I'm sitting here working on my huge portfolio due Wednesday, and as usual my mind is somewhere else. My mind...I can't control it. It won't think about what I want it to think about. It won't do what it knows it should. It goes when it wants and doesn't come back until much after I actually needed it for something productive, like schoolwork. It is constantly thinking. I can't get it to stop. It's impossibe to not be thinking about something, but why does it have to think the things it does? Is it trying to torture me? Does my mind hate me? I'm beginning to think it does.
It tricked me. It made me believe that everything was great and right in the world. Has your mind ever doen that to you? Have you ever had one of those break-taking single perfect moments where everything was right in the world? I have. Many times. But you know what, everything isn't perfect in the world. Even then it wasn't. I just thought it was perfect because my mind was playing tricks on me. I know it wasn't real. Why then, do I wish I could go back to that time when everything did feel right in the world? I suppose because I'd rather have naive hope than cynical reality. Nonetheless, my mind has other plans for me.
I just want to be genuinely happy again. How do I get to that point? How long will it take? I'm a happy person. I swear I am. I'm an optimist. At least I was. I'm a strong person. Maybe I was wrong. I just don't know anymore. I don't know! I hate those words. They aren't an answer for anything. They're an easy way out. I still use them...I always will. I hate them, but I know that as unanswering as they are, sometimes they're the only answer you can give. I don't know why my mind won't let me stop thinking. I want to stop thinking. Then I could actually just get over it and move on. I wish it were that easy, but it's my mind...It runs the show and there's nothing I can do about it...but continue thinking.
I just want to sleep the days away
At least then I wouldn't be thinking
Monday, December 11, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
And a year later...
So finals week is almost upon me...and I have much to do. I'm half way through an eight page writing assignment, I have a five page paper to write, a portfolio to do, a short story to revise, and three finals to study for. I'm trying to manage my time wisely, but we all know how crazy it is to concentrate during crunch time...So needless to say I've been doing my fair share of procrastinating (Go figure). Last night I was looking through some old blog entries and I found one from exactly a year ago today, December 6, 2005! And how appropriate, it was all about procrastinating, and included one of those good old surveys about myself.
So I thought what better way to procrastinate than to update a survey I did a year ago and see how many of the answers have changed. And that's exactly what I did. Some of my answers stayed the same and some changed. If you want to check out the old answers then you can click here: http://kml12.blogspot.com/2005/12/i-really-dont-want-to-continue-working.html. And if you want to see the new answers then just look below! Heehee.
::51 things you didn't know about me (Or maybe you do...)
1. What is your middle name? Marie
2. Last person you kissed? That would be my last boyfriend...whom I still love…but who doesn’t love me anymore…
3. What are you listening to right now? Cold December by Matt Costa and other Christmas/winter music
4. Last two digits of your phone number? Still 41...
5. Last thing you ate? Some Honey Roasted Peanuts...yum!
6. Last person you hugged? Marissa when she went home this past weekend
7. How is the weather right now? Not very wintery, and I'm mad! Where's the snow?!
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom, I was telling her what my professor thought of my short story...
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Physical quality would still have to be their smile. When I see a nice smile, I can’t help but smile too. If we’re talking about characteristics I would have to say their ability to make me laugh.
10. Favorite type of food? Well…since Marissa and I are still having our no dessert bet then I’m going to have to say dessert. Any kind! Chocolate! Cheesecake! Cow tales! Yum…
11. Do you drink? I think this means alcohol. I will drink very rarely, and when I do it is only one small drink at a time and it’s always when I’m at home, not at a party. I have never been drunk.
12. Do you smoke? No way! And I’m very thankful that soon people won’t be able to smoke in restaurants.
13. Ever get so drunk you don’t remember what you did? No, thank goodness. Personally I don’t see what’s so fun about that…
14. Hair color? I like to call it dull red. It’s not as pretty as Marissa and mom’s
15. Eye Color? Um…I’d say blue/gray…nothing extraordinary.
16. Do you wear contacts? Nope.
17. Favorite Holiday? Only the best holiday ever, and it’s almost here! Christmas time, baby!
18. When's your birthday? May 6, 1987
19. Have you ever cried for no reason? Oh yes, I think a good cry every now and then is healthy…but recently I’ve been crying for a specific reason…
20. Last movie you watched? Um….let me think…I’ll go with the last full movie I watched, which was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
21. Last time you were at work? Just this past Thanksgiving break. It was nice to be back. I’ll probably work some over Christmas break too.
22. Last time you were out of your town? I’m going to refer to “your town” as where I am now, which is Oxford. So the answer is when I went HOME to Loudonville for Thanksgiving break.
23. Last time you went bowling? Um…it has been a long time…I do believe that it was Christmas break last year with Miss Tiffani Martini and Marissa Grunt.
24. Something unusual about you? Well, last year I said that I couldn’t wink, but now I sort of can (even though it’s not pretty to look at). So I’ll have to say that something unusual about me is that I don’t like strawberries, but I do like certain strawberry flavored things.
25. Favorite breakfast food? Yeah…not a big breakfast person. I have been eating A LOT of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal this year…only it wasn’t for breakfast…
26. Favorite color? Blue!
27. What are you afraid of? Losing a loved one.
28. If you could take a trip anywhere, where would it be? Um…I think England…and actually I will hopefully be studying abroad there next year!
29. What books are you reading? Unfortunately none at the moment…over Christmas break I do plan on reading The Da Vinci Code and hopefully some other books.
30. Piercings? I just have my ears pierced.
31. Favorite movie? Yeah…if you know me at all you know it’s very hard for me to pick just one favorite movie, but I’m going to have to say that Pirates of the Caribbean is still way up there. Johnny Depp AND Orlando Bloom, come on!
32. Favorite basketball team? I’m still going to have to say the LHS basketball team from my senior year.
33. What were you doing before you filled this out? Actually being productive! Woo Hoo!
34. Any pets? Well, Anna is officially an outside cat now, but we have TWO new baby kittens! Pepper is a long haired calico with mitten paws! And Ginger is a long haired orange and white cat. They’re sisters!
35. Instant Messenger name? You probably all have it, especially if you are reading my blog.
36. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn? Oh…butter popcocrn…you rock my world.
37. DOGS OR CATS? Definitely a cat person, but I can stand some types of dogs.
38. Favorite Flower? Still Chrysanthemums39. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? I’m sure I have, but I can’t think of anything specific…
40. Are you single or taken? That’s funny. Last year I answered “single, but not by choice.” And I'd have to say that still fits for this year…go figure.
41. Have you ever loved someone? Yes, with all my heart…and it was the most wonderful thing anyone could possibly feel. I am so thankful for having the chance to love that much.
42. Who would you like to see right now? My parents, at least I know that they won’t just stop loving me.
43. What's your occupation? No occupation just yet…still an English Education major though…and feeling a bit more confident about it.
44. Have you ever fired a gun? Um…I still don’t know if it was a real gun or not…Danny DeVault had it at one of Matt’s bonfires back in high school
45. Do you like to travel by plane? I can’t really say because I’ve only been on a tiny plane for like 5 minutes on the way to Put-in-Bay in the winter. That is going to make it extremely difficult to be on a plane for such a long time if I study abroad next year.
46. Right-handed or left-handed? Right, but I wish I were ambidextrous. That’d be cool.
47. If you could be with someone right now, who would it be? Um…well I always want to see my family and my girls, but honestly I think Josh and Will because Marissa and them had a lot of fun this last weekend, and I felt left out because I stupidly chose to stay here.
48. How many pillows do you sleep with? I sleep with one pillow under my head, but I lay on my stomach, sort of on my hands…so I really barely use it…um...nevermind.
49. Are you missing someone? Yes, I miss someone probably too much.
50. Do you have a tattoo? Nope.
51. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? Nah…not anymore. If I can I like to sleep in on Saturdays.
I guess not a whole lot has changed...
Procrastinators Unite!
So I thought what better way to procrastinate than to update a survey I did a year ago and see how many of the answers have changed. And that's exactly what I did. Some of my answers stayed the same and some changed. If you want to check out the old answers then you can click here: http://kml12.blogspot.com/2005/12/i-really-dont-want-to-continue-working.html. And if you want to see the new answers then just look below! Heehee.
::51 things you didn't know about me (Or maybe you do...)
1. What is your middle name? Marie
2. Last person you kissed? That would be my last boyfriend...whom I still love…but who doesn’t love me anymore…
3. What are you listening to right now? Cold December by Matt Costa and other Christmas/winter music
4. Last two digits of your phone number? Still 41...
5. Last thing you ate? Some Honey Roasted Peanuts...yum!
6. Last person you hugged? Marissa when she went home this past weekend
7. How is the weather right now? Not very wintery, and I'm mad! Where's the snow?!
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom, I was telling her what my professor thought of my short story...
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Physical quality would still have to be their smile. When I see a nice smile, I can’t help but smile too. If we’re talking about characteristics I would have to say their ability to make me laugh.
10. Favorite type of food? Well…since Marissa and I are still having our no dessert bet then I’m going to have to say dessert. Any kind! Chocolate! Cheesecake! Cow tales! Yum…
11. Do you drink? I think this means alcohol. I will drink very rarely, and when I do it is only one small drink at a time and it’s always when I’m at home, not at a party. I have never been drunk.
12. Do you smoke? No way! And I’m very thankful that soon people won’t be able to smoke in restaurants.
13. Ever get so drunk you don’t remember what you did? No, thank goodness. Personally I don’t see what’s so fun about that…
14. Hair color? I like to call it dull red. It’s not as pretty as Marissa and mom’s
15. Eye Color? Um…I’d say blue/gray…nothing extraordinary.
16. Do you wear contacts? Nope.
17. Favorite Holiday? Only the best holiday ever, and it’s almost here! Christmas time, baby!
18. When's your birthday? May 6, 1987
19. Have you ever cried for no reason? Oh yes, I think a good cry every now and then is healthy…but recently I’ve been crying for a specific reason…
20. Last movie you watched? Um….let me think…I’ll go with the last full movie I watched, which was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
21. Last time you were at work? Just this past Thanksgiving break. It was nice to be back. I’ll probably work some over Christmas break too.
22. Last time you were out of your town? I’m going to refer to “your town” as where I am now, which is Oxford. So the answer is when I went HOME to Loudonville for Thanksgiving break.
23. Last time you went bowling? Um…it has been a long time…I do believe that it was Christmas break last year with Miss Tiffani Martini and Marissa Grunt.
24. Something unusual about you? Well, last year I said that I couldn’t wink, but now I sort of can (even though it’s not pretty to look at). So I’ll have to say that something unusual about me is that I don’t like strawberries, but I do like certain strawberry flavored things.
25. Favorite breakfast food? Yeah…not a big breakfast person. I have been eating A LOT of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal this year…only it wasn’t for breakfast…
26. Favorite color? Blue!
27. What are you afraid of? Losing a loved one.
28. If you could take a trip anywhere, where would it be? Um…I think England…and actually I will hopefully be studying abroad there next year!
29. What books are you reading? Unfortunately none at the moment…over Christmas break I do plan on reading The Da Vinci Code and hopefully some other books.
30. Piercings? I just have my ears pierced.
31. Favorite movie? Yeah…if you know me at all you know it’s very hard for me to pick just one favorite movie, but I’m going to have to say that Pirates of the Caribbean is still way up there. Johnny Depp AND Orlando Bloom, come on!
32. Favorite basketball team? I’m still going to have to say the LHS basketball team from my senior year.
33. What were you doing before you filled this out? Actually being productive! Woo Hoo!
34. Any pets? Well, Anna is officially an outside cat now, but we have TWO new baby kittens! Pepper is a long haired calico with mitten paws! And Ginger is a long haired orange and white cat. They’re sisters!
35. Instant Messenger name? You probably all have it, especially if you are reading my blog.
36. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn? Oh…butter popcocrn…you rock my world.
37. DOGS OR CATS? Definitely a cat person, but I can stand some types of dogs.
38. Favorite Flower? Still Chrysanthemums39. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to? I’m sure I have, but I can’t think of anything specific…
40. Are you single or taken? That’s funny. Last year I answered “single, but not by choice.” And I'd have to say that still fits for this year…go figure.
41. Have you ever loved someone? Yes, with all my heart…and it was the most wonderful thing anyone could possibly feel. I am so thankful for having the chance to love that much.
42. Who would you like to see right now? My parents, at least I know that they won’t just stop loving me.
43. What's your occupation? No occupation just yet…still an English Education major though…and feeling a bit more confident about it.
44. Have you ever fired a gun? Um…I still don’t know if it was a real gun or not…Danny DeVault had it at one of Matt’s bonfires back in high school
45. Do you like to travel by plane? I can’t really say because I’ve only been on a tiny plane for like 5 minutes on the way to Put-in-Bay in the winter. That is going to make it extremely difficult to be on a plane for such a long time if I study abroad next year.
46. Right-handed or left-handed? Right, but I wish I were ambidextrous. That’d be cool.
47. If you could be with someone right now, who would it be? Um…well I always want to see my family and my girls, but honestly I think Josh and Will because Marissa and them had a lot of fun this last weekend, and I felt left out because I stupidly chose to stay here.
48. How many pillows do you sleep with? I sleep with one pillow under my head, but I lay on my stomach, sort of on my hands…so I really barely use it…um...nevermind.
49. Are you missing someone? Yes, I miss someone probably too much.
50. Do you have a tattoo? Nope.
51. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? Nah…not anymore. If I can I like to sleep in on Saturdays.
I guess not a whole lot has changed...
Procrastinators Unite!
Monday, December 04, 2006
A Preview
And since I'm not quite up to my full writing potential yet...a little light reading for you....
Chasing Cars
Exit 95. My eyes shift quickly from the tattered red Ford truck ahead of me to the illuminated green glow of the digital clock – 10:24 a.m. It has been four exits and three hours since I left the near empty gas station where I refueled my car and filled my stomach with the refreshing coffee from the machine. It was supposed to taste like French Vanilla, but had reminded me more of the off brand coffee substitute my grandmother used to buy with the coupons she would receive in the mail. My 2002 Toyota Camry seemed to be steering itself as I successfully switched lanes to make room for the merging vehicles coming up on the right.
As the speedometer makes its way back down to 60 mph I feel a tickle in my nose and sneeze almost uncontrollably, twice. I remember reading somewhere that it’s impossible to keep your eyes open during those few seconds when you sneeze, and I wonder how many minutes I’ve spent with my eyes closed so far during the journey. For the past couple of days I have been dealing with a minor cold that was so inconveniently given to me by a coworker. Glancing through the rear view mirror at my usually tidy backseat I cringe at the sight of dozens of used white Kleenex that had been rolled into soft balls and tossed behind me. Due to the absence of a trash bag of any sort, the little balls of white are randomly spread around the car, lying on the tan leather seats, shoved into the side pockets of the car door, or placed on the floor, hidden from view.
It’s unusually bright as the sun shines through my windshield, and I have to squint slightly as I feel for the visor and pull it to the left side of the window without removing my eyes from the never-ending stretch of road ahead. I’ve had my car for months now, but I can still detect a pinch of new car smell, even through the cheap coffee that I had finished over 130 miles ago. Steadying the wheel with my left hand, I use only my right index finger to turn on the radio and switch from station to station until I hear a familiar song. A case full of c.d.s lay in the passenger seat next to me, but I opt for the radio instead because I’d rather leave the music selections up to an infinite source. “Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter” softly reverberates from the speakers and I’m immediately taken back in time.
“Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say it’s alright,” he sang along mockingly to the Beatles tune. The music bounced off the walls of the bus as it trekked along Main Street on the late February night. It was nearing the end of winter, but tonight the snow was gliding sweetly from the sparkling sky, like angels coming down from heaven.
“Hey, I love this song,” I said shivering from the cold breeze that creaked through the constantly frosted windows. My hands, possibly the only warmth in my entire body, were shoved into the pockets of my black pea coat and I played with the ball of tissues inside.
“Well, I love you,” he pulled me closer to him and kissed my rose tinted cheek. After a moment of silence a cloud of cold air escaped from my mouth and I let out a gentle, “Really? Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent positive,” he nodded his head in a definite manner. Not wasting a single instant I replied with four words that I was already so sure of, “I love you too.”
Justin and I had met nearly two months ago at my cousin’s 21st birthday party. Being one of the only freshmen amidst the crowded zoo of upperclassmen, I didn’t really notice him until half way through the evening when my obviously intoxicated cousin introduced him as “the dude who sits behind me in Calculus.” For the rest of the night I stood facing his 5 foot 11 physique, fixing my attention on his chocolate brown eyes. They were the color of every other person’s at the party, yet the simplicity of the brown against the rest of his features made them unexpectedly unique. With his arms crossed firmly across his chest, you could see the outline of the blue veins flowing across the discrete muscles that glistened even in the dim light. His broad shoulders arched forward with every movement he made, and every time those dimples formed into that wide mischievous smirk I couldn’t help but smile myself. There was nothing extraordinary about his appearance, but I sensed something in him that the naked eye alone couldn’t see and though I’m not quite sure what it was, I was hooked.
If you want to read more, just let me know
Hopefully soon I'll be back to my old writing crazy self...
Chasing Cars
Exit 95. My eyes shift quickly from the tattered red Ford truck ahead of me to the illuminated green glow of the digital clock – 10:24 a.m. It has been four exits and three hours since I left the near empty gas station where I refueled my car and filled my stomach with the refreshing coffee from the machine. It was supposed to taste like French Vanilla, but had reminded me more of the off brand coffee substitute my grandmother used to buy with the coupons she would receive in the mail. My 2002 Toyota Camry seemed to be steering itself as I successfully switched lanes to make room for the merging vehicles coming up on the right.
As the speedometer makes its way back down to 60 mph I feel a tickle in my nose and sneeze almost uncontrollably, twice. I remember reading somewhere that it’s impossible to keep your eyes open during those few seconds when you sneeze, and I wonder how many minutes I’ve spent with my eyes closed so far during the journey. For the past couple of days I have been dealing with a minor cold that was so inconveniently given to me by a coworker. Glancing through the rear view mirror at my usually tidy backseat I cringe at the sight of dozens of used white Kleenex that had been rolled into soft balls and tossed behind me. Due to the absence of a trash bag of any sort, the little balls of white are randomly spread around the car, lying on the tan leather seats, shoved into the side pockets of the car door, or placed on the floor, hidden from view.
It’s unusually bright as the sun shines through my windshield, and I have to squint slightly as I feel for the visor and pull it to the left side of the window without removing my eyes from the never-ending stretch of road ahead. I’ve had my car for months now, but I can still detect a pinch of new car smell, even through the cheap coffee that I had finished over 130 miles ago. Steadying the wheel with my left hand, I use only my right index finger to turn on the radio and switch from station to station until I hear a familiar song. A case full of c.d.s lay in the passenger seat next to me, but I opt for the radio instead because I’d rather leave the music selections up to an infinite source. “Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter” softly reverberates from the speakers and I’m immediately taken back in time.
“Here comes the sun, here comes the sun, and I say it’s alright,” he sang along mockingly to the Beatles tune. The music bounced off the walls of the bus as it trekked along Main Street on the late February night. It was nearing the end of winter, but tonight the snow was gliding sweetly from the sparkling sky, like angels coming down from heaven.
“Hey, I love this song,” I said shivering from the cold breeze that creaked through the constantly frosted windows. My hands, possibly the only warmth in my entire body, were shoved into the pockets of my black pea coat and I played with the ball of tissues inside.
“Well, I love you,” he pulled me closer to him and kissed my rose tinted cheek. After a moment of silence a cloud of cold air escaped from my mouth and I let out a gentle, “Really? Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent positive,” he nodded his head in a definite manner. Not wasting a single instant I replied with four words that I was already so sure of, “I love you too.”
Justin and I had met nearly two months ago at my cousin’s 21st birthday party. Being one of the only freshmen amidst the crowded zoo of upperclassmen, I didn’t really notice him until half way through the evening when my obviously intoxicated cousin introduced him as “the dude who sits behind me in Calculus.” For the rest of the night I stood facing his 5 foot 11 physique, fixing my attention on his chocolate brown eyes. They were the color of every other person’s at the party, yet the simplicity of the brown against the rest of his features made them unexpectedly unique. With his arms crossed firmly across his chest, you could see the outline of the blue veins flowing across the discrete muscles that glistened even in the dim light. His broad shoulders arched forward with every movement he made, and every time those dimples formed into that wide mischievous smirk I couldn’t help but smile myself. There was nothing extraordinary about his appearance, but I sensed something in him that the naked eye alone couldn’t see and though I’m not quite sure what it was, I was hooked.
If you want to read more, just let me know
Hopefully soon I'll be back to my old writing crazy self...
Monday, November 27, 2006
I'm Thankful for Breaks!
Well, unfortunately Thanksgiving break has already come and gone. I had such an amazingly great time, even though I had just a bit of trouble with all the ex boyfriend memories (you know, I really hate that word...ex boyfriend...it sounds so harsh...so final). So I got hardly any work done on my eight page research paper and ended up staying up til 5 a.m. last night finishing it so I could turn it in this morning, but hey. It's all good. No worries! (Other than all the other crap I have to do between now and Christmas break...) So I won't go on and on about every single little detail about my break because we all know how boring that is...I'll just give you a little idea of how great it was... using pictures! Yay! Everyone loves pictures!

Wednesday night I went to the movies with Amy Dot, Tiffani Martini, Marissa, Brandon, Will, Josh, Greg, and his girlfriend. We saw the movie Happy Feet! It was so wonderful! First of all, it had penguins, which are adorable and it made me want to get up and dance! I laughed more just watching that movie than I have in the past month.
Thursday I spent the whole day at my grandma and grandpa's house eating lots of yummy food and playing games and just having a grand old time with my wonderful family, especially my wonderful cousin, Brittany Marie McMullen. She's pretty much the coolest person I know.
Did I mention how much yummy food I ate?
I got to spend time with our two new adorable kittens. We spent almost the whole weekend trying to decide on names and I think we finally ended with Ginger for the white and orange one and Pepper for the calico one with mitten paws. (Personally, I think that she looks more like a Nutmeg, but that's okay...) We got everyone to agree on Pepper so we better stick with it. They're so cute, I can't wait to spend more time with them during Christmas break!
I went out to dinner with all the beautiful loves of my life: Tiffani, Ashley, Marissa, Bri, Amy, and Beth (who is taking the picture). We ate at Applebee's, then got yummy ice cream at Cold Stone. Then we went back to our house and oddly enough...looked at wedding dresses and engagement rings...geeze. Last year we were playing the ha ha game and this year we're planning our freaking weddings...I don't want to grow up! Let's just play with some barbies or something, darn it!
Well, that was my break in a nutshell. It was so great and it was too short. Now I'm overwhelmed with work and stuff...but I'm sure these next 2 1/2 weeks will go by very fast and then I'll be home again...where I belong. Yay!
Is it Christmas yet?
I'm always happy during Christmas...

Wednesday night I went to the movies with Amy Dot, Tiffani Martini, Marissa, Brandon, Will, Josh, Greg, and his girlfriend. We saw the movie Happy Feet! It was so wonderful! First of all, it had penguins, which are adorable and it made me want to get up and dance! I laughed more just watching that movie than I have in the past month.

Did I mention how much yummy food I ate?

Well, that was my break in a nutshell. It was so great and it was too short. Now I'm overwhelmed with work and stuff...but I'm sure these next 2 1/2 weeks will go by very fast and then I'll be home again...where I belong. Yay!
Is it Christmas yet?
I'm always happy during Christmas...
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I guess it just poured out of me
Today would have been our six month anniversary. I was looking at my calendar and had to scribble it out because apparently I had written it in back when he may have actually loved me. Not a day has passed since the break up that I haven't cried. I thought I was doing fine, but as it turns out, I was wrong. The tears come too easily. Was I naive to believe that my dream guy, the one I liked all through high school, could actually be the one? Was I stupid for falling in love so easily? In my defense, you can't help who you fall in love with. It's not something you can control. And it's not like I wish I'd never fallen in love iwth him in the first place. I don't regret it, even after all this pain. I don't regret the few months of pure bliss where I would wake up every morning thinking how lucky I was. Who would? It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all. At least that's what they say. I believe it. Back when I thought he loved me was wonderful. Does it matter that it may have all been a lie? Does it matter that he fell out of love with me? Does anything matter anymore? You'd think I'd want to blame him. It's his fault for leading me on, it's his fault for not giving it a try. I can't blame him. You can't be mad at someone for doing the right thing. I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't love me enough to try or someone who doesn't even love me period. I don't want him to be in a relationship that he doesn't want to be in. That wouldn't be pleasing to anyone. For a week and a half I'd been listening to music, sad music about heartbreaks and love (I wasn't strong enough for the hopeful songs). I haven't listened to any music at all in the past two days. I guess I'm just sick of it all. I'm depressed. I'm heartbroken. I am more miserable now than I have ever been. The music is beginning to sound like broken records. No matter what the lyrics are saying all I hear is "he doesn't love you." It's all that goes through my mind. I think of all the great times we had. "He doesn't love you." I look at the pictures and read the old text messages and letters. "He doesn't love you." I cry because I can't stop loving him. "He doesn't love you." Get over it, move on. It's over. It will never be the same. I know that it was the right thing to do. I want him to be happy. He's a great guy, the best I've ever known. He deserves to be happy. If it wasn't me making him happy it should be someone else. I know that. I know that I'll get through this with time. I've seen enough to know that. It's just going to be bad and hurt worse before it gets better. I have to face the facts. I have to convince myself that he doesn't love me. Nothing else will help me get through this. Even though right now I can't truthfully say that I want to get through this, that I want to get over him. His smile still makes me weak in the knees. His laugh still makes me want to never stop joking. I am amazed by him, I always was. Just seeing him makes me want to fall into his arms. But I can't. Those arms aren't mine anymore. They're no longer safe. I don't feel safe anymore. I have a lot of wonderful people who love and care about me. I am so unbelievably grateful for them, but still all those people who do love me doesn't make up for the one who doesn't. I have to accept it, I have to move on. I have to stop crying (I don't want to...). I have to stop expecting to see his name come up every time I get a phone call. I have to stop looking at all the stuff that reminds me of him. Which is impossible because everything screams his name. I can't escape. I can't hide. And I can't do anything to make the tears stop. "He doesn't love you. He doesn't love you. He doesn't love you." The more I say it the more I try to move on. It's not happening yet. It won't for a while. Patience is a virtue. I waited all through high school to have my chance with him. I waited months for him to loosen up and not be so shy. It seems only right that I had to wait until he was brave enough to end it. It seems only right that I now have to wait to get over him. it's not going to be easy, but that's just the way it is. Break some hearts, have your heart broken, there's no avoiding it. I know that. I know a lot of things...all except why he doesn't love me anymore (if he ever did...) And that is something I may never know, but it doesn't really matter either way. "He doesn't love you." From the moment the words came out of his mouth until the day I'm really alright that's all that matters.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
I guess that wasn't enough
You know we always had each other baby
I guess that wasn't enough
Oh, but here in my heart
I give you the best of my love
Well, needless to say...I may not be posting for a while...I don't think I'll be in the mood...I'm sorry for those of you who like to read this thing...hopefully you keep reading once things get better...Um, I really don't have much else to say...I'm just trying to get through the days until Thanksgiving break, or Christmas break for that matter...I hope they come fast because I really just need to be home right now...
Everything will be alright...
In time...
I guess that wasn't enough
Oh, but here in my heart
I give you the best of my love
Well, needless to say...I may not be posting for a while...I don't think I'll be in the mood...I'm sorry for those of you who like to read this thing...hopefully you keep reading once things get better...Um, I really don't have much else to say...I'm just trying to get through the days until Thanksgiving break, or Christmas break for that matter...I hope they come fast because I really just need to be home right now...
Everything will be alright...
In time...
Monday, October 30, 2006
It is such a BEAUTIFUL fall day today! I didn't even need a jacket and the wind was blowing the perfect amount, enough to blow my hair, but not make it all crazy and messy. You can actually hear the leaves falling off the trees, and while you're walking they float around like that plastic bag in the movie American Beauty. It's like it was raining leaves! One came and landed in my hair. It made me smile.
I feel sorry for people with ADD or ADHD that look at MySpace because those MySpace pages look so freaking busy and confusing! (I hate MySpace)
I got a 37 out of 50 on my Physical Science exam, which is basically how bad I usually do...but still...there was that little optimistic part of me that hoped maybe this one time I actually did better...
Marissa and I were very discouraged when we realized that there have only been ten weekends since we've been away at school. We've spend six of them at home, and only four actually here on campus. But we won't be going home until Thanksgiving so it will even out by the end of the semester. Time is going by so freaking slow!
I have not eaten sweets in about two weeks. Marissa and I have a bet going. Whoever eats sweets first has to pay for the other one's cheesecake when we reward ourselves at the end. I can't wait! Yummy! You can buy me White chocolate chocolate mousse cheesecake, Marissa. Heehee.
I have to write a short story by a week from tomorrow. I am screwed...
Marissa and I had a debate about what we did last Thanksgiving break. I have three forms of proof that we went to see the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with Amy, Ashley, and we met with Scott, Matt, JK, and his friend, but Marissa claims that she went to Scott's to see Matt. We might have concluded that we got home Monday night instead of Tuesday, but it's still debatable.
It makes me happy when people comment on my blog. Thanks so much!
There was a toy car in my box of Frosted Flakes cereal...anyone want it?
I have to go to the restroom...
I am back now.
We're getting a kitty! We finally talked my parents into it! Yay! Sorry Anna...I still love you.
Marissa just said "God, I love country" very sarcastically because Keith Urban is playing on my mix list. lol. She's so funny sometimes...
I have listened to about 200 of the 2,000 plus songs on my list. This is going to take a while to actually listen to all of them...
Desperate Housewives was on last night. Does anyone else think that the chick who was warning Bree about her new husband really teamed up with her friend and Bree's new husband's ex wife to make it look like he killed her when really the chick killed Monique, her husband's mistress, and tried to make it appear that it was Alma so that she could get out of her marriage?! Anyone?! No?
I have homework to do. Darn it. I better get started.
That was random...oh well...
Peace out! :)
I feel sorry for people with ADD or ADHD that look at MySpace because those MySpace pages look so freaking busy and confusing! (I hate MySpace)
I got a 37 out of 50 on my Physical Science exam, which is basically how bad I usually do...but still...there was that little optimistic part of me that hoped maybe this one time I actually did better...
Marissa and I were very discouraged when we realized that there have only been ten weekends since we've been away at school. We've spend six of them at home, and only four actually here on campus. But we won't be going home until Thanksgiving so it will even out by the end of the semester. Time is going by so freaking slow!
I have not eaten sweets in about two weeks. Marissa and I have a bet going. Whoever eats sweets first has to pay for the other one's cheesecake when we reward ourselves at the end. I can't wait! Yummy! You can buy me White chocolate chocolate mousse cheesecake, Marissa. Heehee.
I have to write a short story by a week from tomorrow. I am screwed...
Marissa and I had a debate about what we did last Thanksgiving break. I have three forms of proof that we went to see the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire with Amy, Ashley, and we met with Scott, Matt, JK, and his friend, but Marissa claims that she went to Scott's to see Matt. We might have concluded that we got home Monday night instead of Tuesday, but it's still debatable.
It makes me happy when people comment on my blog. Thanks so much!
There was a toy car in my box of Frosted Flakes cereal...anyone want it?
I have to go to the restroom...
I am back now.
We're getting a kitty! We finally talked my parents into it! Yay! Sorry Anna...I still love you.
Marissa just said "God, I love country" very sarcastically because Keith Urban is playing on my mix list. lol. She's so funny sometimes...
I have listened to about 200 of the 2,000 plus songs on my list. This is going to take a while to actually listen to all of them...
Desperate Housewives was on last night. Does anyone else think that the chick who was warning Bree about her new husband really teamed up with her friend and Bree's new husband's ex wife to make it look like he killed her when really the chick killed Monique, her husband's mistress, and tried to make it appear that it was Alma so that she could get out of her marriage?! Anyone?! No?
I have homework to do. Darn it. I better get started.
That was random...oh well...
Peace out! :)
Friday, October 27, 2006
Even though I was slightly afraid of the dark when I was younger I used to like it when the electricity went out, I still do. I remember one time the whole family was at my grandparent's house and the grandchildren played hide and go seek in the dark in the basement. I can also recall my dad and mom teaching Patrick, Marissa, and I how to play BS in their bedroom with only my dad's battery work light to see what we were doing. And possibly my favorite memory of the electricity going out was when I learned how to play Hearts by candlelight. It was my dad, mom, Patrick, and I all sitting at the kitchen counter, and I beat them all my very first game.
So like I said, I enjoy when the electricity unexpectedly goes out just as much as the next person, but when I'm at college trying to study for a huge Physical Science exam and the electricity goes out my feelings have a tendency to change. There I was sitting at my desk at 7:45 p.m. reading my text book, trying really hard to actually understand waves and motion when all of a sudden the room went dark. For some odd reason my laptop and internet was still working fine. I discovered this last year, yet I still don't understand how...So thankfully, I still had one battery operated light that I keep by my bed on the top bunk. Determined to keep studying, I used this little light to continue reading...for a few minutes.
After my internet went out, I couldn't get a hold of Marissa who was at the theater, so I went out into the hall and tried to get some information. Apparently it was all out over the county and they weren't sure how long it would take to turn back on. While trying to figure out what to do some people were screaming at the window. There were some streakers outside running around the quad. I ran up to the window to catch a glimpse of the naked guys (No, not really. I didn't care, I was too worried about my exam). Still determined to study, I went to the Goggin Ice Arena with a couple of girls from my hall, and we studied there because it was lit with a generator. While there we found out that a semi had hit a transformer and the electricity was indeed out all over the county. The electricity came back on and then off again a couple of times before we had to leave when the building closed, but when we came back to the dorm it was still out.
As I continued to freak out about my huge exam that I already wasn't ready for before the electricity went out Marissa and I kept working on some homework in the hallway, having only the dim emergency lights to see with. Just as the noise in the hallway was becoming too unbearable to concentrate with the electric came back on. It had been out for about three hours, but felt like much longer. It was only eleven o'clock when I started to study in my room, but it felt like it was already 4 a.m. Usually I stay up all night studying for Physical Science exams, but for possibly the first time in my life I decided to screw it and give up. Feeling very unprepared I went to bed at 3 a.m. and got four hours of sleep.
During my 8 a.m. class instead of paying attention I frantically did some more studying, and as I read through my notes I realized that I might actually understand this stuff. I actually felt like I understood the material better than previous exams where I had spent much more time studying. So I went to class all ready to get the exam over with, and go figure, there was a sign on the door of the classroom: Exam Monday, class cancelled. Great, just my luck! All the time the electric was out I was praying that the exam would be cancelled, then when I actually spent the time studying and was ready for it, it was postponed. Now I have to study over the weekend. Just my luck!
So needless to say I wasted a perfectly good blackout studying and worrying about my exam. That freaking sucks!
I could have been streaking! :)
Ha ha...
So like I said, I enjoy when the electricity unexpectedly goes out just as much as the next person, but when I'm at college trying to study for a huge Physical Science exam and the electricity goes out my feelings have a tendency to change. There I was sitting at my desk at 7:45 p.m. reading my text book, trying really hard to actually understand waves and motion when all of a sudden the room went dark. For some odd reason my laptop and internet was still working fine. I discovered this last year, yet I still don't understand how...So thankfully, I still had one battery operated light that I keep by my bed on the top bunk. Determined to keep studying, I used this little light to continue reading...for a few minutes.
After my internet went out, I couldn't get a hold of Marissa who was at the theater, so I went out into the hall and tried to get some information. Apparently it was all out over the county and they weren't sure how long it would take to turn back on. While trying to figure out what to do some people were screaming at the window. There were some streakers outside running around the quad. I ran up to the window to catch a glimpse of the naked guys (No, not really. I didn't care, I was too worried about my exam). Still determined to study, I went to the Goggin Ice Arena with a couple of girls from my hall, and we studied there because it was lit with a generator. While there we found out that a semi had hit a transformer and the electricity was indeed out all over the county. The electricity came back on and then off again a couple of times before we had to leave when the building closed, but when we came back to the dorm it was still out.
As I continued to freak out about my huge exam that I already wasn't ready for before the electricity went out Marissa and I kept working on some homework in the hallway, having only the dim emergency lights to see with. Just as the noise in the hallway was becoming too unbearable to concentrate with the electric came back on. It had been out for about three hours, but felt like much longer. It was only eleven o'clock when I started to study in my room, but it felt like it was already 4 a.m. Usually I stay up all night studying for Physical Science exams, but for possibly the first time in my life I decided to screw it and give up. Feeling very unprepared I went to bed at 3 a.m. and got four hours of sleep.
During my 8 a.m. class instead of paying attention I frantically did some more studying, and as I read through my notes I realized that I might actually understand this stuff. I actually felt like I understood the material better than previous exams where I had spent much more time studying. So I went to class all ready to get the exam over with, and go figure, there was a sign on the door of the classroom: Exam Monday, class cancelled. Great, just my luck! All the time the electric was out I was praying that the exam would be cancelled, then when I actually spent the time studying and was ready for it, it was postponed. Now I have to study over the weekend. Just my luck!
So needless to say I wasted a perfectly good blackout studying and worrying about my exam. That freaking sucks!
I could have been streaking! :)
Ha ha...
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Play that Funky Music
Are you ever in a mood to listen to music, but you don't know what exactly it is you're in the mood to listen to? As I sat down to straighten my hair today I was in this exact predicament. So I decided to do something crazy...yes...I put every single song on my laptop on my playlist and put it on shuffle. The magic number, you ask? 2130 songs. I don't know if this is a lot or not many or average for a laptop, but it's how many I have. So far I am on number 33, You're Still the One by Shania Twain. Before that it was Hey Ladies by Destiny's Child and next is Long Ride Home by Patty Griffin...whoever that is...
As I listen to all of these songs I realize that I have probably never heard about 20% of the songs I have on my laptop. That's pretty sad...I mean, if I cared enough to copy these 2130 songs from 172 c.d.s the least I could do is listen to all of them...at least once. I realize that I just keep listening to the same songs and artists over and over again. They're good songs and artists, but I shouldn't play favorites. It's not nice....but I just can't bring myself to actually listen to some of these songs. Honestly, I don't know why some of them are even on my laptop...like the White Stripes. I don't like the White Stripes, yet I have at least two of their c.d.s on here, probably because Marissa listens to them and so I put them on here thinking maybe I would like them....but I don't. They suck.
And then there's all of the oldie songs I have from the mix c.d.s we made in junior high. Songs like I'm a Barbie Girl by Aqua, Nookie by Limp Bizkit, and the Graduation Song by Vitamin C. These junior high c.d.s of course include some awful rap songs that I can't bring myself to listen to for fear that I'll hate my junior high self. It's at least a comfort to know that I didn't make a huge majority of these c.d.s, Marissa did. So thankfully it wasn't my choice which songs went onto the c.d.s. Thank goodness I can't be blamed for that awful taste in music. (That's right, Marissa! It's all your fault!)
Nonetheless, I'm really enjoying listening to all the variety of artists. Hopefully by the time I'm done listening to all the songs I'll be able to recognize certain artists, specifically all the c.d.s I copied from John....which was a lot. And of course, I haven't had a chance to listen to all of them yet. So hopefully this will be good studying, and next time John says, "Who sings this song?" I can say, "Come on, that's easy. It's Roll with the changes by REO Speedwagon." And he'll be very impressed. I must say though, that I've been doing a pretty good job with the music questions he spurs on me. Why shouldn't I? I have such a wide variety of music that I listen to. I mean, there are a lot of songs that I know that he doesn't. I bet he doesn't know who sings Fall Into Me! (Emerson Drive)
Alright, well I'd better at least be productive while I listen to all this music. Current song playing: Somebody Like You by .38 Special, one of John's songs. And next up: Not Even the Trees by Hootie and the Blowfish. What would we do without music?
Rock on! :)
As I listen to all of these songs I realize that I have probably never heard about 20% of the songs I have on my laptop. That's pretty sad...I mean, if I cared enough to copy these 2130 songs from 172 c.d.s the least I could do is listen to all of them...at least once. I realize that I just keep listening to the same songs and artists over and over again. They're good songs and artists, but I shouldn't play favorites. It's not nice....but I just can't bring myself to actually listen to some of these songs. Honestly, I don't know why some of them are even on my laptop...like the White Stripes. I don't like the White Stripes, yet I have at least two of their c.d.s on here, probably because Marissa listens to them and so I put them on here thinking maybe I would like them....but I don't. They suck.
And then there's all of the oldie songs I have from the mix c.d.s we made in junior high. Songs like I'm a Barbie Girl by Aqua, Nookie by Limp Bizkit, and the Graduation Song by Vitamin C. These junior high c.d.s of course include some awful rap songs that I can't bring myself to listen to for fear that I'll hate my junior high self. It's at least a comfort to know that I didn't make a huge majority of these c.d.s, Marissa did. So thankfully it wasn't my choice which songs went onto the c.d.s. Thank goodness I can't be blamed for that awful taste in music. (That's right, Marissa! It's all your fault!)
Nonetheless, I'm really enjoying listening to all the variety of artists. Hopefully by the time I'm done listening to all the songs I'll be able to recognize certain artists, specifically all the c.d.s I copied from John....which was a lot. And of course, I haven't had a chance to listen to all of them yet. So hopefully this will be good studying, and next time John says, "Who sings this song?" I can say, "Come on, that's easy. It's Roll with the changes by REO Speedwagon." And he'll be very impressed. I must say though, that I've been doing a pretty good job with the music questions he spurs on me. Why shouldn't I? I have such a wide variety of music that I listen to. I mean, there are a lot of songs that I know that he doesn't. I bet he doesn't know who sings Fall Into Me! (Emerson Drive)
Alright, well I'd better at least be productive while I listen to all this music. Current song playing: Somebody Like You by .38 Special, one of John's songs. And next up: Not Even the Trees by Hootie and the Blowfish. What would we do without music?
Rock on! :)
Monday, October 23, 2006
Not Ready
About three weeks ago my friend, Bri Hansen, got married on a beach in Florida. Well, Bri Lipian now. Bri was basically my first friend when I moved to Loudonville in first grade. We were inseparable throughout the years, almost always in the same classes, and always doing everything together. We had some rough times in junior high and sort of fell apart, which made us a little more distant in high school, but recently we have been becoming friends again. It's really nice, and I was so happy for her to be getting married.
This past weekend I went to her beach themed wedding reception. I danced the chicken dance, toasted to their marriage, and even tried to catch the bouquet (well...I stood there with the other "single" girls). Seeing her have her first dance and feed cake to her new husband was so sweet. I still can't believe that she's married. I watched her grow up, I was there with her, learning lessons, making memories, and just living life. I am so happy that she is now starting her new life with her husband, and that she will be creating many more memories.
It's so hard to believe that someone my age, one of the friends that I grew up with, got married. It's so hard to believe that I'm now at that age where my friends will be getting engaged and married. I already have two other childhood friends that are engaged. I'm even a bridesmaid in one of them. I just can't believe it. I'm excited that I'm to this part in my life, but I'm scared that it's coming too fast. Am I really ready for this? Am I ready to grow up? Is anyone ready to grow up? We're adults. When did that happen and how do we make it stop?
Happy in love :)
But not quite ready for marriage
This past weekend I went to her beach themed wedding reception. I danced the chicken dance, toasted to their marriage, and even tried to catch the bouquet (well...I stood there with the other "single" girls). Seeing her have her first dance and feed cake to her new husband was so sweet. I still can't believe that she's married. I watched her grow up, I was there with her, learning lessons, making memories, and just living life. I am so happy that she is now starting her new life with her husband, and that she will be creating many more memories.
It's so hard to believe that someone my age, one of the friends that I grew up with, got married. It's so hard to believe that I'm now at that age where my friends will be getting engaged and married. I already have two other childhood friends that are engaged. I'm even a bridesmaid in one of them. I just can't believe it. I'm excited that I'm to this part in my life, but I'm scared that it's coming too fast. Am I really ready for this? Am I ready to grow up? Is anyone ready to grow up? We're adults. When did that happen and how do we make it stop?
Happy in love :)
But not quite ready for marriage
Monday, October 09, 2006
Waving the white flag
Baby I'm through runnin' it's true
I'd be a fool to try to escape you
Maybe I'm beat but oh what a sweet surrender
You keep your rights, I'll take your nights
No one can lose when we turn the lights out
Tastin' defeat, lovin' that sweet surrender
I'm givin' up myself to you but I didn't really lose at all
I gave the only love I've known and it never hurt me to fall
Now that it's done, so glad you won
I know our lives have only begun now
No more retreat, only my sweet surrender
The more time that goes by, the more I realize how lucky I am to be in love,
I'm sorry if it seemed otherwise.
I'd be a fool to try to escape you
Maybe I'm beat but oh what a sweet surrender
You keep your rights, I'll take your nights
No one can lose when we turn the lights out
Tastin' defeat, lovin' that sweet surrender
I'm givin' up myself to you but I didn't really lose at all
I gave the only love I've known and it never hurt me to fall
Now that it's done, so glad you won
I know our lives have only begun now
No more retreat, only my sweet surrender
The more time that goes by, the more I realize how lucky I am to be in love,
I'm sorry if it seemed otherwise.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
The time is almost upon us, the time where magic happens in the form of the Loudonville Free Street Fair. The overwhelming aroma of fair food, the joy you get while walking down the streets that are closed off for the special occasion, the blast back to childhood when you see the little kids riding the kitty rides (which were always more fun than the adult rides), the sensation of autumn's cool breeze that so gracefully moves the top of the tents. The anticipation is almost over! I can hardly control my emotions!
To the citizens of little old Loudonville the fair has become a holiday, celebrated even more than some official holidays, like...Arbor Day.... Seriously...how many people celebrate Arbor Day? Those mere five days in October are almost equal to the excitement one gets during those last few days before Christmas day. It's just that amazing! So amazing I would even go to say that it's my second favorite time of the year, Christmas, of course, being the first. So for those of you who haven't experienced the wonderfulness of the Loudonville fair, I'm sorry. And for those of you who have experienced the wonderfulness, but don't absolutely love it, you're crazy!
So needless to say this weekend is going to be great! Pure pleasure! Miss Mallory, Marissa, and I will be venturing to Loudonville, hopefully arriving around 4 p.m. on Friday. We will then proceed to hang out with friends, spend some time at grandma's, and of course, eat some yummy fair food. Saturday morning I am working at request of my bosses. I am going to sell bread at the market in Wooster from 7 a.m. to around 1 p.m. John has offered to go with me, that's nice of him...The rest of the weekend will be filled with more family and friend time at the the fair and the Henley residence. Of course, I will go to church with my mommy, and then savor the final hours before I have to come back to school....but let's not think about that...
So if you're from Loudonville and you're going home then make sure you meet up with me! Call me! Bump into me! Have my name announced over the sound system! I don't care! But get together with me because it's fairtime and we need to celebrate! Yay!
I can just taste the blueberry crisp :)
And smell the steer...
To the citizens of little old Loudonville the fair has become a holiday, celebrated even more than some official holidays, like...Arbor Day.... Seriously...how many people celebrate Arbor Day? Those mere five days in October are almost equal to the excitement one gets during those last few days before Christmas day. It's just that amazing! So amazing I would even go to say that it's my second favorite time of the year, Christmas, of course, being the first. So for those of you who haven't experienced the wonderfulness of the Loudonville fair, I'm sorry. And for those of you who have experienced the wonderfulness, but don't absolutely love it, you're crazy!
So needless to say this weekend is going to be great! Pure pleasure! Miss Mallory, Marissa, and I will be venturing to Loudonville, hopefully arriving around 4 p.m. on Friday. We will then proceed to hang out with friends, spend some time at grandma's, and of course, eat some yummy fair food. Saturday morning I am working at request of my bosses. I am going to sell bread at the market in Wooster from 7 a.m. to around 1 p.m. John has offered to go with me, that's nice of him...The rest of the weekend will be filled with more family and friend time at the the fair and the Henley residence. Of course, I will go to church with my mommy, and then savor the final hours before I have to come back to school....but let's not think about that...
So if you're from Loudonville and you're going home then make sure you meet up with me! Call me! Bump into me! Have my name announced over the sound system! I don't care! But get together with me because it's fairtime and we need to celebrate! Yay!
I can just taste the blueberry crisp :)
And smell the steer...
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Self Explanatory
And now a message to someone who never reads this blog anyway...
I think you should break up with Matt and start dating me.
I love you, but still...
I think you should break up with Matt and start dating me.
I love you, but still...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Sweet dreams are made of these
Do you believe that dreams have meanings? I have contemplated this concept many a times after waking up from various random dreams. It could be a wacky dream about multi-colored toothpicks (my mom's most famous dream), a happy dream about winning the lottery, or even a scary dream where all of your friends get murdered. I know that it would be stupid of me to take all my dreams literally, but do you ever wonder if there's a hidden message thrown in your dreams somewhere?
I like to tell myself that I don't believe all dreams mean something, but when I wake up from a dream I often find myself analyzing what it could possibly mean. I don't do this on purpose...for some reason I just automatically want to make sense of things. I guess it's a habit...bad or good I can't say...I remember one time on the bus to one of the basketball games one of my fellow cheerleaders, Katie, had a book about the meaning of dreams. We were all intrigued and spent the entire bus ride (an hour or so) flipping through this book. Now, it wasn't cut and dry, like "If you have a dream about an ex boyfriend it means you want him back..." It was more like, "If you have a dream about falling it signifies a decrease in your finances" or something like that...
It's been too long and I don't really remember what all the different dreams meant...which leaves me wondering about dreams I've had in the past and what exactly they're about...So I will share with you two of the reoccuring dreams I've had for as long as I can remember, and I'll leave the analyzing (or the debasing) up to you...
Dream #1
Has anyone ever seen the Michael Jackson "Thriller" video? It is complete with dancing zombies that chase a girl through the dark town into an old abandoned house, with zombie Michael Jackson as the leader. The video itself wasn't that scary, but when you're a six year old girl and you're watching a taping of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and as soon as the movie is over it cuts to the end of the Thriller video with Michael Jackson's big yellow scary eyes looking right at the camera, you'd be scared too! So needless to say, for many years (that's right, years!) after that night, I had reoccuring dreams where Michael Jackson, which big yellow zombie eyes, is chasing me through a dark and abandoned town.
What's this mean? I don't know...but after much thought, I am leaning towards the theory that it was foreshadowing Michael Jackson becoming really scary to look at (come on! He looks like a white woman with a bad nose job!)
Dream #2
Has anyone ever seen the television show, Super Market Sweepstakes? Well, the gist of it is that three different colored teams of two people are timed to see who can go around a grocery store and collect the most things. Whoever has the most money worth at the end wins. Well...for as long as I can remember, every year toward the end of the school year (maybe May...) I always have this exact same dream. My mom, Marissa, and I are in a HUGE shopping mall/grocery store....and so are ALL of our schoolmates with their parents. And someone sets a timer and says go and we all take off around the mall/store grabbing anything and everything we can get. It's crazy...every man for himself...I imagine it's much like shoppping on the day after Thanksgiving (I have not experienced this myself, but I've heard many horror stories).
I don't know what this is about...but it was actually sort of fun...I think we should all try it sometime...
So, basically I don't really understand dreams, but they're really wacky and funny sometimes. I just love them. I wish I could mentally record them and then be able to play them back. It would sure keep me entertained if I were in a boring class...would someone please invent a way to record dreams? I'd really appreciate it!
Sweet dreams are made of these :)
Wait...made of what?
I like to tell myself that I don't believe all dreams mean something, but when I wake up from a dream I often find myself analyzing what it could possibly mean. I don't do this on purpose...for some reason I just automatically want to make sense of things. I guess it's a habit...bad or good I can't say...I remember one time on the bus to one of the basketball games one of my fellow cheerleaders, Katie, had a book about the meaning of dreams. We were all intrigued and spent the entire bus ride (an hour or so) flipping through this book. Now, it wasn't cut and dry, like "If you have a dream about an ex boyfriend it means you want him back..." It was more like, "If you have a dream about falling it signifies a decrease in your finances" or something like that...
It's been too long and I don't really remember what all the different dreams meant...which leaves me wondering about dreams I've had in the past and what exactly they're about...So I will share with you two of the reoccuring dreams I've had for as long as I can remember, and I'll leave the analyzing (or the debasing) up to you...
Dream #1
Has anyone ever seen the Michael Jackson "Thriller" video? It is complete with dancing zombies that chase a girl through the dark town into an old abandoned house, with zombie Michael Jackson as the leader. The video itself wasn't that scary, but when you're a six year old girl and you're watching a taping of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and as soon as the movie is over it cuts to the end of the Thriller video with Michael Jackson's big yellow scary eyes looking right at the camera, you'd be scared too! So needless to say, for many years (that's right, years!) after that night, I had reoccuring dreams where Michael Jackson, which big yellow zombie eyes, is chasing me through a dark and abandoned town.
What's this mean? I don't know...but after much thought, I am leaning towards the theory that it was foreshadowing Michael Jackson becoming really scary to look at (come on! He looks like a white woman with a bad nose job!)
Dream #2
Has anyone ever seen the television show, Super Market Sweepstakes? Well, the gist of it is that three different colored teams of two people are timed to see who can go around a grocery store and collect the most things. Whoever has the most money worth at the end wins. Well...for as long as I can remember, every year toward the end of the school year (maybe May...) I always have this exact same dream. My mom, Marissa, and I are in a HUGE shopping mall/grocery store....and so are ALL of our schoolmates with their parents. And someone sets a timer and says go and we all take off around the mall/store grabbing anything and everything we can get. It's crazy...every man for himself...I imagine it's much like shoppping on the day after Thanksgiving (I have not experienced this myself, but I've heard many horror stories).
I don't know what this is about...but it was actually sort of fun...I think we should all try it sometime...
So, basically I don't really understand dreams, but they're really wacky and funny sometimes. I just love them. I wish I could mentally record them and then be able to play them back. It would sure keep me entertained if I were in a boring class...would someone please invent a way to record dreams? I'd really appreciate it!
Sweet dreams are made of these :)
Wait...made of what?
Monday, September 25, 2006
Find a penny, pick it up...
I've never been a really lucky person. I don't win lottery tickets, I don't find four leaf clovers, and I have never found the gold after a rainbow (supid leprechauns...too fast for me...). In fact, I'm not even sure if I believe in luck. Isn't luck just another superstition to believe in, and I certainly don't believe in superstitions, so why should I believe in luck? I don't believe that if I break a mirror or walk under a ladder I'm going to have bad luck for seven years, and I don't believe that knocking on wood actually does anything to help, nor crossing your fingers, and I certainly don't believe that if I don't send a forward that I'm going to be ugly for the next ten years. What's with that?! It doesn't even make sense!
But you see, the thing is...that I still knock on wood and cross my fingers for luck, I still don't go around trying to break mirrors or walking under ladders. I avoid them if at all possible. I still play lottery tickets if I'm given one, and I still do my fair share of looking for four leaf clovers every now and then. I still act like I can make my own luck and that superstitions are real (with the exception of forwards...I don't usually do forwards). I know that superstitions and luck aren't real, but that doesn't stop me from acting like they are. It's not that I am actually afraid of having bad luck, it's just that the little girl inside me wishes it would make me lucky. Just like how a part of me still wants to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny.
So, I imagine you're wondering why I wrote this little diddy about luck and superstitions. Here's the thing...I found a penny on the floor today while walking to class. What's the big deal you're wondering? Well, last Saturday night I found a penny on the floor of the restaurant we ate at. Still not intrigued? Last Friday I found a penny on the ground while walking back from class. That's three pennies in less than a week! In fact, it's three pennies in four days! Is that not crazy?! Marissa doesn't think so, she pretty much blew it off. But I think it's awesome!
Maybe it means something! Maybe it means things are finally looking up. Maybe it means I am going to stop procrastinating and start being productive! Maybe it means that I am going to make lots of new friends and have more fun at college. Maybe it means that I am going to gain some control and stop eating so much bad junk food! Or maybe it means that someone dropped a penny and I just so happened to find it...who knows...and who cares anyway?! All I know is, I found three pennies and I am feeling good. Does it really matter if it's luck?
Things are looking up :)
But you see, the thing is...that I still knock on wood and cross my fingers for luck, I still don't go around trying to break mirrors or walking under ladders. I avoid them if at all possible. I still play lottery tickets if I'm given one, and I still do my fair share of looking for four leaf clovers every now and then. I still act like I can make my own luck and that superstitions are real (with the exception of forwards...I don't usually do forwards). I know that superstitions and luck aren't real, but that doesn't stop me from acting like they are. It's not that I am actually afraid of having bad luck, it's just that the little girl inside me wishes it would make me lucky. Just like how a part of me still wants to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny.
So, I imagine you're wondering why I wrote this little diddy about luck and superstitions. Here's the thing...I found a penny on the floor today while walking to class. What's the big deal you're wondering? Well, last Saturday night I found a penny on the floor of the restaurant we ate at. Still not intrigued? Last Friday I found a penny on the ground while walking back from class. That's three pennies in less than a week! In fact, it's three pennies in four days! Is that not crazy?! Marissa doesn't think so, she pretty much blew it off. But I think it's awesome!
Maybe it means something! Maybe it means things are finally looking up. Maybe it means I am going to stop procrastinating and start being productive! Maybe it means that I am going to make lots of new friends and have more fun at college. Maybe it means that I am going to gain some control and stop eating so much bad junk food! Or maybe it means that someone dropped a penny and I just so happened to find it...who knows...and who cares anyway?! All I know is, I found three pennies and I am feeling good. Does it really matter if it's luck?
Things are looking up :)
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Who ever thought watching Baywatch would actually come in handy?
As I sat today trying to get the motivation to write yet another poem for Creative Writing class...I needed to focus. I needed to get in poetry mode...I needed to get inspired. So I went to google and I found my favorite poem, and I proceeded to read it over and over again, each time falling more in love with the beauty of the words (Sounds corny, I know, but it's the truth). I admit that the first time I ever heard this poem was actually on an episode of Baywatch. C.J. (Pamela Anderson) was "kidnapped" by her masked stalker, creating a Phantom of the Opera vibe. He read her poetry, she fell in love with him, and then he died. Such a good storyline...So anyway, when I heard him read this poem on the show, it instantly become my favorite.
Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE;--
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
She was a child and I was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love--
I and my Annabel Lee--
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud by night
Chilling my Annabel Lee;
So that her high-born kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.
The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,
Went envying her and me:--
Yes! that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of a cloud, chilling
And killing my Annabel Lee.
But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we--
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in Heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee:--
For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I see the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride,
In her sepulchre there by the sea--
In her tomb by the side of the sea.
So after about an hour of thinking and brainstorming I finally began to write. I wrote...and wrote...and wrote...until I was finished with my poem. Then I rearranged and changed some things in order to incorporate all of the five components of poetry into my work (Don't even ask...it's stupid poetry stuff...). I am not completely pleased with the final result because let's face it, my poetry sucks. But here it goes anyway...my sad excuse for a poem...Not even remotely resembling the brilliance of Edgar Allen Poe...
The Rainbow
Fire burning in my soul, a happy heart
To have and hold. Abundance of passion for all mankind –
Red. The color that I call mine
Fascination frees my imprisoned
Mind (creative waves I cannot hide)
Through my skin determination shines –
Orange. The color that I call mine
Living life like I’ll die today: “Just be happy”
That’s what I say! Never a need to ever whine –
Yellow. The color that I call mine
Plant a seed. Watch it grow. Change
Your age, but never get old
You may be impatient, but don’t step out of line –
Green. The color that I call mine
Father. Son. Holy Ghost. Helping those who need
Help the most. If I fall down, HE’s not far behind –
Blue. The color that I call mine
Mysterious eyes that watch and glow, Mine
(The secret you’ll never know)
Magic ways with sweet sublime –
Purple. The color that I call mine
So I know that some of you may be worried that this blog is going to turn into my personal poetry journal. But don't worry. It's not. Because as soon as I write the two more required poems I am done with poetry! (At least until the next college class that requires me to write it....) Man, that sucks.
Hating school, but loving life :)
Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe
It was many and many a year ago,
In a kingdom by the sea,
That a maiden there lived whom you may know
By the name of ANNABEL LEE;--
And this maiden she lived with no other thought
Than to love and be loved by me.
She was a child and I was a child,
In this kingdom by the sea,
But we loved with a love that was more than love--
I and my Annabel Lee--
With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven
Coveted her and me.
And this was the reason that, long ago,
In this kingdom by the sea,
A wind blew out of a cloud by night
Chilling my Annabel Lee;
So that her high-born kinsman came
And bore her away from me,
To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.
The angels, not half so happy in Heaven,
Went envying her and me:--
Yes! that was the reason (as all men know,
In this kingdom by the sea)
That the wind came out of a cloud, chilling
And killing my Annabel Lee.
But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we--
Of many far wiser than we-
And neither the angels in Heaven above,
Nor the demons down under the sea,
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee:--
For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but I see the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride,
In her sepulchre there by the sea--
In her tomb by the side of the sea.
So after about an hour of thinking and brainstorming I finally began to write. I wrote...and wrote...and wrote...until I was finished with my poem. Then I rearranged and changed some things in order to incorporate all of the five components of poetry into my work (Don't even ask...it's stupid poetry stuff...). I am not completely pleased with the final result because let's face it, my poetry sucks. But here it goes anyway...my sad excuse for a poem...Not even remotely resembling the brilliance of Edgar Allen Poe...
The Rainbow
Fire burning in my soul, a happy heart
To have and hold. Abundance of passion for all mankind –
Red. The color that I call mine
Fascination frees my imprisoned
Mind (creative waves I cannot hide)
Through my skin determination shines –
Orange. The color that I call mine
Living life like I’ll die today: “Just be happy”
That’s what I say! Never a need to ever whine –
Yellow. The color that I call mine
Plant a seed. Watch it grow. Change
Your age, but never get old
You may be impatient, but don’t step out of line –
Green. The color that I call mine
Father. Son. Holy Ghost. Helping those who need
Help the most. If I fall down, HE’s not far behind –
Blue. The color that I call mine
Mysterious eyes that watch and glow, Mine
(The secret you’ll never know)
Magic ways with sweet sublime –
Purple. The color that I call mine
So I know that some of you may be worried that this blog is going to turn into my personal poetry journal. But don't worry. It's not. Because as soon as I write the two more required poems I am done with poetry! (At least until the next college class that requires me to write it....) Man, that sucks.
Hating school, but loving life :)
Friday, September 15, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Come on with the rain, I've a smile on my face!
I'm singing in the rain. Just singing in the rain. What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again!
You know, some people see rain and think of dreary, cold, bad days. Well, not me! I look at rain and think of singing...and dancing...in the rain! Alright...I admit that sometimes rain puts me in a bad mood, but it's not really the rain that's putting me in a bad mood...it's the rain AND all my stress at the time. Right now I'm stressed (two exams tomorrow and no studying so far), but that doesn't mean I'm going to let the rain put me in a bad mood.
So I dressed according to the weather this morning and put on shorts and tennis shoes. I don't like to wear pants or capris when it's raining because they get wet. And I don't like to wear sandals because they always slip around when wet...and I certainly don't want to go falling on my face in the rain. Speaking of sandals...on my way to class today I saw one sandal on the sidewalk. How strange is that...? Just one...Seriously, how much in a hurry do you have to be to lose a sandal and not go back and get it...? "Oh, darn. Shoe fell off...no time...must keep walking..." Makes me laugh....
On my way back from class I was at first trying to avoid the big puddles...no sense in getting wet if you can help it. However, that didn't last very long. It was really raining out there! So I stepped in a couple of puddles and got my shoes wet. I'm talking, soak through the tennis shoe, making my feet wet. It felt good...the cold water....so I found myself purposedly walking in the puddles the rest of the way back to my dorm. I mean, let's face it. Once you're wet there's no point in avoiding getting wet some more. Bring on the wetness! While I walked I hummed the song, "Singing in the Rain" and I seriously would have danced and skipped through the puddles had there not been tons of people around..with angry faces....everyone looked so mad...I was probably the only person outside smiling.
So take my advice....don't ever let the rain put you in a bad mood...and don't ever be too rushed to go back and get your sandal...
Keep smiling :)
(and dancing...in the rain!)
You know, some people see rain and think of dreary, cold, bad days. Well, not me! I look at rain and think of singing...and dancing...in the rain! Alright...I admit that sometimes rain puts me in a bad mood, but it's not really the rain that's putting me in a bad mood...it's the rain AND all my stress at the time. Right now I'm stressed (two exams tomorrow and no studying so far), but that doesn't mean I'm going to let the rain put me in a bad mood.
So I dressed according to the weather this morning and put on shorts and tennis shoes. I don't like to wear pants or capris when it's raining because they get wet. And I don't like to wear sandals because they always slip around when wet...and I certainly don't want to go falling on my face in the rain. Speaking of sandals...on my way to class today I saw one sandal on the sidewalk. How strange is that...? Just one...Seriously, how much in a hurry do you have to be to lose a sandal and not go back and get it...? "Oh, darn. Shoe fell off...no time...must keep walking..." Makes me laugh....
On my way back from class I was at first trying to avoid the big puddles...no sense in getting wet if you can help it. However, that didn't last very long. It was really raining out there! So I stepped in a couple of puddles and got my shoes wet. I'm talking, soak through the tennis shoe, making my feet wet. It felt good...the cold water....so I found myself purposedly walking in the puddles the rest of the way back to my dorm. I mean, let's face it. Once you're wet there's no point in avoiding getting wet some more. Bring on the wetness! While I walked I hummed the song, "Singing in the Rain" and I seriously would have danced and skipped through the puddles had there not been tons of people around..with angry faces....everyone looked so mad...I was probably the only person outside smiling.
So take my advice....don't ever let the rain put you in a bad mood...and don't ever be too rushed to go back and get your sandal...
Keep smiling :)
(and dancing...in the rain!)
Saturday, September 09, 2006
I can only blame myself...
I was really excited about my Creative Writing class because I love to write! One of the assignments for the class is to write 12-15 minutes in a journal every day, which I have really come to love doing. It's nice to just sit and write about whatever you want. The only bad thing is that we're supposed to do it right after we wake up before we talk to anyone or have a chance to read anything. This presents a problem for me because I usually have nothing on my mind to write about except for sleep (since I just woke up). Therefore, I often opt to write later in the day so I have something to say...this is also probably because I don't like waking up extra early in the morning to do schoolwork...
Another assignment for the class is to read and write poetry. Now, don't get me wrong I can enjoy some good poetry every now and then. In fact, I even have some favorites: Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe and Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost come to mind. But you know what, I'm not the type of person who can sit down, read, and understand poetry. I'm just not that kind of person. The following is an exerpt from one of my journal entries about how much I don't really enjoy poetry (which might not have been a good idea considering there is a slight chance the professor might read it sooner or later...)
"I just really don't like reading poetry poetry and tyring to analyze what it's really about. If the author really wanted us to get it then why couldn't they just say what they meant instead of using all this symbolic metaphorical language? I don't get what they're saying half the time and when I do have an idea I'm usually wrong. That's another thing that irks me about poetry. Who's to say that my interpretation of a poem is wrong and yours is right? How do you know? Unless the meaning of the poem comes directly from the author's mouth who's to say that one idea is more accurate than another? I say that the only person who really understands a poem is the author and the rest of us should leave it alone.
Now about writing poetry...Well, quite frankly I just hate it. I'm not a poet. I don't know how to be original and metaphorical. I don't pretend to know how. If I write a poem it's going to be cut and dry, easy to understand. I am not a poet! I hate being forced to write poetry because I know I suck and what comes out on my paper is embarassing. As far as I'm concerned I'd rather paint myself blue and run around campus screaming, "I'm a smurf!" Anything to avoid writing poetry!
But alas, I am a college student and I am in a Creative Writing class that I voluntarily signed up for. I have to write poetry. My grade depends on it. Therefore, Mr. Steven P. Lansky, I will read your poetry, and I will write your poetry, but I will not like it, and I will not be good at it!"
And now...after that arguably long introduction...my first attempt at poetry...
Reckless Driving
The days go by like cars on a highway
No time to notice the scenes we drive by
Taking advantage of life has become so cliché
Our avoidance of blessings we casually deny
If only we could add a few stop lights to the road
Or maybe some stop signs at the least
But what difference would it make if this gift we bestow?
Our oblivion would stay, for it’s our hearts that need released
We must roll down the window; smell the green of the earth
Slow down to study the blur of the faces
For a new way of life we must force a rebirth
A way to get back into God’s gentle graces
What more can I say to express what I’m feeling –
We all have lives, but is anyone living?
I hate poetry and it hates me back!
Hating school, but loving life :)
Another assignment for the class is to read and write poetry. Now, don't get me wrong I can enjoy some good poetry every now and then. In fact, I even have some favorites: Annabel Lee by Edgar Allen Poe and Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost come to mind. But you know what, I'm not the type of person who can sit down, read, and understand poetry. I'm just not that kind of person. The following is an exerpt from one of my journal entries about how much I don't really enjoy poetry (which might not have been a good idea considering there is a slight chance the professor might read it sooner or later...)
"I just really don't like reading poetry poetry and tyring to analyze what it's really about. If the author really wanted us to get it then why couldn't they just say what they meant instead of using all this symbolic metaphorical language? I don't get what they're saying half the time and when I do have an idea I'm usually wrong. That's another thing that irks me about poetry. Who's to say that my interpretation of a poem is wrong and yours is right? How do you know? Unless the meaning of the poem comes directly from the author's mouth who's to say that one idea is more accurate than another? I say that the only person who really understands a poem is the author and the rest of us should leave it alone.
Now about writing poetry...Well, quite frankly I just hate it. I'm not a poet. I don't know how to be original and metaphorical. I don't pretend to know how. If I write a poem it's going to be cut and dry, easy to understand. I am not a poet! I hate being forced to write poetry because I know I suck and what comes out on my paper is embarassing. As far as I'm concerned I'd rather paint myself blue and run around campus screaming, "I'm a smurf!" Anything to avoid writing poetry!
But alas, I am a college student and I am in a Creative Writing class that I voluntarily signed up for. I have to write poetry. My grade depends on it. Therefore, Mr. Steven P. Lansky, I will read your poetry, and I will write your poetry, but I will not like it, and I will not be good at it!"
And now...after that arguably long introduction...my first attempt at poetry...
Reckless Driving
The days go by like cars on a highway
No time to notice the scenes we drive by
Taking advantage of life has become so cliché
Our avoidance of blessings we casually deny
If only we could add a few stop lights to the road
Or maybe some stop signs at the least
But what difference would it make if this gift we bestow?
Our oblivion would stay, for it’s our hearts that need released
We must roll down the window; smell the green of the earth
Slow down to study the blur of the faces
For a new way of life we must force a rebirth
A way to get back into God’s gentle graces
What more can I say to express what I’m feeling –
We all have lives, but is anyone living?
I hate poetry and it hates me back!
Hating school, but loving life :)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Aren't these things fun to read?!
Don't you just love these surveys?! Okay, so don't answer that...I know they're a bit boring to read, but let's face it...they are such an easy way to avoid thinking of something to write a blog entry about...
1. What is Your Name?: Katherine Marie Lunt
2. How old are you?: 19
3. Eye color: Just blue...
4. Your Car: My parent's Ford Taurus
5. Your Crushes First Name: Johnny Angel
6. Your Style: Not preppy, that's for sure
7. Have You Ever Sat on your rooftop?: Yeah, it's nice in the summer
8. Have You Ever Kissed someone in the rain?: Yeah, it's pretty cool
9. Have You Ever Talked to someone you don't know?: How else do you make friends...?
10. Have You Ever Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: I suppose I have...
11. Have You Ever Made out in a theatre?: No, there are people there!
12. Who was the last person to tell you, I love you?: John Algire Shearer
13. Who was the last person to kiss you?: John Algire Shearer
14. Who was the last person to call your cell phone?: Marissa
15. Who was the last person to go with you to the movies?: Jimmy, Seth, and David
16. Who was the last person to touch you?: Um...I don't know. My parents when they hugged me goodbye?
17. What's the last Movie you watched?: Dumb and Dumber
18. What's the last Drink you've had?: Dean's Chocolate Milk...mmmm
19. Can You Stay up a whole night without sleep?: But of course, how else do you survive college?
20. Can You Speak a different language?: Well, I took Spanish in school, so no...I wish I did though
21. Favorite Food: Cheesecake!
22. Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milk!
23. What's Your Favorite Baseball Team and Football Team: Um...no favorites...I'll watch an OSU football game every now and then...but I wouldn't call myself a fan...
24. Favorite Store: American Eagle
25. Longest Relationship: As of now...four months with Will...but very soon it will be four months with John!!!
26. Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Can't say that I have
27. Have You Ever Had Sex: Not that it's any of your business, but no
28. Do you have any siblings?: Christian: 24, Patrick: 21, and Marissa: 19
29. Do you wear glasses or contacts?: Neither, thank goodness
30. Do you have any piercings?: My ears
31. Have you ever Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?: I'm sure I have, hasn't everyone...?
32. What was the last Song you've listened to?: New York State of Mind by Billy Joel
33. What was the last Thing you were doing before this?: Eating lunch
34. How much cash do you have on you?: Um...$83.00 (I can't believe I actually got in my purse to count my money...)
35. What did your last text message say?: "What time are you done today?" (from Marissa)
36. What were you doing at midnight last night?: Homework...sigh...
37. What's a word that you say a lot?: Um...I don't know if it's a word, but I say "hm" a lot.
38. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Their smile
39. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: I would say no, because I almost had to...
40. Who would you like to see right now?: John Algire Shearer
41. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace?: No way! I don't even like MySpace!
42. The last time You saw someone else naked? who?: Honestly? Marissa...
43. The last time You played truth or dare? Oh geeze...it's been a while.
44. Are you single? Nope. I'm taken :)
45. How many relationships have you had?: Only counting high school and after high school I've had seven relationships, but with only five guys....and three of them lasted four days or less...
46. What are you wearing?: Jeans and a green sweatshirt
47. Have you ever had a one night stand?: Um...no
48. Did it involve sex?: Wait...I thought that one night stands meant sex....
49. Who are you with or who do you want to be with?: I am with Johnny Angel and I wouldn't want it any other way
50. Do you beleive you should be in love to have sex?: I believe you do, but some people have different opinions
51. Right at this moment Where are you?: In my dorm room
52. Have you ever been to NYC?: No, but I hope to some day
53. Have you ever pulled an all nighter? where?: Many a times for high school, for college, for sleepovers, and for New Years, and just for the heck of it
54. What was the last compliment you recieved?: "I love you." I think that's a compliment
55. Would you ever date someone younger than you?: I have before
56. Would you ever date someone older than you?: Yes sir!
57. Are you the romantic type?: But of course
58. Is your best friend a virgin?: What kind of a question is that? Isn't that something that should be written in my best friend's blog?
59. Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: I'm sure there has, nothing too damaging though
60. What did you do last night?: Homework...sigh...
61. Favorite Place to live?: As of now, Loudonville, Ohio, but I haven't really lived anywhere else 62. Best place to go on a date?: Anywhere or nowhere at all. It doesn't matter where, what matters is who with
63. Most memorable experience with a friend?: Oh geeze...that's tough. I would have to say the last night of high school with the wonderful Fab Five is probably pretty memorable
64. Any trips planned with friends?: We like to go to Put-in-Bay over the summer
65. Opinions/ Thoughts on Drugs and alcohol?: I don't see the point, but others seem to think it's cool. Who am I to judge others?
66. Do you believe that there is such a thing as soulmates?: Yes, of course
67. Whats the carziest thing you've done?: Um...Spontaneously jumped in a pool with all my clothes on?...Unfortunately I'm not a very crazy person...
68. Do you have your own crib?: You mean house? No...
69. Do you love to party?: Not particularly...but I can have a good time if I want
70. Do you like to play with peoples' minds?: Come on...I'm a girl...
71. Are you a heartbreaker?: I don't think so, but you could always get a second opinion
72. Have any pets?: Two cats, Anna and Monty, who my parents kicked out of the house. Poor babies....
73. Talked on the phone for more than 6 hrs : Yes, I have. My ear hurt.
Remember when...
74. First boy/girl crush: Nick Massie in kindergarten
75. First time you were grounded: Aimee Briscoe's rollerskating birthday party...Marissa was allowed to go and I wasn't...that was probably fifth grade or something...
76. Someone broke your heart: The last time was at the end of my senior year...it pretty much really sucked.
77. You shoplifted: Never done it.
78. You got caught: That's why I've never done it (Plus, it's morally wrong...)
79. You were kissed for the first time: Yeah...it was very awkward.
80. Went on your first date: I actually don't remember going on an actual "first date"
81. You got your first job: Yeah...Books Baubles and Brew is a smelly pirate hooker!
82. First pet: Cats Hannable and Hanna in kindergarten
83. You fell in love for the first time: Oh yes, and I must say that it's wonderful!
84. You drove a stick: Well, technically I still really haven't...but I did move the stick while John drove...I kept putting it in fifth instead of third...
85. First time you were pulled over: Hasn't happened yet. Knock on wood...
86. You ditched school: Once when I ditched lunch a teacher almost hit me as I was pulling off the school road! Stupid Mr. Dunlap!
87. First time you snuck out: Never really had to sneak out...but sneaking in...that's a horse of a different color!
88. First time you stayed out all night: Marissa and I stayed at Jimmy's house talking to him and Seth because it was past the town curfew (Or that's the excuse we used...)
89. Fruit: Clementines (small oranges) or purple grapes
90. Vegetable: Green peppers or potatos
91. Music: Oh boy...so many...Journey, The Eagles, Queen, the Beatles, Jim Croce, Billy Joel, Elton John, Michael Buble, The Killers, 50s music, the classics (Frank Sinatra, Etta James, Billy Holiday, Nat King Cole, etc.), some country, and many more...but no rap
92. Band/singer: Just one? Too tough...
93. Color: Blue
94. Flower: Chrysanthemum
95. Song: Moon River from Breakfast at Tiffany's, Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog, or Smile by Nat King Cole
96. Things to do: Spend time with my family, friends, and boyfriend
97. Tv show: Friends, Grey's Anatomy, Saved by the Bell, Gilmore Girls, Monk...to name a few...
98. Do you drink?: Hardly ever...a little something here and there either at home or with some girlfriends when we stay in. Sometimes I have a tad bit of whisky in pepsi or the occasional daquerie with just a tad bit of alcohol in it...
99. Have you ever been so drunk you don't remember anything?: Nope, never been drunk.
100. Have you ever been in a car accident?: No, thank goodness. Knock on wood.
101. Have you ever had surgery: Does gum surgery count...?
102. Are you reading any books at the moment?: No, but I want to read The Catcher in the Rye soon in addition to a huge list of books I need to read
103. Are you an artist?: Um...I would say no...but "artist" is such a controversial word...
104. Do you want to get married?: But of course!
105. Do you want to have kids?: I couldn't imagine not having them.
106. Do you attend school?: Miami University in Oxford, Ohio
107. When was your last date?: I wouldn't really call it a date, but the last time I went out with my boyfriend we went to Bob Evans with Marissa and Matt.
108. Do you have any nicknames?: Kevin, Kit Kat, Kathy May
109. Do you have any enemies?: Not that I know of...I hope nobody hates me...I think I'm pretty likeable...
110. Are you high-maintenance?: I would say no, but Matt and John would probably argue differently...
111. Do you have a tatoo?: Nope
112. What do you hate the most?: Hard to say...there are a lot of things to hate. I have pretty strong negative feelings for olives...
113. Do you like to fly in an airplane?: I've only done it once and I don't really remember it because it was only from the mainland to Put-in-Bay
114. What color are your bedsheets?: At home they're green and marroon. Here at college they're light blue.
115. What color is your car?: My parent's car that I drive is a dark gray.
116. What are your most important possessions?: Hm...good question...I'm not sure...I would probably have to say my cell phone because it is my connection with home.
117. Do you have a lot of money?: Not a whole lot because I'm a college kid...but more than other college kids I know...
118. What do you think about before you fall asleep?: A lot of random stuff...sometimes I just think, "Please let me fall asleep..."
119. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?: An artist or an author
120. Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?: A wife and mother. Oh...also I suppose an English teacher...
121. What are your favorite qualities in the opposite sex?: Sense of humor that makes me laugh, smile that makes me melt, and a heart that makes me lucky I got such a great guy
122. Have you ever made a boy/girl cry over you?: Dustin Rambacher in 6th grade...I felt so bad I went back out with him...
123. Have you ever cried over a boy/girl?: Yeah...many a times...boys suck sometimes
124. Do you have any secrets?: Yes...but I'm not going to tell you.
125. Have you ever been in love?: Yes, it's magically wonderful.
126. How many times?: I would say twice, but the first one doesn't even compare to this time...
127. Have you ever written a song?: Yeah...lol. Marissa and I were young and the songs didn't make any sense...
Finish the sentence
128. If I were a...rich man, da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da (It's from Fiddler on the Roof, NOT Gwen Stefani's stupid song!)
129. I love my...life!!!
130. I hate my...love of really unhealthy food...well, let's just say it's a love/hate relationship...
131. I wish...I could make time speed up and slow down, preferrably the latter...
132. If I were rich...I would pay for college, give my parents tons of money that I probably owe them for all the years they've been giving me money, and let's face it...I'd go shopping.
133. I wish to spend a day in the life of...Marissa...just to see what it's like...
134. I really want to travel to...England, Ireland, Greece, and other various places
135. The greatest thing in my life is...my family and friends
136. My greatest fear is...losing someone I love
137. Three things I cannot live without are...my family, friends, and faith
138. My heart belongs to...John Algire Shearer
More randomness
139. If you were born the oppisite sex what would your name be?: My parents said they were going to name us Nick and Alex if we were boys (just like the twins from Full House!)
140. Age you act?: It depends. Sometimes I act like a kid and sometimes I act my age. Why choose one over the other?
141. Age you want to be?: Sometimes I wish I could go back to being young, sometimes I wish I could fast forward to being an adult. But mostly I'm just happy to be this age, right now.
142. Righty or lefty?: Righty
143. What are you doing right now?: This survey...
144. What should you be doing right now?: Homework...sigh...
145. Do you have low self-esteem?: Well, I am a girl...so sometimes I'm not completely satisfied with the way I look, but I wouldn't say I have low self-esteem
146. Do you have any birthmarks?: Yep, one on my left thigh...it's weird.
147. Do you get online a lot?: I'm pretty much on all the time, but I don't really talk much anymore.
148. Do you sleep with the room door open or closed?: Um...if I slept with it open the Miami rapists would come and get me...
149. Do you have a curfew?: I don't think so...
150. Do you like taking pictures?: Um...I don't mind taking them
151. Do you like getting your picture taken?: I don't mind being in them except that I am not photogenic at all...
152. Do you have your own pool?: No...not really a huge swimmer...
153. Do you have a lot of ex's?: Let's see...starting with high school, I have four. That's not too bad...
154. Do you like getting dirty?: Depends why I'm getting dirty...food fight? Sure! Stepped in mud? No.
155. Are you flexiable?: Not really...I wish I were though.
156. Do you enjoy talking about gross and disturbing things?: Not particularly. ESPECIALLY not dead baby jokes!
157. What do you like least about your body?: I think John would get mad at me if I answered this one...
158. Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?: No. Why would I want to show off my belly?
159. What about cleavage?: What cleavage?
160. What size shoe do you wear?: I don't know...depends. 6 1/2 to 7 I guess...
161. Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?: I'm really close to both my parents, but I would have to say mom because we have a really special mother/daughter relationship
162. Who is your best friend?: I would have to say Marissa...come on, we're twins!
163. Who knows the most about you?: Probably Marissa....
164. Who do you trust the most?: Probably Marissa...
165. Who do you talk to on the phone the most?: John Algire Shearer
166. Have you ever screamed so much you lost your voice?: Cheering for the Loudonville boys basketball team when they went to state
167. Have you ever played strip poker?: No. I don't even know how to play regular poker...
168. Scariest dream?: I keep finding my family and friends murdered...while I'm being chased by the murderer myself...
169. What was your best dream?: Difficult to say, but definitely one involving John.
170. Are you clean-shaven?: Yep, I shaved my legs in the shower this morning!
171. What's your most complimented feature(s)?: My red hair (even though some mean people call it auburn...
172. Do you think life has been good so far?: Oh yes, and I hope it only gets better! I'm very blessed.
173. Have you ever gone three days without showering?: I would be lying if I said no...
174. Do you have a rubber bracelet?: No...I never really jumped on the "Live strong" bandwagon...not that I don't support cancer or something...
Opinions/ Thoughts
175. Abortion: I am definitely very much so against abortion in all situations
176. Gay rights: I think that homosexuals should get to live their life however they want. It's their life. Who are we to judge other peoplpes' lives?
177. Sex: I believe that it's something you should save for marriage or when you're in love.
178. Micheal Jackson: He has some good music, but quite frankly he scares the crap out of me. I had nightmares for years after watching his Thriller music video...
179. Drugs and alcohol: I believe that lots of people only do it because they think it's the cool thing to do, and I'm not ashamed to say that I have no desire to get high or drunk.
180. Politics: Um...I don't really follow them like I should. I'm hoping to get more informed for my first voting experience
Sorry that was so long...but if you actually read it all, then you can't blame me...you read it willingly! Heehee.
Keep smiling :)
1. What is Your Name?: Katherine Marie Lunt
2. How old are you?: 19
3. Eye color: Just blue...
4. Your Car: My parent's Ford Taurus
5. Your Crushes First Name: Johnny Angel
6. Your Style: Not preppy, that's for sure
7. Have You Ever Sat on your rooftop?: Yeah, it's nice in the summer
8. Have You Ever Kissed someone in the rain?: Yeah, it's pretty cool
9. Have You Ever Talked to someone you don't know?: How else do you make friends...?
10. Have You Ever Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: I suppose I have...
11. Have You Ever Made out in a theatre?: No, there are people there!
12. Who was the last person to tell you, I love you?: John Algire Shearer
13. Who was the last person to kiss you?: John Algire Shearer
14. Who was the last person to call your cell phone?: Marissa
15. Who was the last person to go with you to the movies?: Jimmy, Seth, and David
16. Who was the last person to touch you?: Um...I don't know. My parents when they hugged me goodbye?
17. What's the last Movie you watched?: Dumb and Dumber
18. What's the last Drink you've had?: Dean's Chocolate Milk...mmmm
19. Can You Stay up a whole night without sleep?: But of course, how else do you survive college?
20. Can You Speak a different language?: Well, I took Spanish in school, so no...I wish I did though
21. Favorite Food: Cheesecake!
22. Favorite Drink: Chocolate Milk!
23. What's Your Favorite Baseball Team and Football Team: Um...no favorites...I'll watch an OSU football game every now and then...but I wouldn't call myself a fan...
24. Favorite Store: American Eagle
25. Longest Relationship: As of now...four months with Will...but very soon it will be four months with John!!!
26. Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Can't say that I have
27. Have You Ever Had Sex: Not that it's any of your business, but no
28. Do you have any siblings?: Christian: 24, Patrick: 21, and Marissa: 19
29. Do you wear glasses or contacts?: Neither, thank goodness
30. Do you have any piercings?: My ears
31. Have you ever Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?: I'm sure I have, hasn't everyone...?
32. What was the last Song you've listened to?: New York State of Mind by Billy Joel
33. What was the last Thing you were doing before this?: Eating lunch
34. How much cash do you have on you?: Um...$83.00 (I can't believe I actually got in my purse to count my money...)
35. What did your last text message say?: "What time are you done today?" (from Marissa)
36. What were you doing at midnight last night?: Homework...sigh...
37. What's a word that you say a lot?: Um...I don't know if it's a word, but I say "hm" a lot.
38. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Their smile
39. Are you too shy to ask someone out?: I would say no, because I almost had to...
40. Who would you like to see right now?: John Algire Shearer
41. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace?: No way! I don't even like MySpace!
42. The last time You saw someone else naked? who?: Honestly? Marissa...
43. The last time You played truth or dare? Oh geeze...it's been a while.
44. Are you single? Nope. I'm taken :)
45. How many relationships have you had?: Only counting high school and after high school I've had seven relationships, but with only five guys....and three of them lasted four days or less...
46. What are you wearing?: Jeans and a green sweatshirt
47. Have you ever had a one night stand?: Um...no
48. Did it involve sex?: Wait...I thought that one night stands meant sex....
49. Who are you with or who do you want to be with?: I am with Johnny Angel and I wouldn't want it any other way
50. Do you beleive you should be in love to have sex?: I believe you do, but some people have different opinions
51. Right at this moment Where are you?: In my dorm room
52. Have you ever been to NYC?: No, but I hope to some day
53. Have you ever pulled an all nighter? where?: Many a times for high school, for college, for sleepovers, and for New Years, and just for the heck of it
54. What was the last compliment you recieved?: "I love you." I think that's a compliment
55. Would you ever date someone younger than you?: I have before
56. Would you ever date someone older than you?: Yes sir!
57. Are you the romantic type?: But of course
58. Is your best friend a virgin?: What kind of a question is that? Isn't that something that should be written in my best friend's blog?
59. Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: I'm sure there has, nothing too damaging though
60. What did you do last night?: Homework...sigh...
61. Favorite Place to live?: As of now, Loudonville, Ohio, but I haven't really lived anywhere else 62. Best place to go on a date?: Anywhere or nowhere at all. It doesn't matter where, what matters is who with
63. Most memorable experience with a friend?: Oh geeze...that's tough. I would have to say the last night of high school with the wonderful Fab Five is probably pretty memorable
64. Any trips planned with friends?: We like to go to Put-in-Bay over the summer
65. Opinions/ Thoughts on Drugs and alcohol?: I don't see the point, but others seem to think it's cool. Who am I to judge others?
66. Do you believe that there is such a thing as soulmates?: Yes, of course
67. Whats the carziest thing you've done?: Um...Spontaneously jumped in a pool with all my clothes on?...Unfortunately I'm not a very crazy person...
68. Do you have your own crib?: You mean house? No...
69. Do you love to party?: Not particularly...but I can have a good time if I want
70. Do you like to play with peoples' minds?: Come on...I'm a girl...
71. Are you a heartbreaker?: I don't think so, but you could always get a second opinion
72. Have any pets?: Two cats, Anna and Monty, who my parents kicked out of the house. Poor babies....
73. Talked on the phone for more than 6 hrs : Yes, I have. My ear hurt.
Remember when...
74. First boy/girl crush: Nick Massie in kindergarten
75. First time you were grounded: Aimee Briscoe's rollerskating birthday party...Marissa was allowed to go and I wasn't...that was probably fifth grade or something...
76. Someone broke your heart: The last time was at the end of my senior year...it pretty much really sucked.
77. You shoplifted: Never done it.
78. You got caught: That's why I've never done it (Plus, it's morally wrong...)
79. You were kissed for the first time: Yeah...it was very awkward.
80. Went on your first date: I actually don't remember going on an actual "first date"
81. You got your first job: Yeah...Books Baubles and Brew is a smelly pirate hooker!
82. First pet: Cats Hannable and Hanna in kindergarten
83. You fell in love for the first time: Oh yes, and I must say that it's wonderful!
84. You drove a stick: Well, technically I still really haven't...but I did move the stick while John drove...I kept putting it in fifth instead of third...
85. First time you were pulled over: Hasn't happened yet. Knock on wood...
86. You ditched school: Once when I ditched lunch a teacher almost hit me as I was pulling off the school road! Stupid Mr. Dunlap!
87. First time you snuck out: Never really had to sneak out...but sneaking in...that's a horse of a different color!
88. First time you stayed out all night: Marissa and I stayed at Jimmy's house talking to him and Seth because it was past the town curfew (Or that's the excuse we used...)
89. Fruit: Clementines (small oranges) or purple grapes
90. Vegetable: Green peppers or potatos
91. Music: Oh boy...so many...Journey, The Eagles, Queen, the Beatles, Jim Croce, Billy Joel, Elton John, Michael Buble, The Killers, 50s music, the classics (Frank Sinatra, Etta James, Billy Holiday, Nat King Cole, etc.), some country, and many more...but no rap
92. Band/singer: Just one? Too tough...
93. Color: Blue
94. Flower: Chrysanthemum
95. Song: Moon River from Breakfast at Tiffany's, Rainbow Connection by Kermit the Frog, or Smile by Nat King Cole
96. Things to do: Spend time with my family, friends, and boyfriend
97. Tv show: Friends, Grey's Anatomy, Saved by the Bell, Gilmore Girls, Monk...to name a few...
98. Do you drink?: Hardly ever...a little something here and there either at home or with some girlfriends when we stay in. Sometimes I have a tad bit of whisky in pepsi or the occasional daquerie with just a tad bit of alcohol in it...
99. Have you ever been so drunk you don't remember anything?: Nope, never been drunk.
100. Have you ever been in a car accident?: No, thank goodness. Knock on wood.
101. Have you ever had surgery: Does gum surgery count...?
102. Are you reading any books at the moment?: No, but I want to read The Catcher in the Rye soon in addition to a huge list of books I need to read
103. Are you an artist?: Um...I would say no...but "artist" is such a controversial word...
104. Do you want to get married?: But of course!
105. Do you want to have kids?: I couldn't imagine not having them.
106. Do you attend school?: Miami University in Oxford, Ohio
107. When was your last date?: I wouldn't really call it a date, but the last time I went out with my boyfriend we went to Bob Evans with Marissa and Matt.
108. Do you have any nicknames?: Kevin, Kit Kat, Kathy May
109. Do you have any enemies?: Not that I know of...I hope nobody hates me...I think I'm pretty likeable...
110. Are you high-maintenance?: I would say no, but Matt and John would probably argue differently...
111. Do you have a tatoo?: Nope
112. What do you hate the most?: Hard to say...there are a lot of things to hate. I have pretty strong negative feelings for olives...
113. Do you like to fly in an airplane?: I've only done it once and I don't really remember it because it was only from the mainland to Put-in-Bay
114. What color are your bedsheets?: At home they're green and marroon. Here at college they're light blue.
115. What color is your car?: My parent's car that I drive is a dark gray.
116. What are your most important possessions?: Hm...good question...I'm not sure...I would probably have to say my cell phone because it is my connection with home.
117. Do you have a lot of money?: Not a whole lot because I'm a college kid...but more than other college kids I know...
118. What do you think about before you fall asleep?: A lot of random stuff...sometimes I just think, "Please let me fall asleep..."
119. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?: An artist or an author
120. Now, what do you want to be when you grow up?: A wife and mother. Oh...also I suppose an English teacher...
121. What are your favorite qualities in the opposite sex?: Sense of humor that makes me laugh, smile that makes me melt, and a heart that makes me lucky I got such a great guy
122. Have you ever made a boy/girl cry over you?: Dustin Rambacher in 6th grade...I felt so bad I went back out with him...
123. Have you ever cried over a boy/girl?: Yeah...many a times...boys suck sometimes
124. Do you have any secrets?: Yes...but I'm not going to tell you.
125. Have you ever been in love?: Yes, it's magically wonderful.
126. How many times?: I would say twice, but the first one doesn't even compare to this time...
127. Have you ever written a song?: Yeah...lol. Marissa and I were young and the songs didn't make any sense...
Finish the sentence
128. If I were a...rich man, da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da (It's from Fiddler on the Roof, NOT Gwen Stefani's stupid song!)
129. I love my...life!!!
130. I hate my...love of really unhealthy food...well, let's just say it's a love/hate relationship...
131. I wish...I could make time speed up and slow down, preferrably the latter...
132. If I were rich...I would pay for college, give my parents tons of money that I probably owe them for all the years they've been giving me money, and let's face it...I'd go shopping.
133. I wish to spend a day in the life of...Marissa...just to see what it's like...
134. I really want to travel to...England, Ireland, Greece, and other various places
135. The greatest thing in my life is...my family and friends
136. My greatest fear is...losing someone I love
137. Three things I cannot live without are...my family, friends, and faith
138. My heart belongs to...John Algire Shearer
More randomness
139. If you were born the oppisite sex what would your name be?: My parents said they were going to name us Nick and Alex if we were boys (just like the twins from Full House!)
140. Age you act?: It depends. Sometimes I act like a kid and sometimes I act my age. Why choose one over the other?
141. Age you want to be?: Sometimes I wish I could go back to being young, sometimes I wish I could fast forward to being an adult. But mostly I'm just happy to be this age, right now.
142. Righty or lefty?: Righty
143. What are you doing right now?: This survey...
144. What should you be doing right now?: Homework...sigh...
145. Do you have low self-esteem?: Well, I am a girl...so sometimes I'm not completely satisfied with the way I look, but I wouldn't say I have low self-esteem
146. Do you have any birthmarks?: Yep, one on my left thigh...it's weird.
147. Do you get online a lot?: I'm pretty much on all the time, but I don't really talk much anymore.
148. Do you sleep with the room door open or closed?: Um...if I slept with it open the Miami rapists would come and get me...
149. Do you have a curfew?: I don't think so...
150. Do you like taking pictures?: Um...I don't mind taking them
151. Do you like getting your picture taken?: I don't mind being in them except that I am not photogenic at all...
152. Do you have your own pool?: No...not really a huge swimmer...
153. Do you have a lot of ex's?: Let's see...starting with high school, I have four. That's not too bad...
154. Do you like getting dirty?: Depends why I'm getting dirty...food fight? Sure! Stepped in mud? No.
155. Are you flexiable?: Not really...I wish I were though.
156. Do you enjoy talking about gross and disturbing things?: Not particularly. ESPECIALLY not dead baby jokes!
157. What do you like least about your body?: I think John would get mad at me if I answered this one...
158. Do you ever wear shirts do show your belly?: No. Why would I want to show off my belly?
159. What about cleavage?: What cleavage?
160. What size shoe do you wear?: I don't know...depends. 6 1/2 to 7 I guess...
161. Are you more of a mommys or daddys child?: I'm really close to both my parents, but I would have to say mom because we have a really special mother/daughter relationship
162. Who is your best friend?: I would have to say Marissa...come on, we're twins!
163. Who knows the most about you?: Probably Marissa....
164. Who do you trust the most?: Probably Marissa...
165. Who do you talk to on the phone the most?: John Algire Shearer
166. Have you ever screamed so much you lost your voice?: Cheering for the Loudonville boys basketball team when they went to state
167. Have you ever played strip poker?: No. I don't even know how to play regular poker...
168. Scariest dream?: I keep finding my family and friends murdered...while I'm being chased by the murderer myself...
169. What was your best dream?: Difficult to say, but definitely one involving John.
170. Are you clean-shaven?: Yep, I shaved my legs in the shower this morning!
171. What's your most complimented feature(s)?: My red hair (even though some mean people call it auburn...
172. Do you think life has been good so far?: Oh yes, and I hope it only gets better! I'm very blessed.
173. Have you ever gone three days without showering?: I would be lying if I said no...
174. Do you have a rubber bracelet?: No...I never really jumped on the "Live strong" bandwagon...not that I don't support cancer or something...
Opinions/ Thoughts
175. Abortion: I am definitely very much so against abortion in all situations
176. Gay rights: I think that homosexuals should get to live their life however they want. It's their life. Who are we to judge other peoplpes' lives?
177. Sex: I believe that it's something you should save for marriage or when you're in love.
178. Micheal Jackson: He has some good music, but quite frankly he scares the crap out of me. I had nightmares for years after watching his Thriller music video...
179. Drugs and alcohol: I believe that lots of people only do it because they think it's the cool thing to do, and I'm not ashamed to say that I have no desire to get high or drunk.
180. Politics: Um...I don't really follow them like I should. I'm hoping to get more informed for my first voting experience
Sorry that was so long...but if you actually read it all, then you can't blame me...you read it willingly! Heehee.
Keep smiling :)
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Bear with me (corrected from Bare with me) Also, Jimmy Lingenfelter is mean.
Well...if you're a dedicated reader you can obviously see that I've been messing around with my blog. My original idea was to do a complete makeover for my blogsite, but things just aren't going my way...First I wanted to change the templete to something other than what's offered through the blogsite, but I couldn't get that to work...Then I tried to change my picture, and that was a semi failed attempt. Then I wanted to think of a new name, and I'm still toying around with options.
So for now this is what I'm stuck with...I'll probably try to change it soon or sometime in the future, but quite frankly I'm sick of messing around with this and trying to figure it out! Why do I have to be so computer illiterate?! Oh well...I'll just have to make do, and unfortunately so will you. If you're a true blogger you'll keep reading anyway, and if you're a true friend you'll give me some imput on what to do. Heehee.
Loving life,
So for now this is what I'm stuck with...I'll probably try to change it soon or sometime in the future, but quite frankly I'm sick of messing around with this and trying to figure it out! Why do I have to be so computer illiterate?! Oh well...I'll just have to make do, and unfortunately so will you. If you're a true blogger you'll keep reading anyway, and if you're a true friend you'll give me some imput on what to do. Heehee.
Loving life,
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