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After procrastinating a great deal of my weekend away, I finally decided to start cracking down on studying last night around 9 o'clock. Then of course, Grey's Anatomy was on...and then Mallory, Marissa, and I decided to watch The Notebook...And finally I was REALLY ready to get to work. So about 2:15 a.m. I went down to the basement where it was bright and cold (the better to keep me awake). There were about five or six other people down there, and slowly they began to leave until I was the only one left. You know, it's really much easier to stay awake and concentrate down t.v., no roomates (not that mine bothers me). I decided that aol is good to talk while studying as long as you're not talking to a million people or having in depth dramatic conversations. AOL keeps me sane...if not for it I'd probably drop out of college and call it quits right now...Okay, so maybe not, but you get the idea.
Finally at 6 a.m. I decided it would be safe to go ahead and get some shut eye, but ONLY for a few hours. The plan was to wake up at 8 a.m. and begin a long day of hardcore studying...But of course, your alarms don't go off when you really need them to. I think it's part of the master plan...So after realizing that none of my FOUR alarms went off (Okay, I admit I may have just slept through them...but in my defense, Jillian said she didn't hear them either) I finally woke up at 10.
While trying to plug my computer back in I hit my face on my desk drawer. Yes, my face. Not my forehead or my face (Wake up call number 1). Then I went for a shower, thinking it would get the juices flowing. It certainly did it's job...nothing like a fresh razor cut on the ankle to wake a person up...and of course it's the spot where it really stings AND won't freaking stop bleeding (Wake up call number 2).
So I now realize that God truly does have a master plan. He may let us sleep through our FOUR alarms so we lose two good hours of study time, but he certainly makes up for it. I suppose those two extra hours of sleep that I didn't want at the time will come in handy later when I'm falling asleep at the keyboard, so I suppose in reality God really does have a method to the madness. However, I must say I'm rather scared about what other "wake up" surprises are in store...God help us all (literally)!
KatherineP.S. This is not a picture of my actual alarm clock. I WISH! Tweety rules!
I LOVE WINTER! I mean, seriously. Is there anything greater than snow?! It's just so beautiful and wonderful. I don't even care that it's sometimes freaking cold out. It's so worth it. Anyway, as you know finals time is upon us (or at least it is for those of us in college). But I don't even care about finals. I care enough to stay up late studying, and etc. But I really just don't care, all I want to do is get it over with so I can go home! Whenever I get depressed about finals all I have to do is imagine myself walking in my house door and seeing the Christmas decorations and lights, and all will be well. I can't wait!In honor of Winter, the Christmas Season, and of course, Christmas break here is a list of things I must do during my time off from school...1. Make a gingerbread house2. Go ice skating3. See the Columbus Zoo lights4. Go sled riding down the Pleasant Hill dam5. Make lots of Christmas cookies6. Watch varioius Christmas movies such as White Christmas, It's a Wonderful life, A Christmas Story, Mrs. Santa Claus, and Holiday Inn7. Drink plenty of hot chocolate8. Kiss someone under the mistletoe (Ooo, you want it to be, don't you?)9. Have a Christmas party for all my friends!10. Sing Christmas carols (Not necessarily caroling though...)11. Go to a LHS boys basketball game and see my cheerleaders too!12. Go clubbing with the girls!If you want to join in on the fun once I get home, give me a call! Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!Katherine
Just so you all know, Kenneth Michael Libben is madly in love with me. Ha! Serves you right, Sugar Lips. Now the whole world knows your little secret.That is all. Peace out.Katherine
Since Sunday I've basically been procrastinating with a little bit of work here and there. My 7-10 page paper for British Literature is due Thursday and I'm trying to concentrate, but this is seriously the worst paper I've EVER had to write! Even more worse than that horrid Research paper in Mrs. Lingenfelter's 11th grade English class (If you could possibly imagine something worse).So here I am trying to work, yet being completely distracted by AIM, e-mail, blogging, and of course the wonderful (addicting) world of facebook...In an attempt to screw myself over even more than I already have I found this in someone else's blog. I hope they don't mind that I borrowed's for a worthy cause...I REALLY DON'T WANT TO CONTINUE WORKING ON MY PAPER!Here goes...::51 things you didn't know about me (Or maybe you do...)
1. What is your middle name? Marie
2. Last person you kissed? That would be my last boyfriend...that "wonderful" four day relationship...sigh.
3. What are you listening to right now? My roomate's country music
4. Last two digits of your phone number? What? That's a weird question...41
5. Last thing you ate? Some soup that Mallory brought back from home
6. Last person you hugged? Let's see...Marissa and Mallory when they went to Mal's home last weekend.
7. How is the weather right now? Dark, cold, and snowing!
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Marissa telling me to come to her room.
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Physical quality would have to be their smile. I like guys who look genuinely happy when they smile.
0. Favorite type of food? Type? What, like desert? Yes, definitely desert...specifically cheesecake.
11. Do you drink? I'm assuming this means alcohol. I have drunk a few select times, but only one drink, and it certainly wasn't beer. Yuck.
12. Do you smoke? Ew, no.
13. Ever get so drunk you don’t remember what you did? No, I have not become a hypocrit in college.
14. Hair color? Red, But in my opinion, the worst color of red possible.
15. Eye Color? I like to call it blue/gray
16. Do you wear contacts? Nope, thank goodness.
17. Favorite Holiday? Christmas all the way
18. When's your birthday? May 6, 1987
19. Have you ever cried for no reason? Yes, sometimes it really feels good to let a good cry out
20. Last movie you watched? A Lot Like Love
21. Last time you were at work? Oh geeze...sometime towards the end of summer.
22. Last time you were out of your town? Thanksgiving break. I went home to my REAL town.
23. Last time you went bowling? Oh my...I don't even remember. It's definitely been a long while.
24. Something unusual about you? Um...I can't wink. I try and try, but just can't do it...
25. Favorite breakfast food? I don't really eat breakfast very often, but I do love pancakes!
26. Favorite color? Definitley blue.
27. What are you afraid of? Losing someone I love very much.
28. If you could take a trip anywhere, where would it be? England or Greece
29. What books are you reading? Well, I just finished reading Written on the Body for British Literature and it was awesome!
30. Piercings? I have my ears pierced and that is all.
31. Favorite movie? It is impossible to pick just one movie since I have MANY favorites. But Pirates of the Caribbean is most definitely WAY up there. Johnny Depp AND Orlando Bloom....need I say more?
32. Favorite basketball team? Last year's LHS Boys Basketball team! They rock!
33. What were you doing before you filled this out? Reading some stuff for my EDL class.
34. Any pets? My baby, Anna. HE is an inside cat. I also have some outside cats.
35. Instant Messenger name? If you're reading my blog you should already have it.
36. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn? Butter popcorn! Butter=Better!
37. DOGS OR CATS? I'm a cat person myself. Big dogs drool and little dogs bark all the time.
38. Favorite Flower? Chrysanthemums
39. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? I'm sure I have, but I can't remember at this moment something specific.
40. Are you single or taken? Single, but not by choice.
41. Have you ever loved someone? Yes.
42. Who would you like to see right now? Honestly? My mom...
43. What's your occupation? Well, my major is English Education...but as of now I'm just in college.
44. Have you ever fired a gun? I think it was a real gun, but it didn't have real bullets in it. I don't know, it was at one of Matt's bonfires.
45. Do you like to travel by plane? The only plane I've been on was for a short trip to Put-in-Bay across Lake Erie since the boats weren't running, so I can't really say...
46. Right-handed or left-handed? Right.
47. If you could be with someone right now, who would it be? Probably my girls from back home. How I do miss them...
48. How many pillows do you sleep with? I sleep with one pillow, but when I'm laying on my bed doing homework I use one to lay on and another to prop my feet on.
49. Are you missing someone? All of my family and friends from home.
50. Do you have a tattoo? Nope.
51. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? Lately I have been sleeping in on Saturday mornings...
So there you have it, the result of more time wasted by yours truly. And now I'm off to get some work done...Katherine
It has commenced...finals week is upon us in full force, seizing what sanity I have left after a menacing term. The thought of a pure, utopian society has faded while Miami University has captured the last breath of any rational existence and conquered our self-worth. In coming days it is likely to see a plethora of unpleasant faces staring into an oblivion that can only be experienced by the Miami University society. The underlying prolifigacy in which this institution so loves to put forth has taken a toll on our already feeble carcasses, in result of consuming repulsive dining hall rations. The possibility of survival is a distant notion...God help us all...Enough said.Katherine
Oh my gosh! I just saw the most amazing movie ever. RENT! I had never seen the show or even heard anything about what it was about really. But it is just so awesome! The actors! The singing! It was just so amazing! There are no words to describe how awesome it was, you just have to see it! Of course, as soon as I got back to my room I looked up the lyrics to all the songs, but unfortunately I can't remember the tunes! This sucks. I must have the soundtrack so I never forget! Just amazing!
Also, after the show we stopped into the swing dancing contest and it was also very awesome. Wow! I want to learn how to swing dance. I am so serious. It's got to happen sometime in my life. Hopefully sooner than later!
Wow, just...awesome! Peace out!
Rarely do I thouroughly enjoy reading the texts assigned to me in my British Literature class. I mean, I love to read, of course. But who likes to analyze text to figure out what it's really about? Okay, so maybe those smart people in my class do...Those five students who always have a theory about a poem or a short story, who actually disagree with the professor, who actually understand everything. How I wish I were one of those people. Then maybe I wouldn't be so scared about my 7 - 10 page paper due this Tuesday.But anyway, I have finally found a piece of writing in this class that I really love, and of course it's our very last reading assignment before the final. Go figure. It's called Written on the Body by Jeanette Winterson. It is brilliant! The narrator of the story has no name or gender, and it's beloved is a married woman. The story is all about stripping love of all the cliches, categories, and stereotypes that are often placed on it. I am totally in love with this novel!Written on the Body quotes:Why do human beings need answers? Partly I suppose because without one, almost any one, the question itself soon sounds silly.Sometimes the best company is your own.You never give away your heart; you lend it from time to time. If it were not so how could we take it back without asking? I wasn’t happy but the power of memory is such that it can lift reality for a time. Or is memory the more real place? She’s a nice girl, he’s a nice boy. It’s the clichés that cause the trouble. It seems that due to the peculiarities of the event horizon we could watch history pass and never become history ourselves.Why is the mind incapable of deciding its own subject matter? Why when we desperately want to think of one thing do we invariably think of another? Why bother? That’s a question the whole human race isn’t it?You should totally read this book! Peace out!Katherine