Ariel from The Little Mermaid was only sixteen when she saw Prince Eric for the first time. Plus, he was a human. A teenage girl who was obsessed with wanting to be human saw a handsome human prince on a ship and "fell in love." That sounds more like an infatuation to me...but you know, whatever works. She did end up talking to him...well not really...but she got to know his personality. And he turned out cool, so it all worked out. But you get the picture...
It's understandable that Cinderella would want to go to the ball. I mean, all she does is clean and take care of her evil step mother and step sisters. Who blames her? However, she did not go to the ball with the intention of meeting the prince, she didn't go with the intention of being the envy of all other women at the ball. She danced with the prince for like one hour and all of a sudden he was in love. Again, I'm not against true love at first sight....but wow. One hour.
Now Snow White is totally unbelievable. She met the prince once in the movie and then got together with him at the end. The whole "true loves kiss" thing was really sweet and romantic, but come on...they barely knew each other. She was alseep when he awoke her from the spell and then she woke up and immediately fell in love. If it were me I might be freaking out if I awoke to some strange guy trying to smooch me. Once again, not against "love at first kiss" either...
But take Aladdin and Jasmine for instance. They met in the market place. They had a connection and then they met again and even though he lied she still fell for him. They actually got to know each other and fell in love gradually. And BECAUSE they were so in love they got to have two more movies together. And in the third one they got married! They obviously waited a long time to be together, didn't rush into anything. Now that's love. Just look at the way they look at each other in pictures. You can tell they're just madly in love. When they're looking at each other they don't see anyone else...how sweet.
Now you're probably wondering two things after reading that babble. 1.) What made her think of that?! and 2.) What's the point of this? Oh, and some of you may be thinking 3.) Does she realize they're cartoons? So, I have a Disney princesses coloring book and in EVERY single picture Aladdin and Jasmine look so much in love. Also, I do realize they're cartoons, but still...it could be real...And the whole point of this babble? I want what they have. Now, that's what I call love.
Peace out!
P.S. I have to give credit to Belle from Beauty and the Beast though. She fell in love with a freaking beast! If that doesn't prove that looks don't matter I don't know what does....
yay! finally someone who agrees with me :)! i must admit that i've thought nearly the exact same thing as you have just described. unfortunately, most of my friends back home just rolled their eyes and progressed on with their day, completely disregarding the thought after i presented it to them. oh well. now i know that there is indeed someone out there who agrees :-D.
I totally agree. I mean most of the princesses fell in love at first sight. Except for Belle and Jasmine. But Jasmine and Aladin are truly the best disney couple and the most in love. And we are not losers for analyzing Disney movies!!!
Yes! Disney judgers unite!
Ariel saw eric on SHORE. not ship.
Yeah, I bet you would know...you watch The Little Mermaid, what? Once a week?
I dunno, Aladdin's giving Jasmine SOME sort of admiring look in the picture you provided, but I don't know if I'd consider it love...
Oh, and you forgot about Sleeping Beauty. I think her story would make an interesting case as well.
Aladdin's different. He's not like the typical guy, James. So neah. And I didn't include Sleeping Beauty because I don't really remember it.
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