Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Katherine Marie Lunt: The Return

Guess what!!! The long awaited return of my blog has arrived! Now I know what you're all thinking, "Oh, great. This is going to be the boring post where she updates on everything she's been doing since she last posted." Well, sorry to disappoint, but you're wrong! I am not going to update on everything. It's been four months! Do you realize how much time that is?! 1/3 of a year! Do you know how much has happened in that 1/3 of a year?! SO much! And do you know how long it would take to update on EVERYTHING that's happened?! Longer than you'll be willing to read! So in order to sidestep "the update" and jump right into what I'm doing NOW let me sum up the past 1/3 of a year as short as possible.

Summer ended. I am now studying abroad in England. It is AMAZING! Life is GREAT! I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER!

There. I think that will suffice. Now let's move on to more important things...like the present :)
(Sorry if any of you were genuinely hoping for an update. But chances are you all know me and have been keeping in touch with me anyway. And if you haven't, well, just ask. I'm always more than happy to share!)

Basically, I am at odds with myself about what to do with this blog. For as long as I can remember I have been writing about the most random, unusual, and sometimes embarrassing topics. I've shared my innermost feelings, discussed topics that strike my whimsical fancy, and examined ideas of sheer brilliance AND ludicrousy. But now, everything has changed. Everything is different. You see, I'm abroad. And that, my friend, changes everything.

The friends that I've met here all have blogs too. Travel blogs. They write about where they go, who they meet, what they see. It's only natural to want to share your experiences and opportunities with those that love you...or those that read your blog. But I, well, I don't know if I can do that. I don't know if I can turn my pride and joy, my escape from reality, the crazy innerworkings of my mind, into a travel blog. The mere thought...well, it turns all my hard work into rubbish. So I ask you, my most faithful readers, my dear friends and family, you obsessive stalkers, would it be absolutely horrible if I did not write about every single detail of my abroad experiences? Would it be so bad if I didn't change a thing? You think about it...and let me know :)

If you love life, life will love you back

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
