So it's been a while since I updated, but I was totally home enjoying my Thanksgiving break. I can literally describe my break in two words: Freaking Sweet! I had the best time ever. Tuesday I saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It was good, but left out A LOL of stuff from the books. I mean, they left out Winky. Come on! Wednesday I went to the McMullen school and helped with Cosi. It was cool, I got to see some of the kids who were in my mom's kindergarten class last year that I helped out with.

Also Wednesday night we had a girls night at Ashley's house. It was so much fun. We watched a video we made from our first movie night October of last year. It. was. hilarious. And then we watched a video of Ashley and her sister when they were young dancing to a Britney Spears' song at Cedar, I almost cried myself I was laughing so hard. But luckily the laughing stopped long enough for us to play the Ha ha game...or did it?
Thursday was Thanksgiving Day! I spent the entire day at my

grandma and grandpa's house, as usual. It just wouldn't be any holiday without the Henleys. It was so great eating all that yummy food, seeing my cousins, eating all that food, playing games, and eating all that food. Did I mention how great the food was? Friday was a nice relaxing day. I went up to grandma's again to hang out and eat leftovers. We had two 22 pound turkeys (Yeah, we're that big of a family).
Friday night I went to Matt's bonfire and it was really nice seeing all my friends. I really missed them. After a while I went back to my house, but returned later to see Seth David Youn

g and watch the Family Guy movie. I don't know how into the movie I was though, considering we were in the garage and it was freaking cold. Saturday my Aunt Jean and cousin Tanya came to Loudonville for the day. We got the great news that Tanya is pregnant and my other cousin, DeeDee is able to go to Russia and bring back the two boys she and her husband are adopting. Yay! It was really nice because I don't get to see them very often. But thankfully we get to go to Put-in-Bay sometime over Christmas break and see everyone.
Saturday night I went to a party thrown by one of the boys I graduated with. It was nice seeing all of those crazy guys again. got to see all those crazy guysAgain, it was nice to see everyone. Then after that Matt, Marissa, Will, and I went to Seth Ramsey's 21st birthday party. We parked at the bottom of a HUGE hill and walked all the way up the drive. That was not fun...especially on the way back down. Will accidentally elbowed me in the side and it was rather dark and spooky too. Sunday I went to church and then out to breakfast. My boss at Broken Rocks said that they might not need me much over Christmas break or the summer. They better need me over the summer. I need money and lots of it!
Marissa and I basically relaxed all day Sunday. Then we finally left for Miami around 6:20. We went a different way then usual due to traffic on 71, which resulted in us missing an exit and driving a while out of our way. That was fun...we finally got to Miami around 11. It only took us two loads to get all of our stuff out of the car (big surprise considering we had a lot). So now I'm just trying to get through these last two weeks of classes and finals. I really don't think it will be that bad...I'm keeping a positive attitude. How can I not keep a positive attitude when I know I'm going home in like 2 1/2 weeks?! Yay!
Until next time, peace out!