An aol conversation between my wonderful cousin, Brittany, and I...
britty marie18: i was watching family home videos the other day
britty marie18: back in 91 and stuff
britty marie18: they are hillarious
katherinel12: lol
katherinel12: They usually are.
britty marie18: then it showed xmas at grandmas and i was 1 and you were what like 3 or 4 and you kept bringing me stuffed animals lol
britty marie18: and my mom goes "awe look what marissa brought for you" and you go in a tiny voice "katherine"
britty marie18: it was precious
People ask what it's like being a twin...Well, there you have it. The story of my
Peace out!
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Monday, January 30, 2006
You have my permission to totally disregard this crazy random thought

Ariel from The Little Mermaid was only sixteen when she saw Prince Eric for the first time. Plus, he was a human. A teenage girl who was obsessed with wanting to be human saw a handsome human prince on a ship and "fell in love." That sounds more like an infatuation to me...but you know, whatever works. She did end up talking to him...well not really...but she got to know his personality. And he turned out cool, so it all worked out. But you get the picture...
It's understandable that Cinderella would want to go to the ball. I mean, all she does is clean and take care of her evil step mother and step sisters. Who blames her? However, she did not go to the ball with the intention of meeting the prince, she didn't go with the intention of being the envy of all other women at the ball. She danced with the prince for like one hour and all of a sudden he was in love. Again, I'm not against true love at first sight....but wow. One hour.
Now Snow White is totally unbelievable. She met the prince once in the movie and then got together with him at the end. The whole "true loves kiss" thing was really sweet and romantic, but come on...they barely knew each other. She was alseep when he awoke her from the spell and then she woke up and immediately fell in love. If it were me I might be freaking out if I awoke to some strange guy trying to smooch me. Once again, not against "love at first kiss" either...
But take Aladdin and Jasmine for instance. They met in the market place. They had a connection and then they met again and even though he lied she still fell for him. They actually got to know each other and fell in love gradually. And BECAUSE they were so in love they got to have two more movies together. And in the third one they got married! They obviously waited a long time to be together, didn't rush into anything. Now that's love. Just look at the way they look at each other in pictures. You can tell they're just madly in love. When they're looking at each other they don't see anyone sweet.
Now you're probably wondering two things after reading that babble. 1.) What made her think of that?! and 2.) What's the point of this? Oh, and some of you may be thinking 3.) Does she realize they're cartoons? So, I have a Disney princesses coloring book and in EVERY single picture Aladdin and Jasmine look so much in love. Also, I do realize they're cartoons, but could be real...And the whole point of this babble? I want what they have. Now, that's what I call love.
Peace out!
P.S. I have to give credit to Belle from Beauty and the Beast though. She fell in love with a freaking beast! If that doesn't prove that looks don't matter I don't know what does....
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I aims to please
So I was talking to Marissa the other day and I don't remember what we were talking about because we probably talk twelve hours a day, if not more (Alright, so that may be a slight exaggeration, but you get the idea). And she asked me why I always end my blog entries with "peace out!" Hmm...I thought to myself.
First of all, I don't know why...It's just two little words that I always happen to type after I finish blabbing on for a couple of paragraphs about nothing really. I guess you could say it's like a reflex. "Alright, that's the end of my writing, I better end it with 'peace out'." I'm not gonna lie, I don't really think about it. I just put it there because I always have.
Second of all, why does it matter? Does it really bother her that I end my entries that way? I'm not attacking Marissa, she just made it sound like it was a stupid idea. Is it not "cool" to say 'peace out?' Does it not go along with my personality? Should I choose something else to end every entry with? How about "God bless" or "That's all she wrote!" Or there's always the classic, "Until next time..." I could even go all crazy and say, "Goodbye!" (Wouldn't that be weird...)
So here's how you can help me solve this dilema. If you think that "Peace Out!" is not "cool" or does not fit my personality, or if you're just plain sick of it, let me know and I will change it. After all, you are the ones I write this little do dad for. However, here's the catch. You must tell me what you want to see as the closing. You can IM me, call me, write on my facebook wall, leave me a comment here, drive to Miami University and tell me in person. I really don't care how. Just tell me what you want, and we'll see what happens from there.
Well, that's all she wrote! So until next time, god bless! Goodbye!
First of all, I don't know why...It's just two little words that I always happen to type after I finish blabbing on for a couple of paragraphs about nothing really. I guess you could say it's like a reflex. "Alright, that's the end of my writing, I better end it with 'peace out'." I'm not gonna lie, I don't really think about it. I just put it there because I always have.
Second of all, why does it matter? Does it really bother her that I end my entries that way? I'm not attacking Marissa, she just made it sound like it was a stupid idea. Is it not "cool" to say 'peace out?' Does it not go along with my personality? Should I choose something else to end every entry with? How about "God bless" or "That's all she wrote!" Or there's always the classic, "Until next time..." I could even go all crazy and say, "Goodbye!" (Wouldn't that be weird...)
So here's how you can help me solve this dilema. If you think that "Peace Out!" is not "cool" or does not fit my personality, or if you're just plain sick of it, let me know and I will change it. After all, you are the ones I write this little do dad for. However, here's the catch. You must tell me what you want to see as the closing. You can IM me, call me, write on my facebook wall, leave me a comment here, drive to Miami University and tell me in person. I really don't care how. Just tell me what you want, and we'll see what happens from there.
Well, that's all she wrote! So until next time, god bless! Goodbye!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Last night I listened to the most awesome speaker since Kip and Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite came to Miami University. His name is David Coleman and he is the REAL Dating Doctor. If any of you have seen the movie Hitch, it is based off of him. Some stuff in the movie even happened in real life or were versions of what happened! It's pretty cool.
So not that I'm totally depressed because I won't have a valentine for that speacial holiday coming up on February 14th, but I decided to go and check it out for the heck of it. And by george it was amazing! The Dating Doctor talked for about an hour and half about how men and women think differently, about healthy relationships, non-healthy relationships, breakups, and even pick up lines! Hhe knows over 1,000 pick up lines and challenged students in the auidence to tell ones he might not know. He must have been challenged at least twenty times and only one person beat him. That's pretty impressive.
Example Pick up line:
You must be a magician because when you're in a room you make everyone else disappear.
(This one got many "awws" from the females).
One of the worst pick up lines I've ever heard:
Nice belly button. I'll store my gum in it on the way down.
(UGH! I am appalled and disgusted!)
So since you all didn't get to hear the wonderful knowledge I heard, I'll share the information...
According to the Dating Doctor:
Everyday you look around at other people, whether you're dating someone or not and think "hmmm." So if I'm looking at other people thinking "hmmm" you know what that means...I'M somebody's "hmmm!" Now if that isn't a confidence booster I don't know what is.
Be a fat penguin! Now, of course we were joking about this before he explained, but it actually makes sense. Fat penguins break the ice! So be a fat penguin!
Men become aroused through their eyes. Women become aroused through their ears and touch.
The person who loves, cares, or tries the LEAST has the MOST control! (That one totally sucks, but is true...)
It's better to have five minutes of something great than to live a lifetime of nothing special.
Five characteristics of a healthy relationship:
1. trust
2. respect
3. intimacy (not physical-eye contact, humor, faith, romantic gestures)
4. passion (physical)
5. commitment
Five stages of a relationship:
1. infatuation (gotta love this stage)
2. discovery
3. reality
4. decision ("Is it going somewhere?")
5. commitment
Five stages of a breakup:
1. shock
2. anger (towards them and yourself)
3. denial
4. bargaining ("I'll do anything if you take me back!")
5. doubt ("No one will ever want me")
6. acceptance (three cheers for this stage!)
Never stay in a relationship because of obligation! NEVER!
Success begins by having the courage to fail.
Well, I think I've rambled on enough. Half of you 2.5 people who read this probably skipped all that. It's alright. I enjoyed sharing the information anyway.
Peace out!
P.S. Someone saw you today and thought, "hmmm!" :)
So not that I'm totally depressed because I won't have a valentine for that speacial holiday coming up on February 14th, but I decided to go and check it out for the heck of it. And by george it was amazing! The Dating Doctor talked for about an hour and half about how men and women think differently, about healthy relationships, non-healthy relationships, breakups, and even pick up lines! Hhe knows over 1,000 pick up lines and challenged students in the auidence to tell ones he might not know. He must have been challenged at least twenty times and only one person beat him. That's pretty impressive.
Example Pick up line:
You must be a magician because when you're in a room you make everyone else disappear.
(This one got many "awws" from the females).
One of the worst pick up lines I've ever heard:
Nice belly button. I'll store my gum in it on the way down.
(UGH! I am appalled and disgusted!)
So since you all didn't get to hear the wonderful knowledge I heard, I'll share the information...
According to the Dating Doctor:
Everyday you look around at other people, whether you're dating someone or not and think "hmmm." So if I'm looking at other people thinking "hmmm" you know what that means...I'M somebody's "hmmm!" Now if that isn't a confidence booster I don't know what is.
Be a fat penguin! Now, of course we were joking about this before he explained, but it actually makes sense. Fat penguins break the ice! So be a fat penguin!
Men become aroused through their eyes. Women become aroused through their ears and touch.
The person who loves, cares, or tries the LEAST has the MOST control! (That one totally sucks, but is true...)
It's better to have five minutes of something great than to live a lifetime of nothing special.
Five characteristics of a healthy relationship:
1. trust
2. respect
3. intimacy (not physical-eye contact, humor, faith, romantic gestures)
4. passion (physical)
5. commitment
Five stages of a relationship:
1. infatuation (gotta love this stage)
2. discovery
3. reality
4. decision ("Is it going somewhere?")
5. commitment
Five stages of a breakup:
1. shock
2. anger (towards them and yourself)
3. denial
4. bargaining ("I'll do anything if you take me back!")
5. doubt ("No one will ever want me")
6. acceptance (three cheers for this stage!)
Never stay in a relationship because of obligation! NEVER!
Success begins by having the courage to fail.
Well, I think I've rambled on enough. Half of you 2.5 people who read this probably skipped all that. It's alright. I enjoyed sharing the information anyway.
Peace out!
P.S. Someone saw you today and thought, "hmmm!" :)
Monday, January 23, 2006
Unsolved Mysteries
You know, I have been in college for a good five months now. Although I am living the college life without difficulty (I think...) there are a few things that really bother me. I have much time to think because well...we're constantly thinking...and I have come to the conclusion that no matter how long I am in college there are a few things that I will never understand. So here's my list of unsolved college mysteries. Enjoy! Or share some questions of your own!
1. Why does the bathroom only get fogged up at night? ('s like a sauna)
2. Why am I so lazy?
3. Why can't you step on the Miami seal?
4. Will I ever stop procrastinating?
5. Why is facebook so addicting?
6. Why did my Computer programming professor wear a bright orange safety vest on the first day of class?
7. Why is google so amazing?
8. Why are books so freaking expensive?!
9. Why hasn't Seth written me back yet? (It's alright, I still enjoy writting him...)
10. Why do I hate going to bed?
11. Why when I finally go to bed does it take forever to fall asleep?
12. Why when I finally fall asleep do I have a dream almost every time? (I used to barely ever dream back home...)
13. What is so awesome about going out on the weekends and waking up the next morning not remembering what you did?
14. Why do I get e-mails through my school account about how to "improve overall sperm production"...(I certainly didn't sign up for anything...)
15. Why do I have to wait until March to take my horseback riding class?!
16. Will I ever actually start exercising? (I even bought the membership and all...)
17. Why are the vending machines always out of Mike & Ikes? (Well, that could be because I buy them all...)
18. Whose idea was it to have so many dining halls?
19. Why did they pay Bill Cosby to come and speak?
20. Why is my room always messy when I'm a complete neat freak? (Actually not my fault...)
There you have it, some of the questions that run through my mind. Well, unfortunately homework calls and it would be rude not to answer (not to mention irresponsible).
Peace out!
1. Why does the bathroom only get fogged up at night? ('s like a sauna)
2. Why am I so lazy?
3. Why can't you step on the Miami seal?
4. Will I ever stop procrastinating?
5. Why is facebook so addicting?
6. Why did my Computer programming professor wear a bright orange safety vest on the first day of class?
7. Why is google so amazing?
8. Why are books so freaking expensive?!
9. Why hasn't Seth written me back yet? (It's alright, I still enjoy writting him...)
10. Why do I hate going to bed?
11. Why when I finally go to bed does it take forever to fall asleep?
12. Why when I finally fall asleep do I have a dream almost every time? (I used to barely ever dream back home...)
13. What is so awesome about going out on the weekends and waking up the next morning not remembering what you did?
14. Why do I get e-mails through my school account about how to "improve overall sperm production"...(I certainly didn't sign up for anything...)
15. Why do I have to wait until March to take my horseback riding class?!
16. Will I ever actually start exercising? (I even bought the membership and all...)
17. Why are the vending machines always out of Mike & Ikes? (Well, that could be because I buy them all...)
18. Whose idea was it to have so many dining halls?
19. Why did they pay Bill Cosby to come and speak?
20. Why is my room always messy when I'm a complete neat freak? (Actually not my fault...)
There you have it, some of the questions that run through my mind. Well, unfortunately homework calls and it would be rude not to answer (not to mention irresponsible).
Peace out!
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Back at It
Back to school, back to school, to prove to dad I'm not a fool...
Well, here I am, back at good old Miami University. Well, actually I've been back for almost two weeks now...but let's face it. I'm not going to jump back into these sort of things while I'm still wishing I were back home enjoying Christmas. But alas, Christmas is over. And so is New Years. And so is Winter break. Therefore, I have decided to get back into the swing of things.
Of course, I can't completely forget to tell all about my wonderful Winter break though. So here it is in a nutshell.
So, as much as I enjoy writing (not sarcastic, I actually do) I'm afraid that right now I just don't have the way with words that I usually do when I write these things (ha ha). So I'll leave you with this thought until next time...
WELCOME BACK TO THE OUTSIDERS LOOK INTO MY RANDOM MIND! Please join me continually, as you please. Peace out!
Well, here I am, back at good old Miami University. Well, actually I've been back for almost two weeks now...but let's face it. I'm not going to jump back into these sort of things while I'm still wishing I were back home enjoying Christmas. But alas, Christmas is over. And so is New Years. And so is Winter break. Therefore, I have decided to get back into the swing of things.
Of course, I can't completely forget to tell all about my wonderful Winter break though. So here it is in a nutshell.
So, as much as I enjoy writing (not sarcastic, I actually do) I'm afraid that right now I just don't have the way with words that I usually do when I write these things (ha ha). So I'll leave you with this thought until next time...
WELCOME BACK TO THE OUTSIDERS LOOK INTO MY RANDOM MIND! Please join me continually, as you please. Peace out!
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