Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Tribute

Well, I'm a little late for a Valentine's day post. And considering last year I went a little overboard ( with the crazy romantic love mumbo jumble...I think I'll take a more subtle approach this time around. So this isn't one of those "Valentine's day is so special and love is magical" things...this is the truth....a tribute to that innocent, naive, girl I used to be.
  • Falling in love may be easy, but to stay in love and make a relationship work isn't peaches and cream.
  • There's a reason romantic comedies always end when the boy and girl get together. You don't want to see what happens afterwards because it would be real life.
  • Just like it takes two people to make a relationship work, it takes two people to make a relationship fail.
  • Only you know when it's really time to end the relationship or not. No one else can tell you what to do.
  • Just because you don't want it to end, doesn't mean it shouldn't.
  • You may not want to give up love, but you can't always get what you want. Sometimes you have no choice.
  • No matter how many comforting words people can say, nothing can ease the pain
  • And there’s no sugar coating it. You’ll be in pain for a long time.
  • Just because they leave you, doesn't mean you let them go
  • They'll still be in your thoughts, your memory, your dreams, even your prayers
  • I like to think that's when you know you're really in love...when they break your heart, yet you pray for their happiness more than your own.
  • And that's another thing...that phrase...the breaking heart...people don't even understand....You don't uderstand unless you really KNOW.
    It's not just a cliche. They say your heart breaks because it REALLY does.
  • Your heart is in a million pieces. And even if someday you piece them all back together again, it won't be full because some of the pieces are missing.
  • They're missing and you'll never get them back.
  • But even though you may be barely breathing, you're not dead.
  • And it's entirely possible to be pessimistic and optimistic at the same time
  • Because the truth is, that's life. You've got to take the good with the bad.
  • The good is that eventually you'll be happy again
  • The good is that you had the chance to be happy at all, even if it did end
  • Life may be bad, but you have to believe that it will get better.
  • What other chance do we have?

So Happy Valentine's Day to those who are in pain. Happy Valentine's Day to those who have no hope. And Happy Valentine's Day to those who will someday eventually be happy again.


1 comment:

Marissa said...

1. a broken heart is by far, hands down, no doubt about it most painful thing in the world

2. it's amazing how different the girl who wrote last years Valentine entry is from the girl who wrote this years

3. i miss the girl who wrote last years

4. what happened to the hopeless romantic i have grown to love

5. i know you're in pain. you're not the only one. and i know you still have some hope sibby for you WILL be happy again. This Valentine's Day is for YOU!!

6. I love you!