Usually when I go to Wal Mart I buy a bunch of necessities because money is precious in college. But as I was walking through the aisles I decided to treat myself to something special. What you may ask? A coloring book and a box of 48 crayons. Now I bet you're wondering why I would spend my money on such silly childish things? But as I spent a good two hours just sitting on the floor coloring this weekend I remembered why it was so fun as a child.
Coloring is so peaceful and fun. It doesn't matter if you stay inside the lines, or what colors you use, or even how good you are. All that matters is that you're creating your own masterpiece and no one can tell you you're doing it wrong. It's so great! When I'm coloring I feel like weights are being lifted off my shoulders. All the balls that I'm juggling suddenly freeze in the air while I color. It's a total stress reliever.
So if you're ever stressed or worried or sad or just bored, sit down and color a page! Just do it!I swear it will calm you down, and if not then at least it will remind you of what it was like to be a kid and have no worries whatsoever. It's such a great feeling.
Peace out!
hmmm ... interesting. i'll definitely have to keep that in mind. after all, coloring WAS a lot of fun growing up, why would it be any different today? :)
oh sure, start using pictures and dont even mention the great mastermind who taught you...my young padawan.
I don't like popcorn...
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