So the question I keep the bangs for a little while longer or should I let them grow out? And I expect everyone who reads this silly thing to respond! And if you don't respond on her then tell me in person or on the phone or through a text message or facebook or myspace or send an owl. Just let me know! :).jpg)
There are your comparisons. Now be my friends and let me know what you think :)
i say keep the bangs. they make you look older and stand out more. plus, they make us look different. haha. :) plus, i picture you with bangs now too..even though i see you everyday...
I like bangs in pics numbers 2,3,4,& 5. I like your hair in number 2 the best, but then again I like the movie "Teen Witch" :)
I think you look best in picture four. I'm going to be honest...nothing against your forehead or anything, but you should have it covered. I say keep the bangs and kind of mess'em up a little...not a lot...a little.
which picture is number 1,2,3,4, and 5?? I don't see any numbers. But if 4 is the one with the bangs and your hair straight and down than I like that the best too! and if number 2 is the one right above that than it does resemble the girls' hair in "Teen Witch" and that is a SWEET movie!! :)
*forehead* oops
I like the bangs/do in the middle picture on the right best... In the pictures without bangs you look so much like Marissa - bet that will be reason enough for you to keep them (lol....)
Mom votes for bangs! I had no bangs when I met dad but can't remember when I got brave and cut them. Actually always had bangs when young cause self-conscience of big forehead. I think they soften our look. I agree with dad -you REALLY look like Marissa in pic on bottom left. Of course we only have beautiful children. :-D Never saw Teen Witch Marissa and Josh so can't make that comparison. I'll take your word for it!
I think I'll keep the bangs for a little while least it makes me look different from Marissa. lol.
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