Today is probably the most criticized holiday because people claim that it was invented by the Candy and Card companies. I'm not saying I believe that, but I'm not saying it's false. All I know is I love Valentine's Day and I'm going to share my joy with all you wonderful people!
(I would like to take this time to inform you that I am listening to a mix of songs, all with the word, "love" in the title in honor of Valentine's Day.)
First of all, I hope that everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day because it truly is a day for everyone. I myself have never had a boyfriend on Valentine's day and I still enjoy it. It doesn't matter if you have a significant other because Valentine's Day is about love! Love for family, love for friends, love for yourself, even love for your pets! (Love you, Anna!)
I think my love of Valentine's Day began with my family's Valentine party. For as long as I can remember, on Valentine's Day (or near since we've gotten so busy) my mom makes a heart shaped cake and we have a family dinner. Then after dinner my parents give us kids valentine gifts, nothing huge. But we can always expect a lottery ticket! So everyone should have a happy valentine's day, whether you're celebrating with family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, or etc.
"Love" song currently playing: You can't hurry love by Dixie Chicks
Favorite Valentine's Day Memories
1. In Fourth grade we had a contest in Mrs. Pollard's room. Everyone was to make a Valentine box/bag or something and she would choose a winner. My mom helped me make an awesome box and I won first place!
2. I think it was in fifth grade that I had a crush on Trevor Scott. He gave me a valentine, well...he gave one to everyone in the class...but it made me happy anyway (I still have it somewhere because I save so much stuff you wouldn't even imagine...).
3. My cousin got married on Valentine's Day. It was the most precious wedding ever with hearts everywhere and etc. That just made it so much more special.
4. Marissa and I used to have this special Valentine's Day tape of shows we used to watch when little. It's the Valentine episodes of Family Circus, Adventures in Wonderland, the Elephant Show, The Flintstones, and much more. We used to watch it every Valentine's Day.
"Love" song currently playing: Victim of Love by Eagles
Quotes from my Dove chocolate wrappers
*A gentle touch speaks volumes
*Trust the heart, not the head
*Get swept away by love
*Hold hands firmly, hearts gently
My mom showed me this site not too long ago and I found it very interesting and fun. It is 50 Yummy and Delicious Chocolate Trivia Questions. You don't have to keep track, but I did. I answered only 20 correctly...but I learned some very good information that may come in handy when I least expect it (like while playing Cranium or something!) You should also check out the other fun stuff at the site. It's a good procrastinator for all you college students!
"Love" song currently playing: This Love by Maroon 5
What I love about Valentine's Day!
1. Chocolate!!!!
2. Surprise Valentine's (especially from crushes)
3. It really is the thought that counts!
4. One day to wear pink and not be teased (mostly for guys...)
5. Making valentines for other people!
6. Chocolate!!!!
7. Candy and flowers
8. Not feeling guilty for eating chocolate
9. Valentine care packages
10. The good mood that comes with knowing it's Valentine's Day
"Love song currently playing: Somebody to Love by Queen
Some of my favorite romantic movies
1. When Harry met Sally
2. The Notebook
3. Roman Holiday
4. Love Actually
5. You've Got Mail
Say "I Love You" in many languages!
Spanish - Te quiero
German - Ich liebe dich
Greek - S'agapo
Russian - Ya tebya liubliu
Pig Latin - Iay ovlay ouyay
Latin - Te amo
Japanese - Aishiteru
Irish - Taim i' ngra leat
Hawaiian - Aloha wau ia oi
French - Je t'aime, Je t'adore
Yiddish - Ikh hob dikh
"Love" song currently playing: She Loves you by the Beatles
Meaning of Different colored roses
Lavender - Enchantment and Uniqueness
Orange - Fascination
Dark Pink - Thankfulness, Friendship and Admiration
Red - Love, Respect and Courage
Peach - Modesty, Gratitude, Admiration and Sympathy
Pale Pink - Grace, Joy and Happiness
Deep Red - Beauty and Passion
White - Innocence, Purity, Secrecy, Silence, Reverence, Humility and (according to some sources) True Love
Yellow - Joy, Friendship, Jealousy, Hope and Freedom
Black - Farewell
Red/White - Unity or Engagement
Yellow/Orange - Passionate Thoughts
Yellow/Red - Congratulations
Rosebud - Beauty, Youth and a Heart Innocent of Love
Red Rosebud - Purity and Loveliness
White Rosebud - Girlhood
One Dozen Red Roses - "I Love You"
Single Red Rose in Full Bloom -- "I Love You"
Tea Roses - "I'll Remember Always"
In my personal opinion - Red roses are overdone
"Love" song currently playing: Bye Bye Love by the Everyly Brothers
I apologize to anyone who did not want to read all that, but in all fairness you didn't have to. Everyone have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
Love to all!
Yeah. I like it that way. lol
i enjoyed it
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