Saturday, November 01, 2008


Alright, so I said I was going to start writing in this thing again after a long absence and then I wrote two posts and stopped again. This is just not cutting it! I really WANT to be writing again! I think maybe I'm hesitant to bring this blog back into action because there's just so much more to it than just writing...I have to choose fonts and colors and choose an eye popping title to try to get people to read....then there's the whole issue about the template and layout of the blog itself...and let's fact it, it's just not very appealing. I've gone to just plain black now because it's boring and honestly, that's just how I feel about this blog right now! It's such a love/hate relationship. I love to write, but I hate all this other crap! Can't I just say whatever it is I want and leave it at that? Ah! And I really want to make this blog appealing and attractive, but I'm just too technologically illiterate that I can't figure out how to get it to look the way I want. I need a computer genius to just do it all for me! Any offers? No...?

So despite all this extra drama that a writer just shouldn't have to stress over simply to do a little bit of writing...I'm going to really really try to keep this blog updated AND entertaining AND attractive....but you'll have to bear with me and be patient. I'm still learning here! I know this was kind of a cop out blog entry...and I'm sorry, but it just needed to be addressed. So before I go to start thinking about the topic for my next entry I just have one more thing to address. What should I call this blog?! It began as "Chrysanthemums" which was fitting because it's my favorite name and favorite flower...even though it's the flower of Then I changed it to "The Awakening" which is a novel written by Kate Chopin (completely tedius read...but good book in regards to a woman finally finding herself and "waking up" from her hum drum life). I changed it to that because I had an awakening....and now that I'm living in the wake and the actual "awakening" is over I'm thinking it may be time for a change what should I do? Go back to Chrysanthemums, keep the Awakening, or come up with something new? You tell me!


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