Friday, July 15, 2005

Stupid Blog

Well, this was not the original title of this blog entry, but since the stupid blog somehow erased the entry I had dedicated time and patience to writing I am rather ticked off. And now I have to rewrite it all, and you know it won't be as good as the original one was, but oh well...I must make a second attempt to satisfy my readers. Haha.

Alright, so I know I haven't updated in a while. I've been rather busy and whatnot. But here I am, finding time. Yesterday was such a wonderful beautiful day. I know what you're thinking, "Katherine, it rained yesterday." That was the best part! Due to the beautiful rain I didn't have to work at the pool. Therefore, I got the entire day off! I spent the first two hours or so reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire on my porch, watching the rain. It was really relaxing. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince comes out tomorrow! I'm so excited! Due to the fact that I still need to re-read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix before book number 6, Marissa is going to read the new one first. But I'm still super excited.

So, since it's been so long since I last posted I need to update on my wonderful trip to Put-in-Bay. I went there with my family for the Fourth of July fireworks. But not only was it just my family, Brian and Sam went too. Brian with me, and Sam with Marissa of course. I was worried about Sam and Brian getting along, but I think they got along better than Marissa and I. Yeah...we argue a lot...but what siblings don't?

Put-in-Bay was a lot of fun. We rode around in a golf cart, went putt putting, ate chocolate, and visited with my family. I saw my cousins, Charlie and Danny. I haven't seen them for a good three years. And even though I'm a few years older, they are of course, much taller. I'm really short...and I look like I'm like 12...Oh No, but definitely the best thing about the trip was the chocolate...Oh, I mean spending three days straight with Brian. Heehee. No, really it was wonderful. And now I'm back to seeing him like every other day....sigh.

So when I got back from P.I.B. I basically just worked a lot..again...But I actually got to have a social life too! Friday night the Fine Five reunited once again! That's right, Amy, Ashley, Tiffani, Marissa, and I went camping! Well, not really camping...we just slept in a tent outside at Amy's house, lol. We got a late start, but that didn't stop us from girl talking until wee hours of the morning. And I'm talking good juicy girl talk here. It was fun, lol.

Then Saturday evening I had dinner with Kelly Lew, my old gal pal from cheerleading Junior year. We don't really get to talk much or hang out, so it was nice to catch up. So after a long weekend of working...a lot...Twila, Marissa, and I drove to Steubenville to visit my cousin, Lauren, for her birthday. We met a lot of her college friends and stuff. And since it was her 21st birthday I got to try a Margarita and a Mudslide. Now come on people, I'm not the kind of person who drinks...when I say I tried them it means I had a sip of each. I don't think I cared for the Mudslide much, but the Margarita was pretty good, except for the salt they put around the rim of the glass.

The next day we all went shopping in Pennsylvania. And I didn't know this, but Pennsylvania has no sales tax! Yeah, that's right. I saved a whole bunch of money because I didn't have to pay tax. I must so it was a lot of fun. I got a lot of good deals on clothes. And it was great hanging out with Lauren and Twila. So after returning home I've just been back to working. All this work...and some play...but still I just love summer. It's wonderful. I am excited to start college and meet new people and whatnot, but I'm enjoying my summer so much. But all good things must come to an end...but not for another I'm still enjoying it.

Alright, well if you're still reading this you're crazy! Geesh, this was freaking long. And hey, all you anonymous readers out there, if you feel like it leave a comment. I promise it doesn't hurt. But if you don't want to that's cool too. It's just nice to know I'm not writing this so Brian, Kenny, and I can comment back and forth to each other, lol. Alright, I'm off. Peace out!



Laura said...

Alright, I know that you've been told that I was talking about you, and that you may think that I hate you or you hate me. Well, I do not hate you, and I'm sorry about the whole talking about you thing. I don't know if Jessica told you, but I did say that Sam had said the stuff and my opinion wasn't really assigned because I don't really know you. So if this means anything, I'm apologizing.

Katherine said...

I don't hate you, I barely know you. And I really don't care what other people think, especially Sam, because I mean, it's Sam. So, just don't worry about it, it's all good. And I don't know if you are, but don't be mad at Jessica because it's not like she called me just to tell me people were talking about me. It's not like that. Thanks for saying something though.

Katherine said...

Brian, I realize you may have forgotten between P.I.B. and reading this blog that we played putt putt twice. And you lost the first time. Sorry, just had to mention, lol.

Katherine said...

lol, right...practice. :)

Katherine said...

Hey, who doesn't really care about winning because it's just supposed to be fun? Me! That's what I thought, lol.

Laura said...

Well, I don't know if you've noticed.. but playing non-competitively is so the best. That way you don't have to get all down if you mess up. Being competitive makes it blow because everybody is all being a jerk like, "Oh, yeah.. I'm the best". When all you wanna do is retort, "Well you can suck it you twit!" -Just my opinion. lol I'm with Katherine on this one, for fun is the best.

Katherine said... some people like putt putting for fun, some people like putt putting competitively. I'm sure to both types of people it's most fun however they play. So since it's really just an opinion there is no need for us to debate over it any further.

Katherine said...

Oh, but thank you both for commenting. I enjoy reading comments, and it's good to know people read.

. said...

god shut up! all of you!

Katherine said...

Oh shut up, Sugar Lips.

. said...

yes massa,
