Monday, May 16, 2005


Lonely, I'm so lonely, I have nobody, forl my own. I know what you're thinking, that's really sad...but it's a really cool song. I don't know whether it's old or new, but it's by some guy name Akon (yeah...weird name). I think it's rap...maybe slow rap, I don't know. It's odd, I don't normally like rap, I mean, there are only a few rap songs I can stand, and this is definitely one of them. Why you may ask? Because it's got the awesome voice that sounds like Alvin and the Chipmunks! The voice just keeps singing, "Lonely, I'm so lonely, I have nobody, for my own." If you haven't heard it, you need to, and least for a good laugh. Oh my, and now I just found out that it's a remake of an old song called Mr. Lonely by Bobby Vinton. That's cool.

Alright, now let's's been about a week since I last's new...First of all, I had an awesome week. It was just so relaxing, and I was in a much better mood. Even though I still had a lot on my mind and was still sort of depressed, because I mean, let's face it, I just need more time...but still I had such an awesome week. One of the nights, Twila came over and we watched National Treasure. It was freaking awesome! Good movie! I give it an 8 out of 10, 10 being the best. The end of the week started out great. Thursday night after I got off work Amy, Tiffani, Beth, and Ashley came over and we hung out and pigged out. It was awesome. Then Ashley and Beth left and the rest of us went to bed, but actually talked for like another hour. It was so much fun. Then Friday morning was, of course, senior skip day and about 14 of us seniors went to breakfast at Denny's. That was cool. I just love how we have different groups in our class, but those groups can mix up and we can all get along so well. We just have the best class ever! You all know it's true!

Alright, so the rest of my senior skip day was pretty cool, except that I had to go back to school. That sucked, but oh well. Alright, so Cafe Redbird was ridiculously long Friday night, and so I didn't get to Matt Rooks' senior party until like 11:30, and then I left around 12:45, and it was raining crazy. It was hard driving home. Then Friday night I slept in until 2 p.m. I got 12 hours of sleep! That felt really good. then Saturday night after Cafe Redbird I ruined it by only getting 5 hours, that sucks. So now I'm all tired again. Sigh, oh well. So, today was rather long. I went to church, then my cousin's first communion party, then to Acres of Fun with Project Support, where I came in 5 out of 5 in laser tag, and 1st out of 4 in go karts.

Alright, so I suppose overall I would give this week a 7 out of 10, 10 being the best. I'm still hoping for a 10 week, but that probably won't happen for a while. ..oh well, I can at least hope they'll only get better as time goes on. Well, again, I'm sorry this was so long, but hey, I'm not holding you at gunpoint to make you read this. Catch you all later, bye.


. said...

wait... if YOUR not the one holding the gun... who's behind me?

Katherine said...

Maybe that's not a gun...Is Danny there with you? lol

. said...

OMG. would you stop that? thats just pure disgusting. He hasnt been to my house in about a month, and i havent been to his in like 2 months. we dont even talk or see each other. so STOP IT!

Katherine said...

Alright, alright...I'll stop, even though I shouldn't because you wouldn't dance with me at prom.

. said...

ever think i wouldnt dance with you because you continuously harass me with danny sayings?

Katherine said...

Yeah, sorry about the short notice thing, by the time we realized we should call and invite you it was late at night, but I thought I'd call anyway, hence the probably embarrassing message on your phone that you never keep turned on, lol. I'm glad you had a good senior skip day though.