Friday, September 15, 2006


It's going to be a wonderful weekend with two
of my most favorite girls in the world.

They are arguably the two most awesome people in the history of the world.

I mean, seriously. Aren't they precious.

Hating school, but loving life :)



Marissa said...

by saying that they are 'arguably' the most awesome people in the history of the world is saying that it is arguable that they aren't...that's the wrong word. what you are looking for is 'undoubtedly'. p.s. i hate your stupid word verification thing

Katherine said...

I am totally using it right. Don't even give me that crap.

Jimmy said...

Wait, wait... are you talking about the little boy in the middle of the center photo, or... I'm confused. He looks sort of lame. You have weird friends.

PS- I'm with Marissa. My Word Verification word was "eexskw", and I'm no expert, but I'm fairly positive that's NOT a word.