Sunday, April 29, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Operation Look Good in Bathing Suits
I lost about six pounds after the breakup because all food basically made me sick, but of course, I gained it back and by the time lent began we were both more than ready to give up sweets. So after forty days of no desserts and about three weeks of actually going to the rec we were actually doing pretty good. (I actually had that line along the side of my calves! lol). But then Easter came...and let's just say we went on chocolate overload...and now we only have one week left to take advantage of the rec here at good old Miami. So what does this all lead to, you ask...?
Heehee. This is Marissa's latest piece of art. I'd say she's gotten better since that first one, wouldn't you? Must be that set design class she's So yeah, Operation Look Good in Bathing Suits has begun and we must be dedicated! No sweets! Going to the rec every day until we leave school! Running almost every day over summer! It is time to feel good about myself and now that I'm finally feeling good on the inside again, it's time to tackle the outside! Woohoo! WE CAN DO IT!
SO looking forward to summer :)
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
If college consisted of watching Princess Bride and playing Rummy I would have a 4.0
So I went to bed last night at a pretty decent time I think, about 1 a.m. And it took me at least an hour and half to fall asleep. I don't know what the deal is! It took me even longer to fall asleep Saturday night (2 1/2 hours!) At least I'm dreaming again...even though I had a pretty creepy nightmare last night. Anyway, I accidentally slept through my 8 a.m. this morning...then by the time I got showered and whatnot...I just didn't feel like going to my other Marissa and I each skipped our 3:30 p.m. classes and played a couple hands of Rummy while watching The Princess Bride and eating Tootsie Roll pops. (A little glimpse of what finals week is going to be like). ha ha...
As of now I am completely finished with Journalism, one of my six classes. Since I attended every class I don't have to take the final. Woo hoo! Before finals begin I have one paper and one differentiated lesson plan due Thursday and a current events quiz on Friday. Then for finals week I've got one final Monday, one final Tuesday, one final on Wednesday, one final on Thursday, and then one take home final that's due who knows when. Then Friday morning mom and dad are coming to help us load up all of our stuff and then it's goodbye Miami until January of 2008! Wow! You know, despite being the most awful couple of months of my entire life...this semester went by pretty fast. haha. I hope time slows down for summer!
Loving this BEAUTIFUL weather! :)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
And So It Goes
There is something wrong with the "o" key on my keyboard. I have to press it really hard to work...this happened with my "n" key a while started working again. Hopefully the "o" key starts working again too. This laptop isn't even two years old yet. I got it the summer before I came to college. Wow...I graduated high school almost two years ago...that is crazy. I can't believe that in two weeks I'll be half way done with college...well, actually, I'll probably have to do an extra semester since I'm studying abroad. But thankfully, the extra semester will only be student teaching and I'll be able to do a walk through graduation in June of 2009. Then hopefully I can live at home and student teach somewhere around Loudonville. That would be sweet.
I'm a little sad right now. Not because I'm alone on a Saturday night or because I'm in a weird mood that resorts me to listening to only depressing songs that remind me I'm single and lonely. lol. I'm sad because I was listening to my saved voice messages on my phone just a couple of minutes ago (I have 13 saved) and realized that my favorite message was deleted. It only saves them for 23 days or some random number like that so if I don't go re-save my messages every so often then it deletes them. So it deleted my message and I am VERY sad about it. It was the message from the night before my last day of high school. It's a voice message of Marissa, Amy, Tiffani, and I singing "Build Me Up Buttercup." It's a long story...some of you might remember it. But now I'm very sad because that was my "pick me up" voice message. Whenever I was feeling sad or lonely or stressed or if I missed the girls all I had to do was listen to that message and everything would be alright. Now I don't know what I'm going to do...
That's life I guess :/
P.S. Brian and Will are both cute blondes. Sorry for the misunderstanding from the previous post.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Blonde Bombs

Sunday, April 15, 2007
We were about 40 minutes late for the concert because we had to drive all the way to Mansfield to pick up mom, then got stuck in traffic in Cleveland, then it took us about 10 minutes to find parking, then we misunderstood the valet guy's directions to the theatre and walked way out of our way. I had to shout across the street to a group of guys to ask where the place was. Let's just say we got our workout running around the streets of Cleveland. lol.
When we finally got to the place, we had missed the song My Life, but that's it. Our seats weren't too bad I suppose...we were pretty far back, but at least it wasn't the nosebleed section. I mean, we had a perfect shot of the The piano man sang for about an hour and half, including some of my favorite songs. The list goes as follows (though not quite in the right order...):
Vienna: He gave us a choice of three songs and this was the one people cheered for the most
The Entertainer
She’s Always A Woman: Love this song, but not quite as much as She's got a way (I was so hoping he'd sing that one...)
Don’t Ask My Why
Movin’ Out: He dedicated this song to Imus. I think it's because he was fired and therefore had to "move out"? Haha...
Innocent Man: Actually Billy Joel stood up and started singing the song Stand By Me. Then he said, "That's not my song...but I wish it was." Haha! Then he went right into Innocent Man. It was freaking awesome!
Big Shot: Oh my gosh...he doned a backwards baseball cap and did some questionable "gangsta" hand
New York State of Mind
River of Dreams
Zanzibar: You know...Jack Black mentions a restaurant titled Zanzibar in the song Fuck her Gently...I wonder if it's a restaurant to Billy Joel's song...
Highway to Hell: lol...I know what you're thinking. This is not a Billy Joel song...but he let a member of his road crew come out and sing it. haha. He went by the name of "Chainsaw" and he was pretty good. lol.
You May Be Right: This would be when Marissa, Mandy, and I stood up and started dancing and rocking out. We couldn't get mom to join
We Didn’t Start the Fire: Just so you is a personal goal of mine to learn ALL the lyrics to this song... :)
Still Rock and Roll To Me: After this song Billy Joel said, "Goodnight, Cleveland" and left the stage. The lights went out and everyone got out their cell phones and started waiving them to try to get him to come back out. It totally worked, thank God!
Only the Good Die Young: I LOVE THIS SONG! But oddly enough...I am the type of catholic girl that Billy Joel is singing about. haha...
Scenes from an Italian Restaurant
Piano Man: Of course, he always ends with this song, I'm sure. EVERYONE was singing along :)
So needless to say it was an AMAZING concert! Billy Joel sounds just as good live (if not better) than he does on his c.d.s. The money was TOTALLY worth it! Best concert I've been to! (Okay, so I've only been to one other concert...) But this one was still freaking AWESOME!
Oh, and just some random information...did you know that Billy Joel's third wife, whom he married in 2004, is a 26 year old named Katie Lee. He met her when she was a senior here at Miami University! She was his waitress at one of the restaurants uptown, 45 east! Haha...
Peace out! :)Katherine
Friday, April 13, 2007
Oh happy day!
The Office of International Education has reviewed your application and accepted you for the Miami Royal Holloway Semester in England...
This is pretty much the best day of the year so far!England, here I come!!! :)
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Livin' For Me
DaShadow1500: HOLY CRAP K
DaShadow1500: ur living
DaShadow1500: wtf is wrong with u
katherinel12: haha
katherinel12: I am! I'm living!
katherinel12: Yay for me!
DaShadow1500: lol im glad
katherinel12: Me too.:-)
katherinel12: It's about damn time.
DaShadow1500: i agree!
DaShadow1500: FINALLY
Just living the way I should be :)
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Here comes Peter Cottontail!
Whoa, speaking of weather. It is definitely going to start pouring any minute....wait for it...there it goes! I so called that. It is crazy windy and it's even thundering and lightning out too. IT's actually quite beautiful. Reminds me of summer...even though it's spring...Anyway, as I sit here listening to Tom Petty & the Heartbreaker's Free Fallin' I am in a really good mood because the rest of my week is basically a breeze from here. I have a presentation Wednesday and another one Friday, and then a possible impromptu speech Friday also, but other than that, smooth sailing. Last week was basically hell and so was the weekend and so was yesterday. Let's just say I pulled two all-nighters in a row. But enough of that! I say, a good night of sleep tonight is definitely deserved!
So now that hell week and weekend are over I am so totally PUMPED! Want to know why?
1. Easter weekend! Woohoo! So far possible plans include lunch and bowling with the girls, party at Daubert's (maybe just as Designated Driver...), all day Sunday at grandma's, and NO drives with one, Mr. Hansen (Ha ha, just messing, Will) ;)
2. Lent ends this weekend! WOO HOO!!!! I haven't had any sweets in SO long. And I've been SO good running and working out and eating healthy. It's reward time, baby!
3. Billy Joel Concert on April 13th! Words cannot express how excited I am!!!
4. After this week, I only have 4 weeks left of school!!!
5. And in 4 birthday! Soon I won't be a teenager anymore! Hard to believe, huh?
6. In four weeks I will be having 4 1/2 months of the BEST summer EVER! (At least I hope...)
7. THEN 3 months studying abroad at the beautiful Royal Holloway University. England, here I come!
Isn't life just BEAUTIFUL?! :)