Monday, February 20, 2006

What is wrong with me?

I have this major problem that I just can't seem to bring myself to do any schoolwork when I go home for the weekend. I realize that this is also a difficult activity when I'm here at college as well, but when I'm home it is even more difficult. I KNOW I need to do the schoolwork, I PLAN on doing the schoolwork. I even take an entire bookbag full of stuff to work on. But do I ever actually get even half as much work done as I know I should?! NO! What is wrong with me. Writing papers is NOT hard at all. In fact, compared to the stuff that other college students I know do, writing measely one page papers should not be hard at all. But for some reason when I try to write the only thing that comes out is nonsense like this...

"I really don’t want to do this assignment. This assignment blows the big one. I’d rather be sleeping than doing this assignment. However, I cannot sleep instead of do this assignment because I need to study for my huge Greek Civilization test. But I can’t study for my Greek Civilization test until I get this stupid homework done. I also can’t enjoy my weekend unless I know I got something productive done. Therefore, I must get this homework done. I hate school!!!!!!!!!!!!"

So I ask you this...WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!

That is all. Peace out!



Anonymous said...

I stopped taking homework home when i realized i would never do it. Save your energy and forget your worries! ... until the night before. Good luck on the test.

Jimmy said...

I'd say that's pretty normal. So the answer is, nothing is wrong with you, you're like most people, you'd rather enjoy life all the time than cram a bunch of info into your brain that you don't care to know OR waste time writing a paper when you could be doing something you enjoy. It's pretty hard to tell your body that you need to do it now to benefeit your life years down the road. At least that's how I think it works.