Growing up I hadn't given my name much thought. Katherine is a long name, but I didn't seem to have trouble learning to spell it or anything. I even managed to write it all out on the plate I made in kindergarten, whereas Marissa couldn't even manage her name (she wrote Ann, her middle name). In third grade Mrs. Hobson gave me the nickname Katie Did and it stuck for a while, but not too long. For the most part I've gone by Katherine all (almost) 19 years of my life. It is a pretty name. I found out in Epcot when I went to Disney World with my family that it means "pure." I think that fits me well, don't you?
In high school I sometimes felt like I didn't like the name Katherine because it was so plain, especially when put with my last name...I mean, come on. Katherine Lunt. How much more plainer and boring can you get? (No offense to my dad or other relatives who are the cause of my last name) I thought about trying to be called Katie, but I was informed that Katie didn't fit me, specifically by Marissa...And I've always loved the name Kate, but I don't even think I look like a Kate. Lucky for me once my brother and his fiance get married, there will be a Kate Lunt. (Actually her name is Kathryn, so until I get married there will be two Katherine/Kathryn Lunts.
So coming from Loudonville I grew to appreciate the name Katherine because it was unique. Nobody else was called Katherine. There may have been some other girls named Katherine, but they all went by Katie or other variation. But once I got to college I was shocked that Katherines are overpopulated. Just walking down Twila's corridor my first week I passed one door after another, and saw at least 8 Katherines, two in one room. Even in my corridor there are three Katherines. That is just crazy! Now I've gone from feeling unique to feeling just like everyone's sad really.
So I bet you're wondering what the point of this rant is...Well, first of all, the too many Katherines at Miami has been bugging me for a while, but also, today in class this one kid kept calling my Kathy. I didn't correct him because I didn't want to be rude. I mean, how bad would he feel if I was like, "It's Katherine!" I am an accepting and obliging person. If you want to call me something other than Katherine, by all means call me Kevin or Kat. Lots of people I know call me Kevin (long story) and my cousin, Brittany, has been calling me Kat for a while now. It's cool. I like it. If you want to call me Kate or Katie I will probably even let you, even though you may be the only one. So the point of the rant? Please, please, don't call me Kathy, especially if you want me to respond. It will make me go into a four paragraph rant about my name, and plus I really just hate that name (no offense to those with the name Kathy...). That is all. Thank you.
Peace out!
or Kevin
or Kat
But NOT Kathy!!!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Friday, March 24, 2006
Fortune Frenzy

So after deciding not to eat our cookies (Yay for us!) I said that we should give them to Mallory. But Marissa said that she wanted her fortune. So I suggested that she break the cookie, take the fortune, then give the cookie to Mallory. And then she said that was a stupid idea, so she took her fortune and threw the cookie away. Geesh...selfish Marissa. :)
Then I decided that I wanted my fortune too, considering I've never been a big fan of the Fortune cookie itself. So I looked at my cookie and a thought struck me. I said to Marissa, "I wonder if you can get the fortune out without breaking the cookie." She said no way. So of course, I had to prove her wrong. So I came back to my dorm, got my tweezers, and tried to get that piece of paper out of that cookie.
I bet you're wondering if I got the fortune out or not. Well, I'm not going to tell you. I'm going to let you go crazy with curiosity. But I will leave you with a bit of advice. "Follow your honest beliefs to stay strong." Heehee. (Now what to do with this fortune-less cookie....) :) Peace out!
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Subliminal Messages
Sunday, March 05, 2006
The worst alarm clock EVER
So there I was lying in bed, fast asleep, dreaming (though I don't remember what about) when all of a sudden I'm awoken by a loud siren of a sound. It takes a quick second for me to realize what is actually happening, but once I realize it's the fire alarm I grab my cell phone and prepare to jump from the top bunk. Not jump because I'm scared for my life, just jump because the noise is so annoying that I wanted to get out of the building as soon as possible. But alas, I could not jump down from the bed because of my roomate's I climbed down quickly.
I then proceeded to put on my tennis shoes and coat and almost left the room without my key. Thankfully I remembered at the last minute. As I followed the crowd down the stairs I looked at my watch. 3:30 a.m. Wow. This was the fourth fire alarm this year, and frankly I was sick of them. The worst possible sound to wake up to is that freaking fire alarm. I thought, "Who did it this time? Some drunk students? Someone burning popcorn? Why can't people just be in bed?"
Outside I found Marissa and Mallory. At first we were mad..mostly because we were tired...but then we heard our Resident staff announce that it was going to be a while and we should head over to one of the other halls to wait. Then we saw the firemen come...Holy crap! I real fire! So we went into the basement of a nearby hall and waited. We were surprisingly in humorous moods...because we knew it wasn't really a HUGE deal.
After about 40 minutes we were allowed to go back inside the building. Everyone except for those living on the third floor, so that lead me to believe that the fire occurred in the basement...Oh...I mean the third floor. Right...So needless to say I went back to bed and then woke up this morning...tired. I haven't heard what exactly happened yet, but I take it everything is alright now...So thankfully it wasn't serious and no one was hurt...and thankfully I'm done, so you can stop reading. (Don't lie, I know you were bored.)
Peace out!
I then proceeded to put on my tennis shoes and coat and almost left the room without my key. Thankfully I remembered at the last minute. As I followed the crowd down the stairs I looked at my watch. 3:30 a.m. Wow. This was the fourth fire alarm this year, and frankly I was sick of them. The worst possible sound to wake up to is that freaking fire alarm. I thought, "Who did it this time? Some drunk students? Someone burning popcorn? Why can't people just be in bed?"
Outside I found Marissa and Mallory. At first we were mad..mostly because we were tired...but then we heard our Resident staff announce that it was going to be a while and we should head over to one of the other halls to wait. Then we saw the firemen come...Holy crap! I real fire! So we went into the basement of a nearby hall and waited. We were surprisingly in humorous moods...because we knew it wasn't really a HUGE deal.
After about 40 minutes we were allowed to go back inside the building. Everyone except for those living on the third floor, so that lead me to believe that the fire occurred in the basement...Oh...I mean the third floor. Right...So needless to say I went back to bed and then woke up this morning...tired. I haven't heard what exactly happened yet, but I take it everything is alright now...So thankfully it wasn't serious and no one was hurt...and thankfully I'm done, so you can stop reading. (Don't lie, I know you were bored.)
Peace out!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
The highlight of my Friday night
So the plan was for Marissa and I to go rent a movie to watch Friday night. She wanted to get Good Will Hunting, which I haven't seen since...well, just this past summer was the first time actually...but anyway, I was all for it because, well, I don't really go out often. But that's beside point. Then she decided to go out to a party with her roomie, Mallory. Which is perfectly fine. The point of this post is not how Marissa left me alone. I could have easily gone out with them. I just didn't really feel like going out last night.
So I decided to dedicate my night to laundry and (brace yourself) homework. Yes, that's right. I ACTUALLY did homework on a Friday night. Yay for me! Because that is definitely something I always say I'm going to do and then end up not doing a single thing. But that's not the point. So after some homework I proceeded to do all of Marissa and my laundry while watching The Italian Job because let's face it, The Italian Job is freaking awesome! If you don't believe me, just hear me out...
Mark Whalberg (That grin is too cute...and of course MUSCLES!)
Charlize Theron (awesome actress)
Seth Green (He's SO small!)
Mos Def (Also cool)
Jason Stathom (the accent!)
Edward Norton (even as a bad guy you can't help but love him!)
Mini Coopers!!!!!! (Enough said)
So there I was just enjoying the movie when I notice something that I have NEVER noticed before in all the like 12 times I've seen the movie. There is this scene where the truck blows through the ground and all these people are running around scared. And there, among all these people is Spiderman! Yes! A man in a full Spiderman costume running around. How could I possibly have missed that?! It's so obvious! Oh well. Needless to say, it was the highlight of my night. Now frankly speaking, if seeing a guy running around in a Spiderman costume in a movie where he certainly doesn't belong is the highlight of my night...well then...that's just kind of sad. And that, my friends, is the point.
Sometimes my ability to be easily amused surprises me. Heehee. Peace out!
So I decided to dedicate my night to laundry and (brace yourself) homework. Yes, that's right. I ACTUALLY did homework on a Friday night. Yay for me! Because that is definitely something I always say I'm going to do and then end up not doing a single thing. But that's not the point. So after some homework I proceeded to do all of Marissa and my laundry while watching The Italian Job because let's face it, The Italian Job is freaking awesome! If you don't believe me, just hear me out...
Mark Whalberg (That grin is too cute...and of course MUSCLES!)
Charlize Theron (awesome actress)
Seth Green (He's SO small!)
Mos Def (Also cool)
Jason Stathom (the accent!)
Edward Norton (even as a bad guy you can't help but love him!)
Mini Coopers!!!!!! (Enough said)
So there I was just enjoying the movie when I notice something that I have NEVER noticed before in all the like 12 times I've seen the movie. There is this scene where the truck blows through the ground and all these people are running around scared. And there, among all these people is Spiderman! Yes! A man in a full Spiderman costume running around. How could I possibly have missed that?! It's so obvious! Oh well. Needless to say, it was the highlight of my night. Now frankly speaking, if seeing a guy running around in a Spiderman costume in a movie where he certainly doesn't belong is the highlight of my night...well then...that's just kind of sad. And that, my friends, is the point.
Sometimes my ability to be easily amused surprises me. Heehee. Peace out!
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Don't you just love reading these?
Before I begin I would just like to say that I have finally figured out how to add links and a picture to my blog site! Yay! After all these years I have beaten the system! And it's all thanks to my computer programming class! (and Marissa...) So please check out my links and check me out while you're at it. Heehee.
Now, I know these things are probably SO boring to read, but I can't pass up the opportunity to fill one of these out when given the chance. So here it goes...
Have you ever...?
Given a hickey: No
Danced around in your underwear: But of course!
Gotten a hickey: NO!
Gone to summer camp: I think maybe once, but it didn't last all summer long
Sang into your hairbrush: If you're gonna dance in your underwear you've got to sing into your hairbrush!
Refused to listen to a teacher: I probably have, but they didn't know I wasn't listening.
Cried in public: On many occassions, and most are not something I want to remember.
Made a perverted snowman: Dear me, no
Done the splits: No, unfortunately not. It might have made us cheerleaders look better....
Picked flowers from other people's lawns: No...unless they were little dandy lions or something
Walked around in your underwear: But of course
Been grounded: Yes! I wasn't allowed to go to Aimee Briscoe's roller skating birthday party! That sucked!
Tripped on your feet: Yes. Twice today, actually
Checked under your bed before going to sleep: No, why would I want to let the monsters see me?!
Played on a sports team: Yes, cheerleading. (It is TOO a sport!) I was also in volleyball, but we all know that was a HUGE mistake!
Spent all day on the computer: Yes, I call it "summers before I got a job"
Worn black nail polish: I had to, it matched my homecoming dress
Forgotten a birthday of someone important: I'm sure I have...but I was reminded just in time or something.
Had a conversation with yourself: All the time!
Fallen asleep at school: But of course!
Lied to a doctor: No...why would I need to?
Been to a slumber party: Oh yes!
Had a pillow fight: Yes, but we were NOT in our underwear! (What is it with guys...)
Lied about your age: Yes, I've claimed to be younger than my actual age many times
Made fun of someone to fit in: I hope not
Stood up for someone who was being bullied: Yes! It's the greatest feeling in the world
Heard people talking badly about you: But of can be so horrible to each other
Been called fat: I think so, but they might have been joking
Been called anorexic: Yes! Grrr! I SO am not!
Fainted: Nope
Went outside in underwear: Probably when I was younger
Worn an article of clothing without realizing the tag was still on: Guilty
Kicked someone 5 years younger than you: No! Who would do such a thing?!
Cursed at a teacher: No
Cried in front of a teacher: Yes...
Cursed at a parent: No
Done drugs: No!!!!
Licked somebody: Not that I recall...
Called the police: No
Made a prank call: Yes! And in a Southern accent!
Stolen something from a store: Nope
Said a racist comment and meant it: No way!!!!
Made yourself throw up: Never!
Thought you were going crazy: Many a times
Doubted your sexuality: Well, actually, one time...
Lied to a teacher: But of course
Wished you were dead: No! LIFE IS GOOD!
Tried to kill yourself: No! LIFE IS GOOD!
Given the finger to a complete stranger: No! How rude!
Been to a concert: Yes! The Killers!
Went to school in pajamas: Are you kidding?! It's called waking up a few minutes before school started
Hurt an animal on purpose: Insects and other varioius bugs...
Broken something that was special to someone else because you were mad: No, that's kind of mean.
Cheated on a test: Um...well...there's a story...
Copied off of someone else's homework: Hasn't everyone at one point in time?
Sworn at a little kid: No way!
Driven while you were drunk: To drive drunk wouldn't you had to have been drunk before?
Been in a car accident: No, thank God.
Spit in someone's food: Not that I can recall.
Ran away from home: Yes
Skinny-dipped: No.
Held a real gun: I don't think so
Wished someone would die: No way!
Been beaten up: In my dream last night Marissa beat me up really bad!
Beat someone else up: No...I didn't even defend myself in my dream.
Wished someone would be raped: That is just pure evil!
Wondered what the world has come to: Every day
Had a crush on a teacher: Mr. Schlabaugh in 7th grade
Ate so much you got sick: But of course
Hurt yourself on purpose: No
Thrown a glass object so that it broke: I might have, but I don't remember
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope
Kissed someone you hardly knew: Nope
Smoked a cigarette: Nope
Broken a bone: No, but I always thought it would be cool to have crutches
Bitten someone: Possibly
Worn a mini skirt: Yes, I would call it a mini skirt. (Alright, so there's only ONE time I wore a skirt with my "skank" boots...)
Made out with someone of the same sex: No! Ew!
Eaten dog/cat food: No, yucky
Stuck gum under a table: Nope
Written on a desk at school: Yep
Chewed a pencil: Pen, pencil, name is Katherine and I have a problem
Spit on someone: I don't think so...
Been spit on: I hope not...
Driven over your lawn: Yep
Told your crush you liked them: Yeah, it's this new thing I'm trying...
Skipped class: In college you've GOT to skip a few or you'll go insane!
Written on a cubicle in a public bathroom: No, but I'm an avid reader of them
Stayed up all night: Many a times
Eaten a bag of cookies in a day: I bet I have
Been kicked out of a store: I don't believe so...
Put dog/cat food in someone's food: No, gross!
Refused to pay someone back after you promised you would: Not unless it was Marissa and we were argruing over who really owed who money
Read someone else's diary: Does it count if it was read to me?
Sworn at an animal: I don't think's not like it would do any good.
Tripped in public: tripped, fallen down stairs, you name it.
Walked into a pole: I believe so
Walked into a parked car: Now that I haven't done!
Found someone much older than you very attractive: Oh my yes! Two words: Johnny Depp
Stapled your finger: mine AND Marissa's
Laughed at someone who was seriously hurt: Maybe while watching Funniest Home videos
Found a bug in your cereal: Ick, no
Been so lazy you wouldn't get up to go to the bathroom: Yes...not a good idea.
Fell off the bed: No, and it scares me because I sleep on the top bunk
Peed your pants at school: Yes...poor little Katherine
Almost drowned: No, I don't really swim much
Had a black eye: Nope
Went rollerblading and crashed into a bush: nope
Made fun of someone because they were fat: old boss...but she's a bad person if that makes it any less horrible...
Snuck out of the house: Not out, but I have snuck in
Dyed your hair: No way! My red hair is like the ONLY good thing about my appearance. And it's not even the pretty color of red.
Cut your own hair: No way, I don't trust myself
Been stung by a bee/wasp: Yes. It freaking sucks.
Climbed on a roof: Yep
Worn gothic make-up: Nope
Had a contact break in your eye: Don't wear contacts
Had food poisoning: No, thank goodness. I hear it's not very cool
Had heat-stroke: Not that I recall..
Bought an article of clothing and never wore it: I'm a girl, aren't I?
Cut yourself on a blade: freaking sucks
Fallen on glass: No
Worn an article of clothing that was lime green: Yep
Eaten a bug: Yes! I thought a fly in my water was an ice cube! I even chewed it before I swallowed! Ew ew!
Eaten something that fell on the ground: Most likely
Been to a shrink: No, and I hope I never have to
Had surgery: Gum surgery count?
Needed braces: Yes...but thankfully that's over with
Worn a bikini: Yes...which is why I don't swim much. lol
Failed a test: I dont' think so
Failed a class: Nope
Been teacher's pet: I think so
Been teacher's least favorite student: Oh yes, makes me feel incompetent
Slow danced: Yes, it can be cool when with the right person
Been afraid of the dark: To this day...
Seriously thought of hurting someone else: No
Had a cavity: Too many to count on one hand
Been in love: Sigh....yes.
Played truth or dare: You betcha
Walked in on your parents when... yeah....: Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Do I look like I'm scarred for life?
Slept in the nude: Wouldn't you like to know. *wink*wink (No, I haven't)
Watched the movie Glitter: Unfortunately, yes. But I regreted it afterwards
Flashed someone: Nope
Been kissed: But of course
Kissed someone else: But of course
Sung along to a foreign language song: I didn't want to...
Played in the rain: Yes! It just might be the most fun thing ever!
Went on a road trip with friends: I don't know if you could consider a trip to Put-in-Bay a road trip.
Wow, sorry if that was didn't have to read it all, silly.
Peace out!
Now, I know these things are probably SO boring to read, but I can't pass up the opportunity to fill one of these out when given the chance. So here it goes...
Have you ever...?
Given a hickey: No
Danced around in your underwear: But of course!
Gotten a hickey: NO!
Gone to summer camp: I think maybe once, but it didn't last all summer long
Sang into your hairbrush: If you're gonna dance in your underwear you've got to sing into your hairbrush!
Refused to listen to a teacher: I probably have, but they didn't know I wasn't listening.
Cried in public: On many occassions, and most are not something I want to remember.
Made a perverted snowman: Dear me, no
Done the splits: No, unfortunately not. It might have made us cheerleaders look better....
Picked flowers from other people's lawns: No...unless they were little dandy lions or something
Walked around in your underwear: But of course
Been grounded: Yes! I wasn't allowed to go to Aimee Briscoe's roller skating birthday party! That sucked!
Tripped on your feet: Yes. Twice today, actually
Checked under your bed before going to sleep: No, why would I want to let the monsters see me?!
Played on a sports team: Yes, cheerleading. (It is TOO a sport!) I was also in volleyball, but we all know that was a HUGE mistake!
Spent all day on the computer: Yes, I call it "summers before I got a job"
Worn black nail polish: I had to, it matched my homecoming dress
Forgotten a birthday of someone important: I'm sure I have...but I was reminded just in time or something.
Had a conversation with yourself: All the time!
Fallen asleep at school: But of course!
Lied to a doctor: No...why would I need to?
Been to a slumber party: Oh yes!
Had a pillow fight: Yes, but we were NOT in our underwear! (What is it with guys...)
Lied about your age: Yes, I've claimed to be younger than my actual age many times
Made fun of someone to fit in: I hope not
Stood up for someone who was being bullied: Yes! It's the greatest feeling in the world
Heard people talking badly about you: But of can be so horrible to each other
Been called fat: I think so, but they might have been joking
Been called anorexic: Yes! Grrr! I SO am not!
Fainted: Nope
Went outside in underwear: Probably when I was younger
Worn an article of clothing without realizing the tag was still on: Guilty
Kicked someone 5 years younger than you: No! Who would do such a thing?!
Cursed at a teacher: No
Cried in front of a teacher: Yes...
Cursed at a parent: No
Done drugs: No!!!!
Licked somebody: Not that I recall...
Called the police: No
Made a prank call: Yes! And in a Southern accent!
Stolen something from a store: Nope
Said a racist comment and meant it: No way!!!!
Made yourself throw up: Never!
Thought you were going crazy: Many a times
Doubted your sexuality: Well, actually, one time...
Lied to a teacher: But of course
Wished you were dead: No! LIFE IS GOOD!
Tried to kill yourself: No! LIFE IS GOOD!
Given the finger to a complete stranger: No! How rude!
Been to a concert: Yes! The Killers!
Went to school in pajamas: Are you kidding?! It's called waking up a few minutes before school started
Hurt an animal on purpose: Insects and other varioius bugs...
Broken something that was special to someone else because you were mad: No, that's kind of mean.
Cheated on a test: Um...well...there's a story...
Copied off of someone else's homework: Hasn't everyone at one point in time?
Sworn at a little kid: No way!
Driven while you were drunk: To drive drunk wouldn't you had to have been drunk before?
Been in a car accident: No, thank God.
Spit in someone's food: Not that I can recall.
Ran away from home: Yes
Skinny-dipped: No.
Held a real gun: I don't think so
Wished someone would die: No way!
Been beaten up: In my dream last night Marissa beat me up really bad!
Beat someone else up: No...I didn't even defend myself in my dream.
Wished someone would be raped: That is just pure evil!
Wondered what the world has come to: Every day
Had a crush on a teacher: Mr. Schlabaugh in 7th grade
Ate so much you got sick: But of course
Hurt yourself on purpose: No
Thrown a glass object so that it broke: I might have, but I don't remember
Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope
Kissed someone you hardly knew: Nope
Smoked a cigarette: Nope
Broken a bone: No, but I always thought it would be cool to have crutches
Bitten someone: Possibly
Worn a mini skirt: Yes, I would call it a mini skirt. (Alright, so there's only ONE time I wore a skirt with my "skank" boots...)
Made out with someone of the same sex: No! Ew!
Eaten dog/cat food: No, yucky
Stuck gum under a table: Nope
Written on a desk at school: Yep
Chewed a pencil: Pen, pencil, name is Katherine and I have a problem
Spit on someone: I don't think so...
Been spit on: I hope not...
Driven over your lawn: Yep
Told your crush you liked them: Yeah, it's this new thing I'm trying...
Skipped class: In college you've GOT to skip a few or you'll go insane!
Written on a cubicle in a public bathroom: No, but I'm an avid reader of them
Stayed up all night: Many a times
Eaten a bag of cookies in a day: I bet I have
Been kicked out of a store: I don't believe so...
Put dog/cat food in someone's food: No, gross!
Refused to pay someone back after you promised you would: Not unless it was Marissa and we were argruing over who really owed who money
Read someone else's diary: Does it count if it was read to me?
Sworn at an animal: I don't think's not like it would do any good.
Tripped in public: tripped, fallen down stairs, you name it.
Walked into a pole: I believe so
Walked into a parked car: Now that I haven't done!
Found someone much older than you very attractive: Oh my yes! Two words: Johnny Depp
Stapled your finger: mine AND Marissa's
Laughed at someone who was seriously hurt: Maybe while watching Funniest Home videos
Found a bug in your cereal: Ick, no
Been so lazy you wouldn't get up to go to the bathroom: Yes...not a good idea.
Fell off the bed: No, and it scares me because I sleep on the top bunk
Peed your pants at school: Yes...poor little Katherine
Almost drowned: No, I don't really swim much
Had a black eye: Nope
Went rollerblading and crashed into a bush: nope
Made fun of someone because they were fat: old boss...but she's a bad person if that makes it any less horrible...
Snuck out of the house: Not out, but I have snuck in
Dyed your hair: No way! My red hair is like the ONLY good thing about my appearance. And it's not even the pretty color of red.
Cut your own hair: No way, I don't trust myself
Been stung by a bee/wasp: Yes. It freaking sucks.
Climbed on a roof: Yep
Worn gothic make-up: Nope
Had a contact break in your eye: Don't wear contacts
Had food poisoning: No, thank goodness. I hear it's not very cool
Had heat-stroke: Not that I recall..
Bought an article of clothing and never wore it: I'm a girl, aren't I?
Cut yourself on a blade: freaking sucks
Fallen on glass: No
Worn an article of clothing that was lime green: Yep
Eaten a bug: Yes! I thought a fly in my water was an ice cube! I even chewed it before I swallowed! Ew ew!
Eaten something that fell on the ground: Most likely
Been to a shrink: No, and I hope I never have to
Had surgery: Gum surgery count?
Needed braces: Yes...but thankfully that's over with
Worn a bikini: Yes...which is why I don't swim much. lol
Failed a test: I dont' think so
Failed a class: Nope
Been teacher's pet: I think so
Been teacher's least favorite student: Oh yes, makes me feel incompetent
Slow danced: Yes, it can be cool when with the right person
Been afraid of the dark: To this day...
Seriously thought of hurting someone else: No
Had a cavity: Too many to count on one hand
Been in love: Sigh....yes.
Played truth or dare: You betcha
Walked in on your parents when... yeah....: Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Do I look like I'm scarred for life?
Slept in the nude: Wouldn't you like to know. *wink*wink (No, I haven't)
Watched the movie Glitter: Unfortunately, yes. But I regreted it afterwards
Flashed someone: Nope
Been kissed: But of course
Kissed someone else: But of course
Sung along to a foreign language song: I didn't want to...
Played in the rain: Yes! It just might be the most fun thing ever!
Went on a road trip with friends: I don't know if you could consider a trip to Put-in-Bay a road trip.
Wow, sorry if that was didn't have to read it all, silly.
Peace out!
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Thank, really!
It's that time of the year again, that time that I look forward to, Lent! I know what you're thinking, who looks forward to lent? It's not that huge of a deal....but it is to me! It's that one time of the year when I can really give up something, and trust that I will keep the promise. So what am I going to give up, you ask? Well, the thing I always give up, of course!
JUNK FOOD! Chips, desserts, doughnuts, chocolate, and anything else that's extremely bad for you. It's like the perfect diet plan! And though I have not gained the freshman fifteen, I have put on a few pounds here at college. You think I'd just go to the very nice rec that I bought a membership to and workout...but no...I don't. I have a problem with laziness....maybe another thing to work on for lent would be my, I'll do it! (She says, while she muchies on goldfish, avoiding her homework) We'll see how that works out.
So in honor of our last night before lent started, Mallory, Marissa, and I ordered ice cream at 10:30. So we had 2 1/2 hours to eat junk food before we gave it all up. Let me just say that it was delicious and probably SO fattening. But it was a last splurge, so I don't feel so guilty. So the diet (lent) has now begun! Thank God for lent! Really...we have him to thank!
Peace out! (I just realized it's been a while since I used my signature closing)

So in honor of our last night before lent started, Mallory, Marissa, and I ordered ice cream at 10:30. So we had 2 1/2 hours to eat junk food before we gave it all up. Let me just say that it was delicious and probably SO fattening. But it was a last splurge, so I don't feel so guilty. So the diet (lent) has now begun! Thank God for lent! Really...we have him to thank!
Peace out! (I just realized it's been a while since I used my signature closing)
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