But despite my dreams of tall, dark, and handsome men..there are the occasional blondes that drive me as crazy as Tom Cruise jumping on Oprah's couch. Ryan Gosling, for instance. Oh. my. God. A mix of the sensitivity of Noah Calhoun from the Notebook, bad boy Richard Haywood from Murder by Numbers, and the goofy Alan from Remember the Titans. How I wish I were the lucky Rachel McAdams. Actually...even if she weren't dating Ryan Gosling I'd still want to be her...she's gorgeous! Anyway...also on my list of blondes...Ben Foster. I admit he was a little geeky in the t.v. show Flash Forward, but when he starred in Get Over it he wasn't looking so bad...and THEN came roles such as Angel in X-Men. WOW!
So let me just say...that despite my tendency to prefer dark hair over blondes...let me just say that the new Bachelor is AMAZING! I mean, not only does he have the muscles, the smile, and the eyes...he's got it all! Plus, he's a navy man (actually, he's sort of like Hubbell). Also, he's a doctor, a gentleman...he's got a sense of humor and a heart of gold! How can one man be so freaking perfect?!

But anyway...what was my point...? Oh yeah...I've been single for the past six months and now I'm reduced to writing blog entries about how hot guys are...lol. Wow...um...so...anyone wanna makeout?
Ha ha :)
again with all the links...why?!
1. ew..(that's all I have to say about Orlando Bloom)that and cough bad actor cough cough
2. Brad Pitt is a greek god and so much better than Tom Cruise
3. Adam Brody...oi moi he's amazing
4. Ryan Gosling is GORGEOUS and I wish I was Rachel McAdams too (remember him in Young Hercules and an episode of Flash Forward and that show with the high school on the boat?)
5. Ben Foster I love (even though he should of had a bigger part in X-Men 3)
6. Is Ryan Reynolds brown or blonde because I totally want to have his children!!!
7. I wasn't too impressed by Hubbel as a character (how many people that read this I wonder actually know who Hubbel was before clicking on your link)
8. I love both the blondes and the brunettes..I can't necessarily say I have a preference..but oh Mark Whalberg and Jake Gyllenhaal!!!... and Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds. Can't make up the mind.
9. This was really really really really really really long
10. no I will not make out with you...you're disgusting
11. had to end on an odd number
Hey, I like links. They make it so that people actually know what I'm talking about instead of choosing not to read my blog because they have no idea what I'm talking about...wait, did that make sense...yeah...so there! It's my blog, get used to the links :)
Ryan Reynolds is brunette...and he's not that good looking... Richard Ruccolo is so much better.
Yeah, I didn't really like Hubbell's character either...but Robert Redford sure did play a nice looking navy man (Oh, and this was a beautiful example of why I need to include the links).
I do not want to make out with you either...for more reasons that just the fact that we're both females...and sort of related...
The new Bachelor is so hot! Sorry to bust your fantasy, but Shanon and I did find a flaw. He sort of doesn't open his mouth when he talks thus causing multiple words to be kind of pushed together. I still think he's pretty cool though. If I were a girl (oh know here we go again) I think it would be really hard to be on this show. When you are with the other ladies and they are talking about their guy, in all reality it is also your own guy. When this reality hits you it would be hard. I think this is why some of the ladies clam up or even have a small nervous breakdown. We love this show though. I've got it narrowed down to two women, but the Bachelors in the past have let me down.
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