Friday, September 02, 2005

College and whatnot...

Well, I'm afriad it's been rather long since my last post, and I'm sorry to all you blog readers out there! Especially those of you who always read, but never comment. I hate to take away your entertainment.

I have now been in college for about two weeks...yeah...I'm a college girl...Miami University in Oxford. It is alright here, I don't want to say anything to upset those other Miami students who go here...wait, they don't really read this do they...Okay, so they I won't say anything. No, even if they didn't read this I wouldn't say anything...that would be mean....

I'll just say that although I do not mind being in college, I much prefer high school in little old Loudonville. Back where I knew everyone and they knew me (Or at least knew I was one of those Lunt twins...). When Marissa and I are together here, we get a lot of "Are you twins?" or "Are you sisters?" And then of course, "Dude! Twins!" from the guys that pass by....What is the male fixation on twins really about anyway? I mean, really? I suppose I do like the triplets in the cell phone commercials...but it's not because they're triplets. It's because they're hot! So I suppose these guys just think Marissa and I are hot. :) Heehee.

My classes are alright. I am taking a British Literature class where we read a bunch of old poetry that I don't really understand unless explained to...but I think I may be catching on...I'm also taking a really easy English class that is basically just spending half the time talking about the question of the day (stuff like, where are you from?) and the other half writing. Sweet class. Then I'm taking a Classsical Mythology class where it's basically just the professor talking the entire period, and me frantically taking notes...but it's cool. Once we actually start talking about the myths and not the history and culture of Greece I'll be good. Another class is my theatre appreciation class, which is just awesome. The professor is hilarious, not in a sense that he makes a lot of jokes, but not really in a sense that he's so stupid it's funny. If you get that...probably not. And last but not least there is this Education class, which is basically a humanities class about Socicultural Studies...What a bore...The professor spent about 10 minutes explaining that we couldn't watch a video because someone didn't return it to the library. Okay, maybe it wasn't ten minutes...maybe more like 15...seriously! lol.

My roomate is cool, her name is Jillian. We have a lot in common. We were both cheerleaders in high school, both listen to the same kind of music. It's awesome, I'll be playing something like Journey (though my music isn't cooperating right now...) and she will know the song. And then she'll play country and that is cool because I like country, Yeah, I'll say it. Diss all you want, lol.
Also we were both dating guys for about three months that we graduated with...

Which brings me to the next topic of discussion....I am now single...Yeah, Brian and I are no longer dating...I really won't go into much detail on here so everyone can see...But if you're curious as to what happened exactly, I won't mind you asking. So, yeah...I am single...enough said....

I am very excited to announce that I am coming home this weekend! That's right, for those of you who miss me (And don't act like you don't. Heehee), you will be able to see me this weekend! I will be at the football game tonight to see my buddy, Will, play. Yes, I'm actually going to watch a football game....In Junior High I only went to hang out with my friends and flirt with my crush, and in High School I was cheering. And I admit that I might have really only watched the game to see whether we were offense or defense (which I didn't know the difference until maybe the end of my freshman year...before then I would just ask another cheerleader, "Are we offense or defense?") Pathetic...I know...Also this weekend I will be spending a lot of time with family and hopefully friends! If you want to do something, give me a call! I will be home until maybe mid Monday.

Well, I think that's just about all I have to post on right now. Oh, no, one more thing. Two weeks in college, and I have not yet gained the freshmen 15. I was starting to get out of control the first week...popcorn..., however, it is all good now. So hopefully, I can control myself...

That's all for now, folks! Peace out!



Katherine said...

Well...see there's this oddly shaped ball...and guys wearing lots of padding that makes them look really buff...that's about all I got...

Laura said...

Everything sounds like a lot of fun.. Too bad I'm still in High School... I'll trade you!

. said...

wish you were back with me eh? i trid to talk you into failing government so you could graduate with me but oh no! katherine had to be a bad ass and graduate. can i say badass on here? is badass on a blog like bomb on a plane?

Katherine said...

Laura, I so would trade you! Then you could go to college in Akron with Jimmy and I could be in high school...not in college, lol.

badass, badass, yeah, I'm pretty sure you can say that here...or type it at least...