Well, it's been a good week and a half before I've last updated. And either people don't read this anymore, or it's just been too boring to even comment, but here I am, attempting again. Last Sunday I had such a wonderful day. I had the day off of work, my first Sunday off in who knows how long, meaning I got to go to 10:00 mass for once instead of 8:00. I got to sing in the choir with my mom, for the last time before I leave for college. So that was very nice. Then to make the day extra wonderful, I went to breakfast (to Broken Rocks, of course) with my mom and Aunt Susie. We had some nice conversations about college and boys and just all sorts of interesting stuff.
After breakfast we dropped my aunt off at my grandma's, where she greets us with, "Perfect timing! It's green bean picking time!" So after changing out of our church clothes, I helped pick green beans, which I don't mind doing at all because I love my grandma and it's good bonding time with the family. Then I helped break apart the beans while my grandma and mom went back down to my house to watch about 5 of my uncles take down one of our huge 75 foot trees in our backyard that was tilting towards the house. So after we finished with the green beans I went back down to my house where the Henley uncles were cleaning up, and I had a nice conversation with my cousins Rachel and Will. After watching Sandlot my mom, dad, Marissa, and I went to eat at East of Chicago and then we came home and my mom, Marissa, and I watched the first half of Camelot, my mom's favorite musical that we haven't seen since like 1st grade, that we hate. The things I do for my mommy...lol.
After that much needed, relaxing, family day, I left for Put-in-Bay Monday morning with Amy, Tiffani, Beth, and Marissa. Ashley was supposed to go too, but she bailed on us....nice...Anyway, the drive up was nice and long...yes long...it took us approx. 3 1/2 hours to get there, considering we were driving in the wrong direction for a while (which made me feel absolutely stupid considering I've been to P.I.B. about a million times and should have noticed that nothing looked familiar). We also had to stop at a gas station when the tail light on our van feel off and was hanging on by a wire, lol. The duck tape we put on so long ago when my dad smashed the light by running into our stone wall had finally come off. And since the gas station didn't have duct tape we had to pile on the electric tape, lol. It was rather humorous.
When we finally got to P.I.B. we had a nice relaxing time at the cabin, where we read Amy's Cosmo magazine fully of weird interviews with guys about sex and other misc. stuff. There were some rather humorous and disturbing things in that magazine, and I can only say that I've never laughed so hard while reading all the odd stuff....An especially funny occurance while reading the magazine made us all laugh so hard...there was one of those pages where you peel off the paper and smell the sample of perfume....and Amy peeled a piece off the top and smelled it. So we said, "How's it smell?" And Amy replies, "It's alright." Then Marissa peeled off the bottom and there was the tampon ad, lol. Apparently it was the smell of the new scented tampons, lol. So the whole rest of the trip we got to joke about Amy smelling tampons, lol. It was hilarious.
The rest of the trip was very nice. We had a good amount of girl talk, of course. And also our fair share of chocolate at the wonderful new chocolate shop. We also played some putt putt. I putted a 54, which isn't too bad for me, and called some guy named Paul whose number was written on the stand, claiming to be Lucinda (Tiff's middle name). He wasn't there, so I left a message, lol. We also did some shopping, where we each bought one of those hats that asians wear...the sort of pointed ones...They are awesome. We wore them around P.I.B. and got many compliments from people driving or walking by. My favorite was from some drunk chick (And it was only like 4:00 p.m.) whose breath smelled so bad that Tiffani said if she came any closer she'd push her away, lol.
Next we went up in Perry's Monument. We wanted to wear our hats up, but the guy said it was too windy, so we had to leave them behind. :( And since the monument was 16 and under free, we sort of lied and said that we were all 16. So we got in for free, and rode up in the elevator with this really annoying guy who thought everything he said was funny, and his family...Then on our way back down the monument we were going to get in the same elevator as the guy again, but Amy didn't want to, so we told the elevator guy we would just wait for the next one, and he gave us a werid questioning look. So me, thinking quickly, said, "I'm claustrophobic." And then he just nodded and said, "Oh, alright." So the next elevator we just rode down by ourselves, lol.
Once we got back to Loudonville we went to the pool where we saw some band people and got some more compliments on our hats, then we went to the movies to see Wedding Crashers, where we still wore our awesome hats. We met some guy who knew Eric Nickles and met these two other guys who asked to sit with us since their friends left them...It was an awesome movie!!!! I laughed so hard I thought I was going to burst, lol. The next day I went to the pool with Amy and Tiffani, and went swimming for the third time this summer...I got a very little tan. Yay! At least I can notice it...even if others can't, lol. Then I went shopping with Beth to get some stuff for Brian for his birthday. Then I got home from Mansfield, met up with Amy, Tiffani, Marissa, and Theresa, and drove to Mansfield again to see Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which was also a rather good movie.
The next day I went to Brian's house where I spent the entire day with him since it was his birthday. I got him some misc. stuff, including the Pink Floyd Animals c.d, which I couldn't give him the day of his birthday since it didn't come until after I left for his house. Then he went out and bought the c.d. the very next day, lol. Oh well...nothing I can do about it now...We watched The Last Action Hero, Romancing the Stone, and The Rock throughout the day. It was very nice spending the entire day with Brian and I hope he had a wonderful birthday.
The next day I went to Berlin with my mom, dad, and Marissa. Berlin, Ohio, silly, I didn't go to any foreign countries. So we spent about 3 hours looking around the Antique Mall, where we spent lots of money because my parents are antique freaks, in a good way. Then we went to eat at this really bad place that we rated about a 4 out of 10. Then we went to this cool shop that had fudge and it was a little store. So even though I barely ever wear rings, I bought this really pretty one that I'm actually going to wear.
So basically since then I've just been working, all weekend, as usual. And now I'm sitting here blogging. But really, I should be getting to bed since I have to wake up early in the morning to go to P.I.B. with Lauren, Twila, and Marissa for the annual trip. This will be the fourth year. Yay! Alright, well I'm finally done. I bet you thought that would never end. Heehee. Alright, I'll update later. Peace out!