I used to like getting dressed up for Halloween, it was fun. But as I got older my mom stopped making my Halloween costumes. Therefore, I started getting sloppy and lazy. By sloppy and lazy, of course, I mean that I went to the Halloween dance every year during high school and never once dressed up in costume (not counting the year I wore Marissa's shirt and said I was Marissa for Halloween).
So here I am, a freshman in college, and even though I did not go out to Halloween parties on the weekend like a majority of people I still got to see all the Halloween costumes. The guys had some nice unique costumes, but the girls were all dressed as the same thing. They were all what appeared to be hookers: nurse hookers, pirate hookers, bunny hookers, etc. Okay, so that was a little harsh, but come on...I realize that Halloween in college is not who can be the scariest, it's who can be the sluttiest. It's rather sad what the world has come to.
So I did have to find a costume for the Halloween party in my English class today. And of course I wanted to do something that involved, well, no work whatsoever. So I went to Wal Mart and bought a cowboy hat. It's like the easiest costume ever. All I had to do is wear my black boots, jeans, a flannel shirt, the cowboy hat, and braid my hair. Not hard at all. I'm so lazy...
Oh, and the trick or treaters from Oxford came through our dorms last night. They were so cute, but so many. We ran out of candy before trick or treating was even half way over. I felt really bad. But anyway, my favorite costume was the little boy as Nemo. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. Alright, that's it for Halloween. Next up, Thanksgiving!
Peace out,