Monday, February 19, 2007

Procrastinators Unite!

So I have this weird habit of always wondering exactly what I was doing a year ago to the day...and of course one of the best ways to answer such a question is to look at my old blog posts. So I just went back to February of 2006 and you will NEVER believe what I found. The post is all about how I am so stupid because I can never make myself do homework when I go home for the weekend even though I have SO much to do:

Why is it so unbelievable that I wrote such a post at this exact time last year you ask? Because I am in the exact SAME situation right now. I just went home for a wonderful three day weekend, but had SO much crap to do. I have a 4-6 page paper due tomorrow and an exam bright and early in the morning, but even though I took home an entire bookbag full of stuff to work on I didn't accomplish a single thing! And here I read that a year ago I also went home for the weekend with the intention of writing a paper and studying for an exam, but of course I didn't do any of it.

So I guess from one aspect it's weird that exactly a year ago today I was in the EXACT same situtation...but then again...I'm ALWAYS procrastinating whether I'm home or it's not so unbelievable after all...

In other news, I had a wonderful weekend home despite the fact that I completely screwed myself over. I went bowling with Marissa, Josh, and Will and bowled my highest ever! 108! Woohoo! It's odd...usually I only bowl like once every year or two...but it's only the second month of the new year and I've been bowling four times! Wow! I also finally got my cell phone fixed. For the past month and a half the sound has been broken and I couldn't hear it ring or anything. But my dad got a new speaker and fixed it himself so now, finally, after so long I have the joy of hearing my wonderful ringer, Accidentally in love. I missed it so much!

Well, I suppose I better get started on that paper I have to do...even though I'd much rather sleep or do ANYTHING else! Oh well...don't you just love college? (Or hate it with a fiery passion...)

Peace out!


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