Wednesday, December 06, 2006

And a year later...

So finals week is almost upon me...and I have much to do. I'm half way through an eight page writing assignment, I have a five page paper to write, a portfolio to do, a short story to revise, and three finals to study for. I'm trying to manage my time wisely, but we all know how crazy it is to concentrate during crunch time...So needless to say I've been doing my fair share of procrastinating (Go figure). Last night I was looking through some old blog entries and I found one from exactly a year ago today, December 6, 2005! And how appropriate, it was all about procrastinating, and included one of those good old surveys about myself.

So I thought what better way to procrastinate than to update a survey I did a year ago and see how many of the answers have changed. And that's exactly what I did. Some of my answers stayed the same and some changed. If you want to check out the old answers then you can click here: And if you want to see the new answers then just look below! Heehee.

::51 things you didn't know about me (Or maybe you do...)

1. What is your middle name? Marie
2. Last person you kissed? That would be my last boyfriend...whom I still love…but who doesn’t love me anymore…
3. What are you listening to right now? Cold December by Matt Costa and other Christmas/winter music
4. Last two digits of your phone number? Still 41...
5. Last thing you ate? Some Honey Roasted Peanuts...yum!
6. Last person you hugged? Marissa when she went home this past weekend
7. How is the weather right now? Not very wintery, and I'm mad! Where's the snow?!
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom, I was telling her what my professor thought of my short story...
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Physical quality would still have to be their smile. When I see a nice smile, I can’t help but smile too. If we’re talking about characteristics I would have to say their ability to make me laugh.
10. Favorite type of food? Well…since Marissa and I are still having our no dessert bet then I’m going to have to say dessert. Any kind! Chocolate! Cheesecake! Cow tales! Yum…
11. Do you drink? I think this means alcohol. I will drink very rarely, and when I do it is only one small drink at a time and it’s always when I’m at home, not at a party. I have never been drunk.
12. Do you smoke? No way! And I’m very thankful that soon people won’t be able to smoke in restaurants.
13. Ever get so drunk you don’t remember what you did? No, thank goodness. Personally I don’t see what’s so fun about that…
14. Hair color? I like to call it dull red. It’s not as pretty as Marissa and mom’s
15. Eye Color? Um…I’d say blue/gray…nothing extraordinary.
16. Do you wear contacts? Nope.
17. Favorite Holiday? Only the best holiday ever, and it’s almost here! Christmas time, baby!
18. When's your birthday? May 6, 1987
19. Have you ever cried for no reason? Oh yes, I think a good cry every now and then is healthy…but recently I’ve been crying for a specific reason…
20. Last movie you watched? Um….let me think…I’ll go with the last full movie I watched, which was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
21. Last time you were at work? Just this past Thanksgiving break. It was nice to be back. I’ll probably work some over Christmas break too.
22. Last time you were out of your town? I’m going to refer to “your town” as where I am now, which is Oxford. So the answer is when I went HOME to Loudonville for Thanksgiving break.
23. Last time you went bowling? Um…it has been a long time…I do believe that it was Christmas break last year with Miss Tiffani Martini and Marissa Grunt.
24. Something unusual about you? Well, last year I said that I couldn’t wink, but now I sort of can (even though it’s not pretty to look at). So I’ll have to say that something unusual about me is that I don’t like strawberries, but I do like certain strawberry flavored things.
25. Favorite breakfast food? Yeah…not a big breakfast person. I have been eating A LOT of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal this year…only it wasn’t for breakfast…
26. Favorite color? Blue!
27. What are you afraid of? Losing a loved one.
28. If you could take a trip anywhere, where would it be? Um…I think England…and actually I will hopefully be studying abroad there next year!
29. What books are you reading? Unfortunately none at the moment…over Christmas break I do plan on reading The Da Vinci Code and hopefully some other books.
30. Piercings? I just have my ears pierced.
31. Favorite movie? Yeah…if you know me at all you know it’s very hard for me to pick just one favorite movie, but I’m going to have to say that Pirates of the Caribbean is still way up there. Johnny Depp AND Orlando Bloom, come on!
32. Favorite basketball team? I’m still going to have to say the LHS basketball team from my senior year.
33. What were you doing before you filled this out? Actually being productive! Woo Hoo!
34. Any pets? Well, Anna is officially an outside cat now, but we have TWO new baby kittens! Pepper is a long haired calico with mitten paws! And Ginger is a long haired orange and white cat. They’re sisters!
35. Instant Messenger name? You probably all have it, especially if you are reading my blog.
36. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn? Oh…butter popcocrn…you rock my world.
37. DOGS OR CATS? Definitely a cat person, but I can stand some types of dogs.
38. Favorite Flower? Still Chrysanthemums39. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? I’m sure I have, but I can’t think of anything specific…
40. Are you single or taken? That’s funny. Last year I answered “single, but not by choice.” And I'd have to say that still fits for this year…go figure.
41. Have you ever loved someone? Yes, with all my heart…and it was the most wonderful thing anyone could possibly feel. I am so thankful for having the chance to love that much.
42. Who would you like to see right now? My parents, at least I know that they won’t just stop loving me.
43. What's your occupation? No occupation just yet…still an English Education major though…and feeling a bit more confident about it.
44. Have you ever fired a gun? Um…I still don’t know if it was a real gun or not…Danny DeVault had it at one of Matt’s bonfires back in high school
45. Do you like to travel by plane? I can’t really say because I’ve only been on a tiny plane for like 5 minutes on the way to Put-in-Bay in the winter. That is going to make it extremely difficult to be on a plane for such a long time if I study abroad next year.
46. Right-handed or left-handed? Right, but I wish I were ambidextrous. That’d be cool.
47. If you could be with someone right now, who would it be? Um…well I always want to see my family and my girls, but honestly I think Josh and Will because Marissa and them had a lot of fun this last weekend, and I felt left out because I stupidly chose to stay here.
48. How many pillows do you sleep with? I sleep with one pillow under my head, but I lay on my stomach, sort of on my hands…so I really barely use it…um...nevermind.
49. Are you missing someone? Yes, I miss someone probably too much.
50. Do you have a tattoo? Nope.
51. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? Nah…not anymore. If I can I like to sleep in on Saturdays.

I guess not a whole lot has changed...
Procrastinators Unite!



Anonymous said...

I CAN NOT believe you and sis have still not eaten chocolate/dessert. WERE do you get you strength - certainly NOT from me who bought 1/2 pound of chocolate covered peanuts last night and ate them - whoops - don't tell dad. Enjoyed reading your questions, but really favorite movie is Pirates of the Caribbean?? When there are so many better movies out there like...hmm... GROUNDHOG DAY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Eek - I mean WHERE do you get YOUR strength. Fingers to fast for brain.

Marissa said...

maybe we get our strenth from patrick..i mean he can go days without eating... haha. Katherine, there is one major thing that is different in the two surveys..This time you wrote a paragraph for each answer! seriously dude...a simple one word answer would suffice..but still an enjoyable read.