Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I am SO excited!

I don't know about you, but I am just SO excited about everything! Excited to be going home this weekend! Excited about Easter! Excited about getting to eat sweets in four days! Excited about this beautiful spring weather! Excited that school is almost out! Excited that summer is almost here! Excited to start making some money! Excited to spend some time with my friends! Excited that I have a new baby cousin! Excited that it's a girl! Just excited about everything!

I don't know about you, but this beautiful spring weather just makes me so happy! I suppose it's the usual change of season happiness of something new, but it's probably the best season change of them all. Well, I do love the change from summer to fall because of the leaves changing colors and let's just say it's a tie for best season change. But still, it just makes me have this overwhelming feeling of happiness. Even when it seems I should have a bad day, I just can't bring myself to feel mad when the weather is so gosh darn beautiful!

I don't know about you, but sometimes I just get this wonderful feeling of happiness to be alive. I could just be walking outside or doing something and I think "Wow, life is great!" It's the best feeling in the world to feel that sense of appreciation for everything, and I'm so glad I'm not one of those pessimistic "I hate life" people. maybe sometimes when I get behind in a lot of schoolwork and I get only one hour of sleep and etc. I do get a little "I hate life...right now" things. But even then it only lasts until the situation has passed, and even then I still know that things are going to get better. Because let's just fae it. LIFE IS GREAT! And I don't know about you, but I'm going to enjoy it while I can.

Loving life!

P.S. I do however really HATE my computer that keeps freezing on me and being ridiculously slow! Grrrr!

1 comment:

Tyrus said...

It sounds like your computer has a virus, or some serious malware. Might want to update your protection ( has free stuff).