Thursday, September 28, 2006

Sweet dreams are made of these

Do you believe that dreams have meanings? I have contemplated this concept many a times after waking up from various random dreams. It could be a wacky dream about multi-colored toothpicks (my mom's most famous dream), a happy dream about winning the lottery, or even a scary dream where all of your friends get murdered. I know that it would be stupid of me to take all my dreams literally, but do you ever wonder if there's a hidden message thrown in your dreams somewhere?

I like to tell myself that I don't believe all dreams mean something, but when I wake up from a dream I often find myself analyzing what it could possibly mean. I don't do this on purpose...for some reason I just automatically want to make sense of things. I guess it's a habit...bad or good I can't say...I remember one time on the bus to one of the basketball games one of my fellow cheerleaders, Katie, had a book about the meaning of dreams. We were all intrigued and spent the entire bus ride (an hour or so) flipping through this book. Now, it wasn't cut and dry, like "If you have a dream about an ex boyfriend it means you want him back..." It was more like, "If you have a dream about falling it signifies a decrease in your finances" or something like that...

It's been too long and I don't really remember what all the different dreams meant...which leaves me wondering about dreams I've had in the past and what exactly they're about...So I will share with you two of the reoccuring dreams I've had for as long as I can remember, and I'll leave the analyzing (or the debasing) up to you...

Dream #1
Has anyone ever seen the Michael Jackson "Thriller" video? It is complete with dancing zombies that chase a girl through the dark town into an old abandoned house, with zombie Michael Jackson as the leader. The video itself wasn't that scary, but when you're a six year old girl and you're watching a taping of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and as soon as the movie is over it cuts to the end of the Thriller video with Michael Jackson's big yellow scary eyes looking right at the camera, you'd be scared too! So needless to say, for many years (that's right, years!) after that night, I had reoccuring dreams where Michael Jackson, which big yellow zombie eyes, is chasing me through a dark and abandoned town.

What's this mean? I don't know...but after much thought, I am leaning towards the theory that it was foreshadowing Michael Jackson becoming really scary to look at (come on! He looks like a white woman with a bad nose job!)

Dream #2
Has anyone ever seen the television show, Super Market Sweepstakes? Well, the gist of it is that three different colored teams of two people are timed to see who can go around a grocery store and collect the most things. Whoever has the most money worth at the end wins. Well...for as long as I can remember, every year toward the end of the school year (maybe May...) I always have this exact same dream. My mom, Marissa, and I are in a HUGE shopping mall/grocery store....and so are ALL of our schoolmates with their parents. And someone sets a timer and says go and we all take off around the mall/store grabbing anything and everything we can get. It's crazy...every man for himself...I imagine it's much like shoppping on the day after Thanksgiving (I have not experienced this myself, but I've heard many horror stories).

I don't know what this is about...but it was actually sort of fun...I think we should all try it sometime...

So, basically I don't really understand dreams, but they're really wacky and funny sometimes. I just love them. I wish I could mentally record them and then be able to play them back. It would sure keep me entertained if I were in a boring class...would someone please invent a way to record dreams? I'd really appreciate it!

Sweet dreams are made of these :)
Wait...made of what?

1 comment:

Shelle said...

oh my goodness!! you have the michael jackson dream too?! i used to be scared senseless of that video and i used to have nightmares for the longest time about it. my dream was slightly different from yours though. in my dream, i'm out walking through the middle of the woods at night [i i was trying to get home the fastest way because i was already afraid in my dream for some reason]. then i realize that someone is following me. i start running down this really steep hill and at the bottom is an old abandoned cabin. i run in there and try to lock the doors and windows to keep myself safe. as i'm fumbling with the locks, over the top of the hill comes michael jackson, in his bright red jacket with those glowing yellow eyes. he just stares me down as he slowly walks down that steep incline. then all of a sudden, he stops in his tracks for a moment, then takes off bolting toward me in the cabin. he effortlessly breaks the door in. he stops, stares at me for a moment [that seemed like forever], then he creeps closer and closer. i just back away in fear, realizing that i have no escape. and just as he is within arm's length, i wake up shaking in a cold sweat. it's by far one of the scariest dreams i've ever had ... and it's a reoccuring one too, which makes it all the worse. but at least now i know that i'm not the only crazy one :-P lol.