thought that a decent conversation is well worth a sleepless night. I mean, let's face it. In five years would I rather look back and think "Ah...so many restful nights" or am I going to think "That was one nice conversation."

Don't get me wrong, I love sleep just as much as the next person. In fact there are times I just want to sleep through entire days...It's just that now...all nighters aren't worth the trouble. It's just me taking my dear old time doing the work that should have already been done. There's no one to talk to anymore. Nobody who is also staying up late to do a last minute lab report or study for an exam. I miss knowing that there are people like me who hate school, but stay up ridiculously late just to keep their grades up...but most of all I just miss the company. I miss feeling like someone looks forward to talking to me. It's been a while...


Monday, February 19, 2007

Procrastinators Unite!

So I have this weird habit of always wondering exactly what I was doing a year ago to the day...and of course one of the best ways to answer such a question is to look at my old blog posts. So I just went back to February of 2006 and you will NEVER believe what I found. The post is all about how I am so stupid because I can never make myself do homework when I go home for the weekend even though I have SO much to do: http://kml12.blogspot.com/2006/02/what-is-wrong-with-me.html

Why is it so unbelievable that I wrote such a post at this exact time last year you ask? Because I am in the exact SAME situation right now. I just went home for a wonderful three day weekend, but had SO much crap to do. I have a 4-6 page paper due tomorrow and an exam bright and early in the morning, but even though I took home an entire bookbag full of stuff to work on I didn't accomplish a single thing! And here I read that a year ago I also went home for the weekend with the intention of writing a paper and studying for an exam, but of course I didn't do any of it.

So I guess from one aspect it's weird that exactly a year ago today I was in the EXACT same situtation...but then again...I'm ALWAYS procrastinating whether I'm home or here...so it's not so unbelievable after all...

In other news, I had a wonderful weekend home despite the fact that I completely screwed myself over. I went bowling with Marissa, Josh, and Will and bowled my highest ever! 108! Woohoo! It's odd...usually I only bowl like once every year or two...but it's only the second month of the new year and I've been bowling four times! Wow! I also finally got my cell phone fixed. For the past month and a half the sound has been broken and I couldn't hear it ring or anything. But my dad got a new speaker and fixed it himself so now, finally, after so long I have the joy of hearing my wonderful ringer, Accidentally in love. I missed it so much!

Well, I suppose I better get started on that paper I have to do...even though I'd much rather sleep or do ANYTHING else! Oh well...don't you just love college? (Or hate it with a fiery passion...)

Peace out!


Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Tribute

Well, I'm a little late for a Valentine's day post. And considering last year I went a little overboard (http://kml12.blogspot.com/2006/02/ode-to-valentines-day.html) with the crazy romantic love mumbo jumble...I think I'll take a more subtle approach this time around. So this isn't one of those "Valentine's day is so special and love is magical" things...this is the truth....a tribute to that innocent, naive, girl I used to be.
  • Falling in love may be easy, but to stay in love and make a relationship work isn't peaches and cream.
  • There's a reason romantic comedies always end when the boy and girl get together. You don't want to see what happens afterwards because it would be real life.
  • Just like it takes two people to make a relationship work, it takes two people to make a relationship fail.
  • Only you know when it's really time to end the relationship or not. No one else can tell you what to do.
  • Just because you don't want it to end, doesn't mean it shouldn't.
  • You may not want to give up love, but you can't always get what you want. Sometimes you have no choice.
  • No matter how many comforting words people can say, nothing can ease the pain
  • And there’s no sugar coating it. You’ll be in pain for a long time.
  • Just because they leave you, doesn't mean you let them go
  • They'll still be in your thoughts, your memory, your dreams, even your prayers
  • I like to think that's when you know you're really in love...when they break your heart, yet you pray for their happiness more than your own.
  • And that's another thing...that phrase...the breaking heart...people don't even understand....You don't uderstand unless you really KNOW.
    It's not just a cliche. They say your heart breaks because it REALLY does.
  • Your heart is in a million pieces. And even if someday you piece them all back together again, it won't be full because some of the pieces are missing.
  • They're missing and you'll never get them back.
  • But even though you may be barely breathing, you're not dead.
  • And it's entirely possible to be pessimistic and optimistic at the same time
  • Because the truth is, that's life. You've got to take the good with the bad.
  • The good is that eventually you'll be happy again
  • The good is that you had the chance to be happy at all, even if it did end
  • Life may be bad, but you have to believe that it will get better.
  • What other chance do we have?

So Happy Valentine's Day to those who are in pain. Happy Valentine's Day to those who have no hope. And Happy Valentine's Day to those who will someday eventually be happy again.


Monday, February 12, 2007

TAG...I'm it!

So I personally wasn't tagged, but I saw this in my cousin, Josh's, myspace blog and I just had to jump in the game of tag because let's face it, it's pretty much the most awesome game ever! It's especially fun in Wal Mart, I might add...

So for this blog tag you just need to name seven weird things about yourself or habits that people don't know about you. So here it goes...

1. I hate strawberries, but I like most strawberry flavored food.

2. My biggest pet peeve is wet socks...I hate them! If I get a sock wet I immediately change into new socks, and if I'm not around a fresh pair of socks then I have to get the other sock wet too...so I'm semetrical.

3. Whenever I'm bored or nervous or just any time really...for no reason at all I always hum the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy...I've been doing it ever since we sang it in high school choir my freshman year...

4. I have spent years trying to perfect the art of drawing a star without cheating and having the lines show up in the middle (I'm almost there...)

5. I turn off sink faucets and open bathroom doors with a paper towell (Germs, people! They're everywhere! And you'd be surprised how many people don't wash their hands after using the restroom...it's quite disturbing).

6. Frosting is my comfort food...if I'm depressed hide the frosting because I'll seriously eat spoonfuls at a time...

7. I want to name a daughter Chrysanthemum (I'm sure a lot of you already knew that one...but it's pretty weird so I had to include it).

Well, there you have it. Seven things that only convince me more that I am one weird girl...and it's no wonder I don't have a Valentine. Ha ha... So if anyone wants to continue the game of tag just go for it! Don't wait to be personally tagged.

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Stupid blogger

What is it with computers always needing to upgrade things? I have had this blog now for I think three years this summer. Of course, I've actually only been writing in it for maybe two, but still...it's the whole concept of me actually having the decency to have a blog for a whole three years. That's a long time. And I understand that the blogger website is capable of upgrading their website, but why should I be forced to upgrade?! It's my blog and I don't like change! It isn't always good!

I remember the last time that AIM upgraded. I decided that I didn't want to upgrade because I liked the old AIM just fine. I repeat, I don't like change. So many of my friends upgrade to the new AIM and they don't even like it. They complained about it. And now everytime I talk to someone that has the new AIM I have to change the color of my font because my pretty white lettering doesn't show up on their stupid new AIM. Now isn't that a waste of an upgrade.

Instead of upgrading stupid computer things that don't even need upgrading why don't they instead upgrade things that we could benefit from? For instance, let's upgrade the food in the vending machines down in the basement of my dorm. How about we get some Pringles and Mike & Ikes in there? Those two things alone would be a huge improvement. And how about some chocolate milk in the beverage machine? I am a growing college student! (Well...not technically...I'm pretty sure I'm stuck at 5 foot 1 unil the day I die...unless I shrink with old age...that would suck).

And how about upgrading Music Jukebox so I can actually download music? That would be pretty sweet. I have a whole freaking lot of music on my laptop, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood to listen to any of it! Half of it reminds me of people and stuff that I need to just freaking stop thinking about (But that's a whole other story). If I could download music then it would save so much time. I wouldn't have to go to yahoo music and sign in and then search for the songs I want to hear only to find that they don't have them. And I know what you're thinking. "Katherine, there are other programs that you could use to download music." But I can't. They mess up my computer. So work with me, music jukebox. Upgrade!

I guess there really was no point to this ramble. I just went to sign into my blog with no real idea of what to write about and it made me upgrade...and I was doing so good avoiding it for so long. I am so mad at blogger right now. I have half a mind to switch to xanga. But that would be just stupid.

Peace out!


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Six million dollar question

I took a little time recently to look through all of my old blog posts, and was surprised to see that there was actually a time when I was writing something new at least every other day. I have always really enjoyed writing and continue to do so, yet I also noticed that I have written a total of eight blogs in the past three months. EIGHT?! In THREE MONTHS?! What is wrong with me?!

Well, that seems to be the six million dollar question these days. Or at least it's what I'm constantly pondering with almost every single thing I do. I used to dream every night, but now only manage one every couple of weeks. I have always hated doing school work, but at least before I could actually force myself to do it earlier than midnight the day before it's due. I used to actually keep in contact with people...now the only text messages or phone calls I receive or send are Marissa or my parents.

What is wrong with me?! I don't know! You'd think that after three months I would at least be back on my way to being me again. The other day I accidentally missed my 8 a.m. class for the second time and went into my professor's office hours to explain that I've been having troubles waking up to my alarm because I stay up really late (usually 4 a.m. on those nights when I miss class). I had intended on simply telling her I have a problem falling asleep and waking up, but I ended up breaking into tears crying FOR NO REASON AT ALL!

I don't know what's wrong with me. I want to be happy so bad. I want to be the old Katherine. I know I can't be the Katherine I was those six months, yet I can't go back to being the Katherine I was before those six months. I love that Katherine. She was great. Why can't I be her again? Lord knows I want to...

If you miss the old Katherine then please, help bring her back.
What did you like about her?

The new Katherine