Sunday, May 07, 2006

Can you believe it?!

Wow...can you believe that it's been a year since I started writing in this thing again? Which means, it's been a year since my last birthday! That's right! I am now 19 years old. Yay for me! One more year and I'll be two decades old...geesh...I'm getting old. I don't want to grow up. You know, last year on my birthday I was a senior in high school and this year on my birthday I'm totally a sophomore in college. Now if that isn't crazy I don't know what is.

So yesterday for my birthday I went to my cousin Josh's wedding, and it was wonderful. Very beautiful. So since we did that all day yesterday I get to celebrate my birthday today. So we're having cake and ice cream in like an hour. Yum Yum! I'm excited, even though I feel like I've been eating nothing but desserts since lent ended and it's the least thing I need right now, especially since I don't have a very convenient rec center a two minute walk away anymore. Which means I need to start running or something....dear me.

So I have been home for summer for about five days now! And let me just say that it is amazing! Now only have I not had to do any schoolwork, but I've started working again (chaching!) and I get to see my wonderful family. And not to mention my friends...this one guy in particular :) So you know me I've just been chilling by the beach getting a tan. Ha ha. No...if you think that then you DON'T know me. I've basically been trying to get my room organized and all cleaned and working. Which will basically be my entire summer. Well, not so much the cleaning. But definitely working and spending time with friends and family!

So I'll be sure to try and keep updating this thing as much as possible, but then again it doesn't really matter because I doubt anyone will even continue reading this thing now that the summer is here and we'll all be so busy with work. But you never know, so stay tuned! Oh, and I am totally getting my wisdom teeth taken out this Tuesday...and I am VERY scared, and going to probably be VERY puffy-faced and sad just sitting here all alone at my house. So if anyone wants to come visit me then be my guest! Just don't laugh at my blimp of a face.

Keep smiling :)

1 comment:

. said...

haha, i'm gonna come make fun of you and poke you with a little stick calling you a chipmunk!