Tuesday, April 24, 2007

If college consisted of watching Princess Bride and playing Rummy I would have a 4.0

It's official. I have what the professionals call a case of "extended senioritis." Okay, so maybe it's not a real disease...maybe I just made it up...but seriously. Ever since second semester of my senior year of high school I have really been unable to concentrate on school work. I'll let myself procrastinate hardcore until the night before a project/paper/exam...which leads to more all-nighters than any normal college student should have. In fact, I've even started pulling all-nighters on Sunday nights...Sunday nights! I should be getting all my school work done over the weekend so I can start the week with a good night of sleep. But no...stupid extended senioritis.

So I went to bed last night at a pretty decent time I think, about 1 a.m. And it took me at least an hour and half to fall asleep. I don't know what the deal is! It took me even longer to fall asleep Saturday night (2 1/2 hours!) At least I'm dreaming again...even though I had a pretty creepy nightmare last night. Anyway, I accidentally slept through my 8 a.m. this morning...then by the time I got showered and whatnot...I just didn't feel like going to my other class...so Marissa and I each skipped our 3:30 p.m. classes and played a couple hands of Rummy while watching The Princess Bride and eating Tootsie Roll pops. (A little glimpse of what finals week is going to be like). ha ha...

As of now I am completely finished with Journalism, one of my six classes. Since I attended every class I don't have to take the final. Woo hoo! Before finals begin I have one paper and one differentiated lesson plan due Thursday and a current events quiz on Friday. Then for finals week I've got one final Monday, one final Tuesday, one final on Wednesday, one final on Thursday, and then one take home final that's due who knows when. Then Friday morning mom and dad are coming to help us load up all of our stuff and then it's goodbye Miami until January of 2008! Wow! You know, despite being the most awful couple of months of my entire life...this semester went by pretty fast. haha. I hope time slows down for summer!

Loving this BEAUTIFUL weather! :)


1 comment:

Marissa said...

dude...it was a perfect day for skipping class and playing rummy. and yes...next week will be filled with movies, rummy, and suckers, among other things.

oh...and these past few months were not the most awful of your entire life. I'd say oct-like jan. were.

Yea for Operation LGIBS!!!